
Connections, and thoughts on NCD stats

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

Sitting on a large craggy rock next to me she began to quietly sing, a soft gentle waiata, an imene that called us all standing there to a place without time.


Land court makes history in the north

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

When I first became aware the Ministry of Justice was planning a hearing in the Northern Group at the end of August primarily to determine ownership of the lands taken by warrant for the solar projects in the northern islands, I was quite concerned.


Aitutaki television-watchers left in the dark again

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

Last week a smoke signaller commented on the absence of the CI Herald from the island for the last few months.

Smoke Signals

Chinese money should be grabbed with both hands

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

To Papa Williams: Merchant of Paradise (MOP), Moemoea, Pie in the sky, is obviously, I believe, not for you and anyone else with your thinking.

Letters to the Editor

Colleges in strife, answers needed

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The recent front page story about school closures in the outer islands might suggest that there is a similar problem here on Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Family at core of Cook Islands culture

Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

Love of family is a core virtue in Cook Islands Maori culture.


Missing luggage no advertisement for service

Thursday 7 September 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I see Jetstar is celebrating 14 years of ‘service’,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Ambitious dream short of credible

Thursday 7 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The issue involving Merchants of Paradise and its plan to develop certain islands within the Cook Islands has resurfaced and once again, the public are being subjected to a lot of speculative statements made by Tim Tepaki and clearly, answers from the appropriate sources are required to alleviate speculation, suspicion and innuendo.

Letters to the Editor

Please tell us the real population figures

Thursday 7 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

To the Statistics Office; please publish the figure that is our actual residential population – not this 17,459 total that includes visitors.

Letters to the Editor

'Sheraton' the issue that never goes away

Thursday 7 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Sheraton site saga has been ongoing for years.

Letters to the Editor

Peoples' resilience shines through

Tuesday 5 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

The Northern Group islands of Tongareva (Penrhyn), Manihiki and Rakahanga received a rare visit from the Land Court last week.


Browne claims 'pathetic,' says Puna

Tuesday 5 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

Recent inflammatory comments by the leader of the Democratic Party, Tina Browne, claiming that the Cook Islands Party government is misrepresenting the money it is spending to fund projects as being CIP money, are lacking in fact.


A pat on the back from NZ

Tuesday 5 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Congratulations on printing such a good newspaper.

Letters to the Editor

Talkback host asked the hard questions

Tuesday 5 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I wish to comment on the passing of one of our bravest media people, Tony Hakaoro, a political commentator and radio talkback show host, who passed away last Friday

Letters to the Editor

Resort revelations truly 'disturbing'

Tuesday 5 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Interestingly, Tim Tepaki’s letter to the editor of CI News on Friday September 1 finds “Paradise Threatened’s letter of concern regarding the actions of a visiting delegation of Chinese businessmen (who had openly approached local resort owners about purchasing their businesses), and the dissemination of that fact in the daily newspaper, “disturbing”.

Letters to the Editor

Health ministers' meeting a non-stop food fest

Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

We are the most obese nation in the world and one in three of our people have diabetes or heart problems.

Smoke Signals

Nothing nice about graffiti

Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Here’s a little note for Festbo the mystery graffitti tagger.

Letters to the Editor

Fishing fine a drop in ocean

Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

We see that Vanuatu just fined a Chinese fishing vessel three million dollars for violations in Vanuatu waters. Makes the Cook Islands look pretty silly with the recent $140,000 fine approved with PM and Marine Resources minister, Henry Puna, “keeping an eye on negotiations”.

Letters to the Editor

Rubbish spoils visit to 'pearl of the Pacific'

Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It has been a great joy and pleasure travelling through many of the Pacific archipelagos and even living there.

Letters to the Editor

You too, can make your dreams come true

Monday 4 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

This week, 20 people from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cook Islands gathered at Tamanu Beach Resort for a retreat Dan and I gave on, “Living the Dream: Spiritual Practices for a Grace-filled Life”.


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