
Sorry Albert, it's George Maggie who is the action man

Monday 19 September 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“OH MY GOODNESS.how can Albert Nicolas go on CITV dressed in “working gear, dark glasses” and show himself as being an ‘action man’?”

Smoke Signals

A mockery of democracy

Monday 19 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I’M CURRENTLY in Auckland having just returned from Brisbane after attending my twin brother’s funeral.

Letters to the Editor

Roads plain scary!

Monday 19 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

MY WIFE and I are enjoying our ninth visit to Rarotonga, another three weeks sharing your peaceful home.

Letters to the Editor

Counting dollars, not long-term impacts

Monday 19 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

THURSDAY'S front page headline, "Nation hauls in tourist dollars," is a rather sad reflection on how our government counts dollars and not environmental impact while at the same time it counts dollars and not longevity of our ocean resources.

Letters to the Editor

The huge power of peace

Monday 19 September 2016 | Published in Opinion

“LET THERE be peace on earth and let it begin with me” are the words to a song often heard in Faith communities around the world.


Record revenue no cause for celebration

Friday 16 September 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IT IS WITH complete bewilderment that we read in CI News of Finance minister Brown spouting off about the unprecedented revenue visitor numbers are bringing in to the Cook Islands economy…

Smoke Signals

Minister taking too much credit

Friday 16 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

REGARDING the stories on the front page and on page four of CI News yesterday,

Letters to the Editor

Former dog control officer clarifies issue

Friday 16 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IN THURSDAY’S CI News someone asked if anyone would clarify exactly what it is that the Cook Islands Police Service wants from pet owners.

Letters to the Editor

Anyone for a game of chess?

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

BROWN, BROWN, HEATHER, Heather, Pitt, Pitt, Puna, Pawn. No wonder Parliament is a mess. The lines are blurred on the chess board, there is no Bishop and by George, it looks like the Queen has all the moves!

Smoke Signals

Finance minister stands by his texts to Rose

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

JOHN SCOTT seems to take voyeuristic delight in sharing in his most recent letter the private and personal text messages between myself and Rose Brown. I guess this is the journalistic equivalent of sniffing someone's used underwear.

Letters to the Editor

Police need to give us some answers

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

SOMEONE needs to clarify exactly what it is that the Cook Islands Police Service wants from pet owners.

Letters to the Editor

Fishing report issues clarified

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WISH to correct the misleading statements in the Cook Islands News of Wednesday September 14 by MP James Beer regarding the final report of the Parliamentary Purse Seine Fishing Special Select Committee and also explain the true situation.

Letters to the Editor

MPs race through one-sided sitting

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

YOU COULD almost detect a sense of jubilation and achievement filling the airwaves as parliament raced through the remaining business on the Order Paper on Tuesday.

Letters to the Editor

Cartoon remark is on the money

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

CAN YOU believe PM Puna calling the opposition “childish” for not turning up for a sitting of parliament?

Letters to the Editor

Cops not best choice for 'policing' animals

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IS THE government planning on establishing an entity here to “police” the animals?

Letters to the Editor

Wrong about Nicholas

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I REALLY don’t have much to say in response to George Turias childish outburst. Politicians are expected to have thick skin and not let personal insults get to them. His words have as much value as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Letters to the Editor

TV interview shows Nicholas in bad light

Thursday 15 September 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

RAPPA voters, don’t be conned by Albert Nicholas trying to justify himself on CITV last Friday evening as to why he joined the government team.

Letters to the Editor

Careless weed spraying dangerous for everyone

Wednesday 14 September 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“DRIVING ALONG A back road recently, I rounded a corner and was suddenly caught up in a strong mist of bug spray which was being used on water melons.”

Smoke Signals

Strange goings-on at parliament

Wednesday 14 September 2016 | Published in Opinion

MONDAY’S boycott of parliament by the opposition has an awful strained logic about it, if only in the mind of a Democratic Party theorist.


Here's how to change your life for the better

Tuesday 13 September 2016 | Published in Opinion

HERE’S A tip that will magically change your life for the better. It will lift your spirits and bring joy to everyone around you.


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