Friday 6 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I cannot sit back and watch the endless dodgy dealing that seem to have been the mainstream operation of this CIP government since they were mandated by the people of this country to run our country eight years ago.
Friday 6 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is in response to Don Syme-Buchanan’s Letter to the Editor of March 28 responding to my Virtues in Paradise column of Saturday March 25, on the re-establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous on Rarotonga.
Friday 6 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It seems there is one law for the powerful and one law for the rest
Thursday 5 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Following is a summary of the process that was followed in my election as CIP candidate for Titikaveka.
Thursday 5 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Regarding the 2018 Air New Zealand Cook Islands Tourism Awards, this writer assumes that the judges don’t just look at what catches the eye, but they “look under the rug” as well to see what has been swept there.
Wednesday 4 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have met with Tupapa MP George Maggie on occasion and I found him to be helpful to his constituents, by felling trees, trimming hedges, blowing leaves, etc.
Tuesday 3 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Cook Islands Voyaging Society would like to thank the many hands, hours and dollars that have gone into restoring our vaka Marumaru Atua.
Tuesday 3 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, On Saturday your newspaper ran an article about my client Mike Henry facing arrest due to a bench warrant issued by the high court. Two things need to be cleared up.
Tuesday 3 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, On Saturday I pulled into the front of the Titikaveka Fire station to have my car cleaned by the Titikaveka CICC Christian Youth Group.
Tuesday 3 April 2018 | Published in Tropical Chronicles
In writing this column, I run the risk of being anti-police. I certainly am not. However, some situations call for public scrutiny.
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Virtues in Paradise
Easter is coming, a holy season for many faiths.
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Opinion
Priest or pagan, sinner or saint, Catholic or Protestant, and everything else that falls into the spectrum of believers and unbelievers here in the Cook Islands, no matter where you are or what you believe or sit, you can be thankful today, albeit to a God you acknowledge or not, that we have a long weekend and for many a time to celebrate a critical event in the history of mankind. And that event is Easter.
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Opinion
Long-time Rarotonga resident and political commentator John Scott wrote this opinion piece which takes a look at the issue of “creeping neo-colonialism”. Scott says those “knockers” who believe that asking assistance from New Zealand in areas when the Cook Islands government has let the country down is a sign of weakness, are making a mistake…
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a member of the Matavera CICC I am writing to CINews regarding a senior officer of our ekalesia who has accepted a nomination to run as a political candidate in the forthcoming elections.
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It would have been appropriate if the Opposition were given the opportunity to respond to the front page story (March 29), relating to Mark Brown’s spin on the TOA Petroleum payments.
Thursday 29 March 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was talking recently with my nephew who is in his late 20s and he asked me why veteran Nikao MP Ngamau Munokoa hadn’t retired, and given someone such as Mac Mokoroa the chance to stand for Nikao.
Thursday 29 March 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Another election is approaching and political reform is in the air so here is something to think about.
Wednesday 28 March 2018 | Published in Opinion
In the past many people have been critical of the lack of sittings of parliament.
Wednesday 28 March 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I don’t usually read the opinion page, but a friend on holiday from England who had time to read all the contents of the newspaper while here was alarmed to read an article in the Saturday paper by Linda Kavelin-Popov, who titles her weekly column, ‘Virtues in Paradise’.
