
Write-off rewards bad behaviour

Monday 12 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Monday’s article announcing Governments plans to wipe out $18m in tax states, “Since the start of the tax amnesty in January last year, the government has recovered a significant amount, believed to be around $4.5m”.

Letters to the Editor

Transport issue desperately needs action

Monday 12 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Thank you to the reporter for the CINews article about the real struggles of finding transport to Penryhn.

Letters to the Editor

No crew in sight

Friday 9 February 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals

Under an agreement made with the court, the operators of the ill-fated vessel Tiare Taporo were supposed to provide a crew from New Zealand to sail the ship out of Avatiu harbour whenever it seems likely a cyclone or big storm could strike.

Smoke Signals

Amnesty beats sleeping pills

Friday 9 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I have received the benefit of the government’s tax amnesty and so have many of my family and extended family.

Letters to the Editor

Rasmussen raises ire of EHF

Friday 9 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Esther Honey Foundation (EHF) board of directors and its founder will defend everyone’s right to express their opinion.

Letters to the Editor

Tattoos easy solution to dog registration problem

Thursday 8 February 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals

The police keep banging on about how every dog must be registered or they will be shot.

Smoke Signals

Mental health needs action, not debate

Wednesday 7 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As the saying goes, “words are useless without action”.

Letters to the Editor

Tax decision comes at a huge cost for island

Wednesday 7 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

So the government has decided to wipe off $18m in tax that is rightfully owed to this country.

Letters to the Editor

Ulterior motives behind government tax write-off?

Wednesday 7 February 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals

$18 million written off for those outfits that cheated every law abiding citizen of this country before 2010.

Smoke Signals

'Where is the money?'

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The letter from ‘Ever Hopeful but Ever Dismayed’ (EHBED) in CINews on Saturday was correct in criticising “the current mob in political power”, our current government.

Letters to the Editor

'Shocked and appalled' by tax wipeout

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I was shocked and appalled to see that the tax amnesty announced by the government last year has now been broadened to include the actual tax amount owed by some careless, and in other cases unscrupulous, business owners to the tune of some $5 million in unpaid taxes.

Letters to the Editor

Don't blame police for doing their duty

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Speaking as a former police officer in the dog control division, I have to say it is very disappointing to read about people complaining about what these police officers, both men and women, have to do in the line of duty.

Letters to the Editor

Problematic properties need urgent review

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Opinion

A couple of days ago, the finance minister and minister for the Cook Islands Investment Corporation announced the appointment of a new chief executive.


Urgent need to invest in our people

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Opinion

It’s time to invest in the future of our people


Positive relationships a spiritual must

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Opinion

The other day, my husband Dan and I were out for lunch.


Time for a change at Sea Eagles: critic

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It pains me greatly to see the Ngatangiia/Matavera Sea Eagles club, once a strong and vibrant league club, literally fall apart before the blow of the first whistle for this year’s league competition.

Letters to the Editor

Some thoughts on the Esther Honey debate

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Opinion

I am mindful that the vague reference to “a former employee” in the story could well rope in a number of former employees, but what stands apart is that the former employee referred to in the story, and possibly in the press statement by EHF, was allegedly involved in the conspiracy with others in the new animal welfare facility set-up known as Te Are Manu (TAM).


Dog day afternoon – more on registrations

Monday 5 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It is a week now since I questioned the Police’s administration of the dog registration legislation and you have published nothing from them in response suggesting that perhaps I did have a point – because had I not they would have been all over me.

Letters to the Editor

Plastic not quite so fantastic when it's dumped

Saturday 3 February 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals

How often do your pens stop working before ink is out? More plastic rubbish. School bins see many. If writing by hand, can we encourage the use of pencils instead? Organic waste is a better way to go.

Smoke Signals

Rasmussen entitled to express his own views

Saturday 3 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I believe Teariki Terotero’s letter to the editor of CINews on Wednesday last week, wasted our time with a load of nonsense.

Letters to the Editor

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