
Agriculture faces huge obstacles

Tuesday 12 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read with interest a few days ago Tina Browne's article criticising the Government's development of the agriculture industry.

Letters to the Editor

It's a hand-to-mouth existence for the poor

Monday 11 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

I noted the other day that applications for people and agencies to be considered for the prestigious Cook Islands Tourism Awards were open.


A question of who we really are...

Monday 11 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

“When am I considered a Cook Islander?” he asked me as we sat there watching the sun slowly set on another busy day.


More to extortion complaint than what critic says

Monday 11 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Truth Seeka’s letter in Wednesday’s CINews set out to vilify Wilkie Rasmussen, a good man who as an officer of the court and legally bound by law (and morally bound by society), had no choice but to file an official complaint to the Police Service, following certain outrageous demands made of him as chief executive of the Parliamentary Opposition Office, by media personality George Pitt.

Letters to the Editor

We all need to help keep our islands clean

Monday 11 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

Last weekend I watched my grandchildren wading out into the lagoon with fishing poles during a village fishing contest and barbecue.


Praise for Muri project

Friday 8 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As a resident of Muri I wish to express my admiration and appreciation for T & M Heather’s, hard-working team for the manner they are caring out the major cable laying job in the Muri Beach/Titikaveka areas.

Letters to the Editor

Smash injuries are preventable

Friday 8 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am both appalled and angered, (but not surprised), at your front page report on Thursday, December 7 headlined, “Roundabout crash injures motorcyclist.”

Letters to the Editor

Concerns over tourist resort EIA

Friday 8 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

There has been much debate in recent weeks over the question of “growth” of Rarotonga’s tourist “industry”.

Letters to the Editor

'My hat's still on my head'

Thursday 7 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Earlier this year, I said I’d eat my hat if Tim Tepaki’s scheme to develop the outer islands and revive the Sheraton hotel project got off the ground in November this year,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Healthy eating the way to solve NCD issues

Thursday 7 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Thomas Wynne spoke some weeks ago about changing our diets to increase our health.

Letters to the Editor

Ambassador says thanks for welcome

Thursday 7 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I want to express my sincere appreciation for the warm welcome I received on my introductory trip to the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

E tangata akateitei e te pikipikika'a

Thursday 7 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Te inangaro nei au i te akaari atu i toku manako no runga i te tata’anga a te ovi me kare te tangata kamakura ko George Pitt i roto ite Cook Islands Herald i teia epetoma i topa ake nei pera katoa te au tata’anga ta te Cook Islands News i akari no runga ite akaapa’anga ia George Pitt ta Wilkie Rasmussen i apai atu ki te au Akava. Ka inangaro katoa au ite akaari atu i toku manako no runga i ta George Pitt i tuatua na runga ite ratio ite Monite i teia nga ra i topa.

Letters to the Editor

Knowing the difference between facts and hearsay

Wednesday 6 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

There is a difference between facts and conjecture or hearsay.

Letters to the Editor

Turepu's words telling

Tuesday 5 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

So our Agriculture minister, the great Kiriau Turepu has spoken again.

Letters to the Editor

Williams refutes PM's outburst in parliament

Tuesday 5 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I am writing about the story in last Friday’s CINews which told of prime minister Henry Puna’s outburst about me in parliament.

Letters to the Editor

Minister's denials way off the mark

Tuesday 5 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

They say a day in politics is a long time.


Agriculture big fail by government

Monday 4 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

After reading my column today, I have no doubt the Agriculture minister will say, “What does she know about agriculture?”


Another road death – but no mention of helmets

Monday 4 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Recently there was another tragedy on our roads with a death of a motorcyclist on the sea wall.

Letters to the Editor

The 'Waffle Queen' bites back

Monday 4 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

George Pitt has poked the wrong snake with a stick.

Letters to the Editor

Answering the divine call to the heart

Monday 4 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

I recently saw a video on Facebook that moved me deeply.


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