
Sponsor's jersey cover-up more than a bit embarrassing

Wednesday 1 March 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

“What’s with the cover-up of SuperBrown, the sponsor’s jersey by the Avatiu Eels Premier’s team during last weekend’s grudge match, a smoke signaller wants to know.

Smoke Signals

Up to landowners to address issues

Wednesday 1 March 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Teava Iro’s article in the Cook Islands news of Thursday February 23 was a very interesting one.

Letters to the Editor

Strategic plan for filling potholes must be next on the list

Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

It was interesting reading that Infrastructure Cook Islands has spent the last year working so hard on a strategic plan for the future.

Smoke Signals

United approach key to protecting ocean

Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Published in Opinion

Last week I was privileged to speak to a seminar attended by Global Conservation groups and Pacific Nations.


One (or more) bad apple

Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller says that over the weekend he was overcome with a temptation that he reckons even Adam and Eve could not have resisted.

Smoke Signals

We need safer roads, better policing

Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Every time you read the tragic story of the Smith family it breaks your heart because it seems so unfair to lose two children so tragically and unavoidably.

Letters to the Editor

Memories recall importance of family

Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Published in Opinion

The hustle and bustle, is droned out only by the smooth velvet sounds of Jim Reeves: “Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone…”


What happens next?

Friday 24 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The police know there are illegal guns out there so they give them three months’ notice then what?

Letters to the Editor

Bishop's call to support gun control

Friday 24 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I write in support of the call by our deputy prime minister and Police minister, Teariki Heather and our Police Commissioner, Maara Tetava for better gun control in our tiny paradise island nation of the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Good pressure? Or luck with rains

Thursday 23 February 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

Well … just how transparent could the promoters of the $30 million dollar phase one of Te Mato Vai be, but to turn on the new pipes after heavy rain to show us how much pressure we now have?

Smoke Signals

TMV project about working together

Wednesday 22 February 2017 | Published in Opinion

Last Thursday I had the honour of delivering the keynote address at the ceremony to celebrate the commissioning and handover of the Te Mato Vai Stage 1 Rarotonga Ringmain Upgrade with the distinguished representatives from the governments of China and New Zealand.


If you can't beat them, join them!

Wednesday 22 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

When it comes to choosing a party to stand for why bother with the same old same old? How do you go from being a strong critic of one party to being keen to stand and represent them?

Letters to the Editor

Flooding problems won't go away

Wednesday 22 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Living in Titikaveka gives you options on which way to drive to town. six of one half a dozen of the other. so after all this rain in such a short time you know not to drive through Muri, because it always floods and is a muddy mess.

Letters to the Editor

Smoke signal about banks makes a difference

Tuesday 21 February 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

Thanks to the person who put a smoke signal in CI News last week highlighting the need for more tellers in our local banks.

Smoke Signals

McNair takes umbrage at run-off report

Tuesday 21 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

One could never accuse your reporter, Flo Buchanan, of being greatly interested in objectivity as a reporter.

Letters to the Editor

What a deal for the EU!

Monday 20 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A mere $8 million for four years for a total of 28 000 tonnes of fish. It works out the EU will pay us $286 per tonne a month or 0.28c a kilo for our tuna, while we who own the fish, live next to the fish and eat the fish, pay $25 a kilo.

Letters to the Editor

NES information needs a wider spread

Monday 20 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I know the National Environment Service has given a number to call when people want to complain about damage being done to the environment, but what they don’t realise is that often many people want to know what is going on. If one person phones and gets the answer, all the others don’t know.

Letters to the Editor

Voluntary departure rule used previously

Monday 20 February 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

REGARDING the option Immigration has given Mark Franklin to leave the country voluntarily, wasn’t there a recent case of the footballer from another Pacific country who was also given the option to ‘voluntarily’ leave the country after claims he allegedly acted in an overly hostile way to a young man?

Smoke Signals

Mainland China partners for CDP communities

Monday 20 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Merchant of Paradise (MOP) article headed, “Awareness campaign ends with MOP happy” in CI News on February 11, seems to have brought clarity to the comprehensive development project (CDP) for many readers.

Letters to the Editor

Shedding light on deportation issue

Monday 20 February 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

There seems to a certain level of hysteria about the deportation from the Cook Islands (whether voluntary or involuntary) of a certain person. Let’s have some perspective on the matter.

Letters to the Editor

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