Tuesday 7 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
CINews contributor Tom Hawkins describes a recent visit to Aitutaki, which he says left him saddened at the state of the island’s lagoon and general marine environment.
Monday 6 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
CINews correspondent “Unionist” turns his mind to the subject of political reform and takes a close look at the implications of the decline in voters in the outer islands.
Monday 6 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
Two things of note stood out in our tropical isles last week.
Monday 6 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
“Entrusted” is a word that has seemed to pop up over and over again lately, along with this whole idea of trustworthiness, what we can do to earn it, and how we can lose it so easily.
Monday 6 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
The world’s sacred texts contain great wisdom on the virtues which are the very purpose of our lives.
Monday 6 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
The Public Service Leaders’ conference held last week at the Edgewater Resort was an excellent step in the right direction.
Friday 3 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
The crew of the Te Kukupa deserve congratulations for the rescue of a yachtsman they carried out in rough weather 390 nautical miles southwest of the Cook Islands this week. These guys, led by Tepaki Baxter, regularly put their lives on the line to save others. Well done, all of you! I reckon you deserve a medal.
Thursday 2 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
This is my first response to Finance Minister Mark Brown’s vile and contemptuous letter in CINews on Saturday October 28.
Thursday 2 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
A local wag has come up with an easy solution for filling the potholes that are rapidly proliferating around the island – fill them with purumu! Only trouble is, it would wash out in heavy rain –but then so do ICI’s patch repairs.
Tuesday 31 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
You have to feel sorry for Bluesky in their current predicament following Friday’s fire at the Aroa cell site.
Tuesday 31 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I’m disappointed that in her first article after my challenge last week for both parties to show leadership and deal with the electorate numbers issue, the leader of the Democratic Party, Tina Browne, chose to ignore that, perhaps hoping it would go away so she can stand for Rakahanga and its 35 voters in the next election.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Did anyone else notice that Finance minister Brown looked rather crestfallen during a television interview about the government’s plans to pursue a seat on the United Nations?
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Opinion
Yet again we read another blunder by the Minister of Finance.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I have been told that Papa William is paid from the Democratic Party Opposition office budget to write disparaging letters in the newspaper about the CIP government.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Opinion
I recently visited Rarotonga from my home on Aitutaki.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Opinion
This week I heard a Papa phone a radio talkback show to confront Finance minister Mark Brown about the state of shipping services to the Northern Group islands.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Opinion
I could hardly see over the large oak mantlepiece, the large clock chimed on the hour and among the photos of my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were more photos and trinkets of every kind. Everything seemed so much larger then, and so much higher. And yet when we revisit places when we are much older, those things we saw when we were young children seem so much smaller.
Wednesday 25 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Te tata atu nei au kia koe e te etita o te peapa ite akameitaki ia koe,no te akatanoanga koe i te ingoa o Vaikai Mataiapo Tutara,koia oki ko Sonny R Daniel.Te rua,kua rave ia te uipaanga marama ate Koutu Nui i te ruitoru i topa.
Wednesday 25 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
It’s a “no thanks,” from me and many other Cook Islands residents to the continued lunacy of prime minister Henry Puna and Finance minister Mark Brown’s unrelenting demands for a seat at the UN and “the Big Boys Club”.
Tuesday 24 October 2017 | Published in Opinion
Those who debate the issue of possible UN membership are perhaps not aware of the fact that any change in our relationship with New Zealand would require amendments to our constitution.
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