Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Opinion
I remember sitting with the crew of Fa’afaite Vaka in 2015 who had sailed from Tahiti and as we sat together talking I could hear them all speaking French to each other and hardly any Maohi and I was saddened by the fact that colonisation had created this dilemma.
Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Te akama! Shame on the directors of Pacific Schooners Ltd (PSL) for disgracing and degrading an iconic name, “Tiare Taporo”, on their rustbucket that has lain immobile for over a year in the Avatiu Harbour - ‘e vai tiraa’raa’ ua maira, ta tita, ta viivii ite ava manea i Avatiu: lying abandoned, making a mess, an eyesore in a modern Avatiu Harbour.
Friday 1 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I refer to the letter by “Paradise Threatened” (PT), headed: “A word of warning about offers for resorts.”
Thursday 31 August 2017 | Published in Opinion
Rarotonga resident John Scott describes the frustrating battle he has had dealing with health authorities in New Zealand over care for his wife Tara, who suffers from severe dementia. Scott’s frank account also highlights the lack of appropriate facilities in the Cook Islands for those who suffer from mental conditions.
Wednesday 30 August 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
While the nice smooth surface at the Punanga Nui market is nice to stroll down on a cold winter Saturday morning and visitors can get a bit of warmth from the solar heat-collecting black tar, what’s it going to be like in mid-summer?
Wednesday 30 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Thank you for the two articles which attracted my attention in Saturday’s paper, dated August 26.
Wednesday 30 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The two-page spread in Tuesday’s paper says more about our future and our failures than could be said if you worked at it for a year.
Wednesday 30 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The Pacific Health Ministers Meeting is now being held in Rarotonga, so it is a good time to put some ideas on the table, as to how we can combat the increase of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in the Cook Islands.
Tuesday 29 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I am a regular visitor to these lovely islands, and I read in Thursday’s paper that a New Zealand “expert” has been here teaching the Virtues programme to local people.
Tuesday 29 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I am impressed with the responses from Wilkie and Observer to my small correction to their leader’s statement that the voters of Ivirua “remained loyal to their Democratic Party”.
Tuesday 29 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Letter-writer ‘’Paradise Threatened” is one of many people within the Cook Islands, who really, really should be concerned about this very serious threat that this tiny nation of ours faces.
Tuesday 29 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Thanks and congratulations to Paula Paniani and her team of workers for the effort made in cleaning up the cemetery opposite the airport.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Thanks to the driver of the yellow sewage truck for spilling the stinky contents of your tanker truck along the Maraerenga main road last Thursday and spoiling lunch for evcryone who was eating outdoors. Talk about “dumping” in the wrong place.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The Cook Islands News is my favourite website and I have added it to my list of favourites, along with YouTube.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Your Saturday headline, “Water supply warning issued” brings up a few points.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Opinion
Permanent residency (PR) is a very sensitive issue among our people, in particular Cook Islands Maori.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Opinion
Have you ever looked out over the waves of the sea, or gazed up at a night sky filled with countless stars, and wondered, “Why am I here?”
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Opinion
Last week, someone calling themselves “Politico” claimed in a letter to the editor of CINews that governments would splash taxpayer’s money on their own campaigns whether the taxpayers liked it or not.
Monday 28 August 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
What an interesting article on page 12 of Thursday’s CI News, headlined: “Produce levy hits consumers in the pocket”.
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