Wednesday 28 March 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana koe e te Etita, Te mea mua kia akameitaki ia te Atua no te pauanga ki taku kura mua tei tuku atu. Te mako uara te reira, kia akameitaki ia koe e te taeake no taau taratara’anga mai i toou manako. Ko te oonuanga o toku manako, koia oki, kia oki te au Ariki kia angaanga kapiti ki to ratou Ui Mataiapo e to ratou Ui Rangatira. Me matutu te reira pirianga ka matutu akaou te turanga o to tatou iti tangata. I roto i teia akamatutu’anga i teia pirianga, ka anoano ia te tauturu a te au tipatimani, mei te Tauranga Vananga e tetai au kopapa ke atu no teia akakoroanga. Kia rave ia tetai au iriiri kapua no ta akarakara e te akatinamou I te angaanga a te au mou taonga e kia kite me kore ra kia papu ia ratou ta ratou angaanga i roto i te matakeinanga, no te mea kua irinaki au e, e maata te au tangata mou taonga I teia tuatau kare ratou i marama tikai i ta ratou angaanga. Na roto i teia au iriiri kapua e rauka ei tetai au turanga kia akanoo’ia i teia tuatau ei apii atu ki te uki ki mua. No teia turanga papukore oki o teia au tangata kare e rauka ia ratou i te tu atu no ratou rai e ake e tuatua ia atu to ratou turanga. Kare e na ratou te apa, mari ra na te kopae ke anga a te akteretereanga a te papaa. I te au mataiti i topa, i te mea oki e kua akatakake’ia te au Ariki mei to ratou au Mataiapo e te Rangatira, e maata atu to ratou taime i te komakoma atu ki te au Ariki ke atu, e te Kavamani, i to ratou tuatau ki to ratou uaorai pupu. Ko ta tatou i reira e kite nei i teia tuatau, te akamata nei te au Mataiapo e te Rangatira na roto i te Koutu Nui, i te kaitamaki atu ki te Are Ariki. Eaa ra te tumu? No te mea kare oki ratou i kite e, eaa te tupu nei i roto i te Are Ariki. Kare teia i te manamanata ou, kua kite ana au i teia iaku e noo ra I te Ipukarea. Irinaki pakari au e, me akamatutu akaou ia te pirianga o te au Ariki ki to ratou au Mataiapo e te Rangatira, ko to tatou kaveinga ia ki mua, ma to tatou turanga iti tangata Kuki Airani. Me kare teia e rave ia, ka ngoie ua i te tieni i ta tatou au akonoanga i te mea oki e, kare e pange i muri i te au Ariki. Irinaki katoa au e, ko te ture metua a to tatou Basileia, kua anga ia te reira ma te porokiroki’anga a te papa’a, kua akakoro’ia te reira i toku irinaki’anga ei rave ke atu i to tatou tika’anga to te iti tangata Kuki Airani. Kua akataka’ia i roto i reira e, ka rauka i te korona i te rave atu i tetai enua me ka riro mai ei puapinga no te Basileia. Tera te ara tei akanoo’ia no teia, ngoie ua i reira i te Korona i te rave ke atu i te tikaanga o te au atu enua. Tena katoa te riiti’anga enua, me kare e peke taau kaiou, e tikaanga teia no tetai manuiri i te kake ki runga i toou enua. Noatu e, ko tona tikaanga e, no te toenga ua o te riiti i runga i te enua, kua rauka tona tikaanga. Me taui ia te ture i te reira va, penei ka maata atu te manuia o te reira manuiri. Eaa ra au i tuatua atu ei i teia i runga nei? Me kare tatou e akamatutu i to tatou turanga i roto i to tatou au matakeinanga i teia nei, a teia tuatau ki mua, kare e rauka i ta tatou anau i te tu ki runga no to ratou tikaanga Kuki Airani, tikaanga toketoke enua. Ko toku taitaia teia no te au ngai tu kaui taku i kite atu i tera tuatau i te aere atu anga te Minita Tutara o Aotearoa nei. Ko tetai tuatau tau tikai te reira i te apii i ta tatou anau, inara kua oti te reira. Kare au e te oro nei, te tu uatu nei au, e te akara atu nei i taau e rave ia nei. I mua ake ka tuatau ei, tei kona au. Kare e na te Are Ariki e Ariki ei te au Ariki, e Ariki rai ratou i te au ngai no reira mai ratou. I tena Are Ariki nei i anoano ia nei tetai au Ariki kia ti’ama mei tei akataka mai koe I roto I taau peapa. Eaa ta ratou ara? No te Turanga o te oraanga kopapa tae mai ei tetai pae ki konei, inara kua oti rai ta ratou akanoonoo’anga no tetai kauono. Akakoromaki mai kare aku reo pakari no te mea ka inangaro au kia marama mai te katoatoa i toku manako. Akakoromaki katoa mai, e kare toku ingoa i runga i taku kura mua, kare i te mea akakoro. Ko toku manako openga, ki taku au taeake e noo ua maira I te ipukarea e kite ua nei I teia e tupu nei, auraka e noo ua, akakoukou ia kotou no te akanoo’anga I tetai kaveinga no to tatou iti tangata maori ki teia tuatau ki mua. Kare e puapinga te kopekope ua e oti noo ua ei ki roto I te poiri. E tu. E tu ki runga. Kua rava au ki konei, tera ua kua matara atu toku manako ki te atea. Kia orana e kia manuia, Tauraki Rongo
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