
Making order out of chaos

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

At this season of my life, I have a longing for order and simplicity.


What I know about being a unionist

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

People have asked me what I know about being a unionist.


Counting the cost of 'free association'

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

I had the privilege of voting today as a New Zealand citizen, because I was born in New Zealand and have a New Zealand passport.


Issues come with 'developed' status

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

I found Mark Brown’s article in CI News on September 21 quite interesting.


Business dispute goes way too far

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I feel compelled to write this letter regarding Chris Vaile’s attack on my wife and her family through the two page advertisements (if that’s what this paper wants to call them), that revolve around a business dispute. I’ve stayed well away from this matter but Vaile has drawn me in as a father and a husband.

Letters to the Editor

Burglary ruins tourist's holiday

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I write this letter reluctantly.

Letters to the Editor

MOP land clarified

Monday 25 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Just that we are clear, there is no problem with land availability in the Cook Islands for development by Merchant of Paradise (MOP).

Letters to the Editor

Aitutaki misses out

Friday 22 September 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

It is very disappointing to hear that the Aitutaki Ports Authority wasn’t authorised to exempt the port charge for the donated timber used in the playground that’s being built for the children of Aitutaki.

Smoke Signals

'I'm not a foreigner' says Vaile

Friday 22 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the letter from Joe Ngatae, written succinctly in Maori and published in CINews on September 20, I would like to point out that I have resided in the Cook Islands for 45 years.

Letters to the Editor

E taku taeke

Friday 22 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In response to the letter in CI News on September 20 by Joe Ngatae:

Letters to the Editor

It's time to give peace a chance

Friday 22 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was saddened to read through your paper and find no mention or acknowledgement that today (September 21) is designated as United Nations World Peace Day.

Letters to the Editor

Taxing situation

Wednesday 20 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

If the tax department wants to collect more tax they could try being a little friendlier by removing the pot plants from outside their new office. They have blocked off one of the in-demand temporary parking spots for people checking their mail.

Letters to the Editor

E apinga kino te oa!

Wednesday 20 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

E Tama,

Letters to the Editor

Time to plan for natural disaster is now

Wednesday 20 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Most people in this beautiful and safe Te Ipukarea paradise of ours – locals, residents, wannabe locals and wannabe residents, foreign workers and our valued visitors, understand and grasp that the issue of climate change will have far-reaching future consequences for our Planet Earth.

Letters to the Editor

MOP confident it can meet lending criteria

Tuesday 19 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

It seems I overestimated expected objections to the Merchant of Paradise (MOP) Paradise Prosperity Plan (PPP).


Conflicts of interest must be dealt with

Tuesday 19 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

In most governments, Cabinet ministers are strictly forbidden to have conflicts of interest.


Market critic needs to check the facts

Tuesday 19 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Issues raised by the unnamed writer of the letter in Monday’s paper headlined, “Fair treatment seems lacking in market plans”, cannot go uncontested because many of their claims stated as fact are blatantly incorrect and border on being slanderous.

Letters to the Editor

'Selective justice' cause for concern

Monday 18 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

Prime minister Henry Puna last week referred to my column, written two weeks earlier, as “a pathetic attempt to discredit this government”.


When is a union not a union?

Monday 18 September 2017 | Published in Opinion

If you have been reading a number of my articles over the last few months, you will note that I have raised a number of issues regarding the treatment of foreign workers by Cook Islands employers.


We like our 'third world' chickens just the way they are

Monday 18 September 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I write in defence of local chickens.

Letters to the Editor

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