Monday 21 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
TRITE AS it may seem, we often quote the phrase it takes a village to raise a child.
Friday 18 November 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
THE CONTEMPT OF court case being brought against a well-known media personality with highly inflammatory views will be interesting.
Friday 18 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
IF THERE’S a lesson to be learned from the costly, high profile Teina Bishop court cases it is this; the government has to pay more attention when the public makes rumblings of discontent because people’s concerns aren’t unfounded.
Thursday 17 November 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
FLYING FLAGS. TO the writer about the removal of US flags - who I believe is a Kiwi, has PR and very lucky to live here in the Cook Islands - why not fly the US flag?
Thursday 17 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
IT DISGUSTS me that this country's prime minister has yet again decided to globetrot tens of thousands of kilometres to Northern Africa to preach about how this country's surrounding oceans, which equate to roughly half the size of Russia, requires some Tender Loving Care.
Thursday 17 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
IT APPEARS obvious to many, that for far too long our country's elected leaders have intentionally overused and misused the words "responsibility, transparency and accountability", in their attempts to Convince the public that they do in fact, embrace these sentiments, in governing our country.
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
NOW THAT WE have more than adequate shipping service to the outer islands with the arrival of Taio Shipping’s extra boat and also the barge, one would expect a cheaper freight service.
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
THE ACCUSED was charged with murder and, alternatively, manslaughter. In other words, if the killing was intentional then it is murder, but if it was the result of an unlawful act, then it is manslaughter. Both charges carry life imprisonment as a penalty.
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
AS USUAL KATA makes a good point in today’s cartoon.
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
REGARDING the article “Helmet laws causing confusion”.
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
KIA ORANA tatou katotoa i te aro'a maata o to tatou Atua.
Monday 14 November 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
THE RUGBY Sevens party is over and, for sure, the game is dying. Just look at the number of import players that fill teams.
Monday 14 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
THE OTHER day I caught the tail end of a conversation between Prime Minister Henry Puna and Kave Korero radio talkback host Tony Hakaoro and heard Tony questioning the prime minister on Government support for the Merchant of Paradise (MoP) Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for the Cook Islands.
Monday 14 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
RECENTLY, I decided to make a tiny promise to myself about fitness - a promise so small I knew I could easily keep it – to do 10 tummy tightener exercises before I get out of bed in the morning. They’re like lazy sit-ups. I just lie there and clench my stomach muscles.
Monday 14 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
Dr TEINA Rongo works for the Climate Change Division at the Office of the Prime Minister.
Monday 14 November 2016 | Published in Opinion
WALKING down the main road in Amuri I bumped into two American tourists having an ice cream.
Friday 11 November 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals
LAST YEAR TABUSORO players crashed a car and left the island.
Friday 11 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
LAST WEEK I informed the reading public about the disastrous decision that would impact the Cook Islands for decades to come by the signing of the EU/Spanish purse seine agreement by PM Henry Puna.
Friday 11 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
THE ROLE of our recycling in our community is getting more and more visual, but we still need the action to follow.
Thursday 10 November 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I WAS under the impression that countries’ flags were a symbol of respect and pride.
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