
Logic missing in Rasmussen criticism

Friday 29 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

“Truth Seeka’s” letter in CINews on December 20 was an interesting and revealing read.

Letters to the Editor

Dinner misses league women

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was a bit disappointed to read, there was no acknowledgement of our women’s rugby league World Cup squad at a recent appreciation dinner for our sporting heroes

Letters to the Editor

Bishop called to task on Jesus' birth and trees

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read the article from Bishop Tutai Pere regarding Christmas.

Letters to the Editor

Column needs to be less 'Wilkie-centric'

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

An interesting piece of egocentric writing in your paper of December 18 was pointed out to me this week by colleagues.

Letters to the Editor

Chinese unlikely to like hotel plan

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I read with interest the proposal by a local entrepreneur with an interesting history, to develop the abandoned so-called Sheraton Resort at Vaimaanga.

Letters to the Editor

Aitutaki celebrates in style

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

I remember our first Christmas in the Park on Aitutaki five years ago.


Of Christmas and a classic local dish

Wednesday 27 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

The bright white Sunbeam mixer would drop down into the almost clear mix of egg whites as my Aunty Mata would add the vinegar and other condiments to a frothy mix till it was like cream.


More comments on closure of Esther Honey clinic

Thursday 21 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I firstly want to commend Esther Honey for all the great work they have done in The Cook Islands but I also want to comment on what was written in the article published in CINewsthe other day about their closing.

Letters to the Editor

Time for letter-writer to hand in his dictionary

Wednesday 20 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Steven Hawking the great physicist (look that up in your pocket dictionary, Papa Williams), said, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Letters to the Editor

Snake avoidance advice for both political parties

Wednesday 20 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals

After the debacle in which George Pitt is said to have offered the Demo Party a deal to get them into government with Internal Affairs minister Albert Nicholas as prime minister, Nicholas made a statement in parliament.

Smoke Signals

Proud of our netballers

Tuesday 19 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As parent supporters of the Cook Islands netball team who recently participated in the Singapore Mission Foods Nation’s cup 2017, we wish to extend our special acknowledgement to the coaching management team for their outstanding contribution.

Letters to the Editor

'Nobody's wingman – and I never have been'

Tuesday 19 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It appears my letter in last week’s CINews has ruffled a few feathers in George Pitt's weekly newspaper, if "Special Correspondent’s” most recent article is anything to go by.

Letters to the Editor

Would-be developers should stay home

Monday 18 December 2017 | Published in Tropical Chronicles

This drive to develop Penryhn, home to a people unwilling for their island to be developed, shows no sign of stopping.

Tropical Chronicles

Make virtues a guide for the best family times

Monday 18 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

It's the season for families to gather for the holidays.


The outgoing tide of our youth

Monday 18 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

“My sons have left,” he said, perched in a chair across from me.


Sport key to the future of our youth

Monday 18 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

The victorious Cook Islands netball team returned to Rarotonga a couple of days ago, beaming with pride.


Ministries team up for harbour job

Thursday 14 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) and the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) are teaming up to help with the restoration and upgrading of Omoka Harbour on Tongareva (Penryhn).

Letters to the Editor

A closer look at change of government bid

Thursday 14 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding the George Pitt-instituted furore with Parliamentary Opposition Office chief executive Wilkie Rasmussen last week, and the political reaction following this change of government proposal to Rasmussen:

Letters to the Editor

Cook Islands Maori revival: The road ahead

Wednesday 13 December 2017 | Published in Opinion

Recently there has been discussion relating to encouraging the use of Cook Islands Maori (te reo) as the primary language in the home with everyday conversation including dialects across the Cook Islands being the target.


Political chessboard gets complicated

Tuesday 12 December 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Analysing Observer's letter in last Saturday's edition of CI News had me thinking of the number of potential moves at publisher George Pitt's fingertips when he attempted to bring about a change of government a couple of weeks ago.

Letters to the Editor

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