
Beauty of Christmas sharing with loved ones

Thursday 29 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

CHRISTMAS Day has come and gone and all over the Cook Islands, families and friends will have gathered to savour Christmas dinner and the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company.


We must stop bringing in rubbish items

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The IPUKAREA Society wrote about the buying of useless gifts and I agree, I cannot see how the old English-style lantern with a Santa in a snowy scene is appropriate here, or have a function past Christmas in Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Shooting inquiry long time coming

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Nearly two months have passed and our roaming prime minister still has not called for a Commission of Inquiry into the prison escape and triple shootings,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Your time is what most youngsters want

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Virtues in Paradise

WHETHER in a small island shop, or a humongous mall, there are plenty of gifts to choose from. During this busy season, when family members come together more than any other time of year, take a moment and consider a different gift you could offer. This one is more precious than gold, frankincense or myrrh. Better than a Tonka truck or a diamond tiara: It’s you.

Virtues in Paradise

Remember those who need support

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

KIA ORANA and season’s greetings.


Call to unite on indigenous rights

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

KIA ORANA e te iti tangata Kuki Airani,


Aroa Kiritimiti e te Mataiti Ou

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

I rangi ei te rangi e tona tini Atua


Time to celebrate unity of Christ

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

HISTORICALLY, Christmas has been recognised as a time of remembrance, celebration and rest and it has been something that we all look forward to as we come together at the one time during the year to remember and celebrate the spirit and unity of Christ.


Departure signals PM's ship sinking

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

The RECENT announcement that Liz Koteka has resigned from the Office of Prime Minister comes as no surprise, although it’s a pity it has taken this long to initiate.


Festive season brings need to take extra care

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

KIA ORANA, the festive period is a time for us to celebrate with our families, our friends and our work mates.


Time for reflection... and to look ahead

Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Published in Opinion

KIA ORANA to all our people in the Cook Islands and beyond, and a very warm kia orana to our visitors and returning friends and families. Welcome home.


How about some Christmas style of our own?

Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I LOVE this time of the year when the pretty coloured lights are on every night, zig-zagging across the road in Turangi, Muri and Aorangi.

Letters to the Editor


Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Can POLICE CONFIRM exactly how much a speed fine costs? Can they fine you without using the speed reader?” a smoke signaller asks. “There are too many underlying issues behind these fines and helmet laws.”

Smoke Signals

Something fishy about EU deal

Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

CONGRATULATIONS to letter-writer Papa Williams for calling everyone to stand up and say they are not happy and to warn them of the problems at the helm of our government.

Letters to the Editor

Events make PM's weekly column ironic

Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I FIND recent events rather amusing but at the same time extremely sad, especially in the week leading up to Christmas

Letters to the Editor

Fisheries rules raise issues

Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

IT SEEMS with the imminent arrival of festive season, the Ministry of Marine Resources has decided to push through some rather far-reaching fisheries regulations, possibly in the hope that we either wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t care.

Letters to the Editor

Pub crawl bus operators urged to cut the noise

Wednesday 21 December 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“DEAR PUB CRAWL bus owners and operators,” a smoke signaller writes.

Smoke Signals

WOFs just a scheme to make money

Wednesday 21 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ANOTHER stupid law that is really just a money-making scheme is the warrant of fitness (WOF) requirement for cars and bikes on Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

What about Albert and the others?

Wednesday 21 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

YOUR CORRESPONDENT, "Voices going unheard," asked why the CIP government continues to ignore the voices of the people.

Letters to the Editor

Tepaki has advice for 'ghost' writer

Tuesday 20 December 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

MAY I remind the ghost writer calling himself “Sickened”, who had a letter printed in CI News on December 15, headed “It’s time to get real, Tim,” and ranted about PM Henry Puna, that I am real and he is not.

Letters to the Editor

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