
Landowners' views on Te Mato Vai

Friday 3 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

AFTER last week’s front page headline re: Te Mato Vai and land issues, I thought I ought to write a letter with a brief recap of the matter from the perspective of landowners.

Letters to the Editor

Constitution clearly states peoples' rights

Thursday 2 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

OUR Clerk of Parliament, who featured on the front page of Wednesday’s CI News, is not duty-bound, but appears spellbound by his masters.

Letters to the Editor

More questions for the government

Thursday 2 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I HAVE some questions for the government when it decides to sit.

Letters to the Editor

League critics prompt letter

Thursday 2 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WOULD like to thank all who participated in our rugby league competition through to our grand finals.

Letters to the Editor

Stay cool with Solacoat

Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IF YOU’RE looking for an environmentally-friendly product that saves money and still keeps you cool, Solar Bob’s the man to talk to.

Letters to the Editor

Let's just imagine

Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IF WE could hypothesise here, let’s say it had been proven our government was corrupt and taxpayers’ money was spent on boats, cars and overseas holidays, Members of Parliament were in breach of the law and under investigation but were still allowed to leave the country.

Letters to the Editor

Action Man gets poetic

Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

TUPAPA Nui e, te oire manea, te noo ia e matou e, I runga ia Rarotonga,

Letters to the Editor

Questions linger over govt spending

Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

HERE are some questions for Prime Minister Henry Puna’s right-hand man, Trevor Pitt ,who knows everything there is to know about the PM:

Letters to the Editor

Bycatch issues make FADs 'senseless'

Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

HAVING recently come across Ministry of Marine Resources secretary Ben Ponia’s letter to your paper of March 14 this year, I was surprised to read him describe banning fish aggregation devices (FADs) as “senseless” as he must know it is their wasteful bycatch issues that make using them senseless.

Letters to the Editor

It's all a matter of sticking to values

Tuesday 31 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

GUESTS from Australia left with us cans of tuna fish being a store brand from Woolworth’s.

Letters to the Editor

Simple solution to 'cleaning' Manihiki lagoon

Tuesday 31 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I HAVE been badgering CIPA and have even written letters to CI News.

Letters to the Editor

Why name change proposed for college

Tuesday 31 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

AS a result of the recent meetings advertising the proposed change of name for Titikaveka College, I have had so many people speak to me about their thoughts on the matter that I felt it would be best to write a letter highlighting why I called attention to the school to consider a name change.

Letters to the Editor

Cook Islands devoid of critical thinking

Monday 30 May 2016 | Published in Opinion

Last week, a Tongan academic claimed that the Pacific is at a critical stage where there is a noticeable lack of “critical thinking.”


One hazard leads to another

Monday 30 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

A NOTE and a photo from smoke signaller Kevin Cook:

Smoke Signals

Saltwater solution suggested

Monday 30 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It saddened me reading your lead article on May 26 headed, “Land issues halt Te Mato Vai,” and finding out that the project manager and contractor have both left because of unresolved land issues.

Letters to the Editor

TMV meets definition of insanity

Monday 30 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding last Wednesday’s story on the front page of CI News, “Land issues halt Te Mato Vai.”

Letters to the Editor

Action works, but so does writing letters

Saturday 28 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Action works, but so does writing letters

Letters to the Editor

World watching at the stadium today

Saturday 28 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

TODAY we will see some of the best rugby league ever being played at the BCI Stadium.

Letters to the Editor

Words from the heart on island dog cull

Saturday 28 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I ALWAYS said the day I stopped becoming emotional over the treatment of animals was the day I need to take a long hard look at myself.

Letters to the Editor

Some questions about leaf-blowing MP

Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Can someone please explain to the public what right MP George Maggie has to be holding motorists up on their way to work at 8.00am and at 4.00pm and why he can’t do his ‘blow-waving’ at a more appropriate time of day?” a smoke signaller asks.

Smoke Signals

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