
More of us need to grow our own food

Monday 25 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I AM wondering how our farmers are going with learning about how to be organic growers as announced as a trial by our Ministry of Agriculture in an attempt to find ways to lessen the use of dangerous paraquat sprays on our food grown here in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Where to for Demos after Teina Bishop?

Monday 25 July 2016 | Published in Opinion

RIGHT NOW, I am in extreme anguish over the guilty finding the jury returned for my dear friend Teina Bishop.


Demo party cops fallout from Teina Bishop case

Saturday 23 July 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“HOW CAN ANYONE now have any credibility and faith in the opposition and in the Democratic Party?” a smoke signaller asks.

Smoke Signals

Legend production a great show

Saturday 23 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE MINISTRY of Cultural Development must be congratulated on its excellent cultural legend drama production involving the schools on Thursday.

Letters to the Editor

It's time for women to run the country

Saturday 23 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

SOMEONE wrote to CI News saying Rose Brown would be a good PM if she achieved various things.

Letters to the Editor

More to decluttering than meets the eye...

Saturday 23 July 2016 | Published in Opinion

Can you imagine becoming a millionaire by teaching people how to fold their underwear in a new way?


Political writer on the money

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

THE POLITICAL COMMENTATOR who predicted last week that the Demo Party would self-destruct before long, was right on the money, a smoke signaler says.

Smoke Signals

Return of the 'ghost writers' good to see

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

FIRSTLY, IT’S good to see “ghosts” engaging in conversations again.

Letters to the Editor

Nonsense comparison

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WAS listening to talkback radio this morning and I heard George Pitt remark that similar to South Africa’s Nelson Mandela our very own Teina Bishop could make a political comeback. That, he said, would be if the guilty verdict remains and Bishop serves a lengthy prison sentence.

Letters to the Editor

Power tariffs spark dissatisfaction

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

CHECKING the past six months of my household’s power consumption, it’s apparent that domestic users of electricity are severely disadvantaged by the current electricity tariffs, which I and no doubt many others, are unhappy about.

Letters to the Editor

Stop pointing fingers and find a solution

Thursday 21 July 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“WHY CAN’T WE just talk about solutions or ideas to pass on to the owners of the buggy business instead of pointing fingers at the problem?”

Smoke Signals

Kava discussion prompts more debate

Thursday 21 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THIS IS part three of a debate initiated after the closure of Terry Rangi’s ‘Atiu Tumunu Experience’ in O’oa, Tupapa, a couple of months ago (CI News, May 26), in which I suggested Terry shift from “bush-beer” and reintroduce kava.

Letters to the Editor

Counselling centre looks at holistic approach

Wednesday 20 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ROTAIANGA Men’s Support Centre has been an important partner working with us in our joint goal of ending domestic violence.

Letters to the Editor

Working together on suicide issue

Wednesday 20 July 2016 | Published in Opinion

Guest columnist Thomas Wynne takes a look at a conference on suicide prevention, held in Japan in May this year, and the contribution made by Cook Islander Eliza Puna, who gave a presentation on her Phd on Suicide Prevention amongst Cook Islands Youth in New Zealand; Eliza Puna. The conference was attended by a number of service providers in the Pacific.


Chaos on our roads

Tuesday 19 July 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

IT IS ABOUT time people are complaining about the noise and dust created by the buggies which have been getting attention in CI News recently.

Smoke Signals

Suggestion for Tourism: Bring back the Canadians!

Tuesday 19 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IT IS very pleasing to see the benefits of the current high levels of tourist numbers filtering down throughout most of the community.

Letters to the Editor

Demos seem bent on self-destruction

Tuesday 19 July 2016 | Published in Opinion

Occasional columnist Mata-Atua McNair casts her eye over the current political situation in the Cook Islands and tries to make sense of some strange and bewildering events.


Unit Titles Act not great at protecting landowners

Monday 18 July 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

IN HIS LETTER of July 15, Tim Tepaki sets out the problem of landowners losing their leases, then states that the Unit Titles Act prevents this. Well take note, the leases of four motels owned a few years ago by his companies are now all owned by other people. Pa Enua, you have been warned.

Smoke Signals

Commentator flexes his 'mussels'

Monday 18 July 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

YOUR SENSUALISATION (sic) of critical comments by the sour grapes Wilkie Rasmussen behind the mask of his positon as president of the toothless law society, appears to be trying to make out that they carry some credibility.

Letters to the Editor

Would a new government be any better?

Monday 18 July 2016 | Published in Tropical Chronicles

I KNOW you people can see what I mean. A change will inevitably result in a bad government being replaced by another bad one, or worse, by an incompetent one - and even worse, by an incompetent one run by rogues.

Tropical Chronicles

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