Monday 4 December 2017 | Published in Opinion
As we sat at a table laden with food, vegetables, corn, pineapples, paka and everything else you would have at a Mangaian church kaikai, the people sang behind us.
Friday 1 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
US Ambassador to New Zealand Scott Brown, who visited the Cook Islands this week, has an interesting past.
Friday 1 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Speeches made by the Queen’s Representative, Tom Marsters last Thursday at the 25th anniversary celebration for the Punanga Nui market touched both my heart and my feelings.
Friday 1 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Agriculture minister Kiriau Turepu’s reply to James Beer’s question in parliament on Monday about what agriculture developments are planned for the outer islands, was pathetic.
Friday 1 December 2017 | Published in Opinion
In New Zealand, the country, where close to 90,000 Cook Islanders live as a matter of right by virtue of holding New Zealand citizenship, the prime minister is a woman.
Tuesday 28 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
“Tea Totaller’s” letter in Saturday’s CI News, raised several valid issues of concern, particularly the motorcycle helmet controversy involving our school children.
Tuesday 28 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
There has been considerable debate in the media recently about the helmet law for motorcyclists – there is no doubt that this law was dreamed up by the type of committee that was supposed to design a horse and came up with a camel.
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Regarding the story headlined, “Local drivers urged to slow down (CINews November 20), I agree.
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Excuse me Trevor Pitt, but in your letter “ Young not exempt from the law,” you forgot to mention anything about politicians being exempt from the law.
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
For everything there is a season. Each significant change brings us to a fork in the road, a new decision point. The question arises: What season is this in my life? A life-changing loss of someone close, as I have experienced in the last year, can turn us inside out. When the last child leaves the home nest, when we retire, develop an illness, make a move, there is a vacancy of the familiar that sooner or later must be filled. A new homecoming beckons on the other side of the emptiness. We are called to reassess, review and revise our life design. If we choose to make this a mindful process, it can lead us to fresh happiness. As author Christina Baldwin says, “Change is the egg of the phoenix.” It is in the human spirit to rise from the ashes over and over. A friend whose husband died recently told me in a tearful phone call, “I need to move. This house is all about ‘us.’ I need to find my way to ‘me.’” People promised me, in the midst of my bereavement, that I would eventually get to the other side. Thankfully, that happened. I find that this cataclysmic change has created a new space in my life. I am aware that like Alice, I can fall into a hole, or venture deeply into trust, taking the necessary time to discern what this season of my life will hold. This is what I have discovered so far. Being is more important than doing. My brother John grew in virtues as he faced his own death. He dived deeply into trust, gratitude, awe and joy. As he let go of doing — driving, working, cr
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
It’s a numb, incredulous feeling that almost passes through us when we hear the tragedy of a person passing in an accident.
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Back in the late 1970s I was working for Union CITCO Travel with Tekeu Framhein, Mahana Teotahi, Mere Taruia, Joy Cowan and sometimes with Sonya Kamana in accommodating tourists.
Friday 24 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
It was good to see people using Constitution Park for walking and raising awareness of the need for fitness during the for men’s health campaign that featured in CINews recently.
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
A post on Rarotonga Community and Beyond’s Facebook page has shown rubbish left behind at Muri beach.
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
As a keen observer from afar, the political landscape in the region fascinates me.
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
This is to inform the public that the National Environment Service (NES) is closely monitoring the development at Club Raro.
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
It would have saved the letter writer “Traditionalist”, time and peace of mind had he/she contacted me at Internal Affairs on 29370 or even Sam Napa Jnr on 57695 to find out that the proposed aged care facility is not going to be built where the old Pa Ariki Palace is.
Wednesday 22 November 2017 | Published in Opinion
In the past people have complained about political parties failing to deliver what they promise.
Tuesday 21 November 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I wish to comment on Stephen Lyon’s letter in CINews on Friday November 17.
Monday 20 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Can Joseph Brider stand up and assure us, all is well in his department? Can he explain why there are “goings-on” on the island that don’t get any pressure from the National Environment Service despite public concern?
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