Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Regarding the article in CI News on May 25 about the halt to the water project, it says there there are strong objections from the landowners of the water intakes in Turangi and Avana because domestic users would be charged for water consumption. That is not true – it’s totally misleading.
Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I write in response to the story in CI News headlined, “Business Hindered by ‘rules’.”
Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Please allow me to offer some explanation to the story in CI News on Thursday May 26 headlined, “Storm gathers over CINAT news.”
Thursday 26 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
“Just a thought for Ruth Horton,” a smoke signaller says.
Thursday 26 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The Cook Islands economy is fragile and while we often note that tourism is the biggest component we should not take other components for granted and the local media is one example.
Thursday 26 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ever since our national team left Rarotonga for Guam I’ve been looking forward to reading in the daily paper what they’ve been doing.
Wednesday 25 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
“Interesting to see on CITV last night the highlights of the CINAT in Guam, but specifically Vaitoti Tupa being addressed as “Arera Rangatira,” a smoke signaller says.
Wednesday 25 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I would like to inform you about an exhibition and reading about the Cook Islands currently taking place at our art gallery Werkstatt-Kaffee and summer coffee alongside the river Rhein in Bad Säckingen, Germany.
Wednesday 25 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Bluesky introduced No Excess Internet plans on October 1, 2015.
Wednesday 25 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Would you imagine for a moment, a business which sells just one item.
Tuesday 24 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
“A touch of paint is really needed to lighten up the place,” says a smoke signaller. “Come on Tourism, you are promoting…um, tourism. Look at your own office in downtown Aitutaki. It needs a bit of love and paint. So there you go start spending the dollars on the simple things in life.”
Tuesday 24 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
It has been a while since I brought to light the lack of safety road markings at the Takitumu Primary School cross walk area.
Monday 23 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
Why is it that a Bluesky invoice dated April 30 and issued about May 4 does not hit the mailbox on Aitutaki until May 18? This is an ongoing problem that we had with TCI, and the new mob are just as complacent, the invoice arriving only a day or two before the required payment date.
Monday 23 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
My friend Tom Wills and I have been doing our late afternoon walks now for a number of years; in fact, since around 2005.
Monday 23 May 2016 | Published in Opinion
I would like to live long enough to see the day when people of Chinese or Asian descent are in the majority in New Zealand, and I would like Mike Hosking and the racist citizenary of New Plymouth to be around then too.
Saturday 21 May 2016 | Published in Opinion
Araura College Counsellor Thomas Wynne and I were recently talking about the needs of youth, and he shared some fascinating information. Thomas discovered what students at Araura are craving as ways to feel loved.
Saturday 21 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Further to my letter to the editor of CI News on Friday May 13 regarding the robbery and trashing of my home in Avana, I would like to mention that with the information and evidence available, the police will hopefully make an arrest soon.
Saturday 21 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Why is the same person complaining about slow drivers?
Saturday 21 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
So we have another case of missing money on our cultural director’s hands.
Saturday 21 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Are we expected to accept the CIP government is calling for their first sitting of the year in June, knowing full well that they have two MPs under investigation Moana Ioane and Teariki Heather, while Mark Brown was also under investigation before Christmas about the $200,000 advancement to the PSL schooner that is now rusting and polluting our northern islands?
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