
A five-star mistake

Monday 22 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Tim Tepaki is misled if he thinks the old Sheraton remodelled to be a five-star hotel will help the Rarotongan economy.

Letters to the Editor

Take urgent steps to be healthier

Monday 22 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

RECENTLY I was privileged to be invited to sit in on the one-day conference revealing the findings from the Pacific Science for Health Literacy Project, which collaborators have worked on over the past three years.

Letters to the Editor

Ideas on energy

Saturday 20 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

KEN KINGSBURY was right to ponder the whereabouts of the government’s steps towards this sustainable future PM Puna is always telling the world we will have by 2020.

Letters to the Editor

Envy cooks a stew of nasty self-pity

Saturday 20 August 2016 | Published in Opinion

THERE WAS such appreciative feedback about last week’s column on “The Green Eyed Monster” of jealousy, that I decided to write about its ugly step sister, envy, which is being jealous of what other people have.


Youngsters have chance to learn valuable skills

Friday 19 August 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

I WOULD like to congratulate The Rarotongan Beach Resort and Spa for their innovative and inspiring fundraising advertisement on August 10.

Smoke Signals

'Poi E' documentary makes beautiful story

Friday 19 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It was so wonderful to see so many people unite and come along to see the premiere of the movie Poi E, on Wednesday night, at the Empire Theatre as a fundraiser for the Aotearoa Society.

Letters to the Editor

More on man who says he's a 'lord'

Friday 19 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

KIA ORANA in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.

Letters to the Editor

Too comfy to rock the boat

Thursday 18 August 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IT’S NO SURPRISE that the globetrotting Henry Puna and the other political leaders have nothing to say about political reform,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Greypower requests falling on deaf ears

Thursday 18 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IT HAS been some time since I wrote to the Minister of Finance, Mark Brown and the Financial Secretary, Garth Henderson on behalf of Greypower regarding a number of concerns.

Letters to the Editor

Olympics coverage

Thursday 18 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THE LETTER-writer who complained about the lack of Olympics coverage on Aitutaki television wasn’t correct, says Araura 88 FM Radio/TV station director Mike Henry.

Letters to the Editor

Organic growing way to go

Thursday 18 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IT HAS been encouraging to read about the workshop addressing the use of pesticides in the Cook Islands and interesting to read the dilemma they have in deciding whether to ban the weed killers that contain paraquat, even though 38 countries have already banned it.

Letters to the Editor

Job depends on political leaning

Wednesday 17 August 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IF YOU ARE one of the people who have expressed interest in the Punanga Nui market manager’s job, just give up hope because rumour is, politics have paved the way,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

The case of the turina tree murder – Norman George

Wednesday 17 August 2016 | Published in Opinion

THIS WEEK’S column is about a murder trial in which I acted for the accused.


More thoughts on purse seining saga

Tuesday 16 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

SO THE purse seining saga is before a select committee.

Letters to the Editor

Aitutaki misses out on Olympics action

Tuesday 16 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

AS THE eyes of the world focused on the Rio Olympics 2016 to watch top athletes from every country compete for gold medals and go all-out to be the best of the best, the people of Aitutaki were left watching blank screens.

Letters to the Editor

Asylum seekers

Tuesday 16 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I AM a second-time visitor to your fair island, this time for a week’s stay, My partner and I have had such a wonderful time here, however I am somewhat concerned after reading numerous articles in your newspaper regarding Australia’s treatment of so-called “asylum seekers.”

Letters to the Editor

Rubbish-throwing video bad example to us all

Saturday 13 August 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“DO WE REALLY need the Tourism Corporation to run Vaka Pride competitions to get us to clean our villages so that the tourists are impressed?” a smoke signaller asks.

Smoke Signals

Sports association needs a meeting

Saturday 13 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I BELIEVE the Ngatangiia/Matavera Sports Association is in need of an annual general meeting, as nobody seems to know if it actually still exists.

Letters to the Editor

Time to stop moaning about buggies

Saturday 13 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ALTHOUGH I respect everyone’s right to raise an issue regarding any aspect of life that occurs on Rarotonga or the Cook Islands, I can’t help feeling sorry for the buggy tour owners who seemed to be constantly picked on because someone believes this local business has made their lives totally unbearable.

Letters to the Editor

Good idea, but the wrong approach

Saturday 13 August 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

SEEING SO many “ghosts” (anonymous writers) opposing Government’s support for the redevelopment of the failed Sheraton over the past few days I could be excused for thinking some of them are confused into thinking that government is the developer and not the stimulator.

Letters to the Editor

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