Saturday 6 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
There’s a page in the paper that not everybody reads. That’s because it’s titled, the KidsPage.
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a proud Kiwi citizen of New Zealand Māori and Cook Islands Maori heritage, I have much aroha and patriotism for both Aotearoa, my country of birth, and our beautiful, tiny Te Ipukarea paradise I have had the privilege of calling home, for the past 27 years.
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I am not happy with my letter you printed in Monday’s paper. I did not give you permission to use my full name.
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
The debate over chlorinating the Rarotonga water supply is a shambolic and sometimes shameful display of poor information, bad information and misinformation.
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Published in Kata
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Published in Kata
Thursday 4 July 2019 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 3 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
It was as if every element of nature joined forces.
Tuesday 2 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It was refreshing to read the editorial on prisoners by Jonathan Milne and Norman George’s weekly column “The Sift”.
Tuesday 2 July 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Opinion
Want to lobby a minister? Just hang around outside Te Aponga. Because there is only one place to charge their brand new Hyundai Ioniq Elite cars, and it’s up by the power station.
Tuesday 2 July 2019 | Published in Kata
Monday 1 July 2019 | Published in Opinion
Our first reaction to crime is one of anger, resentment and hate. Our reaction is often measured according to the level of violence.
Monday 1 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I loved your story about taking your dog to Raro and reference to all the wandering dogs.
Monday 1 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have been talking with my octogenarian uncle and his friends with regard to the wage increase the members of Parliament have taken upon themselves to award themselves.
Monday 1 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
OPINION: It’s easy to embrace lazy catchphrases like “tough on crime”. It’s far harder to take the humane approach: tough on the causes of crime. Today, lawyer Norman George announces plans to set up a local branch of the Sir Peter Williams QC Penal Reform League, to help address the poverty and abandonment driving people into crime. Acknowledging prisoners are not innately bad, but often just made bad choices under the influence of hunger or addiction, the League would provide support behind bars for their rehabilitation. This sits well alongside the leadership group being convened by the Cook Islands News to address the health challenges around meth and other addictive drugs. The prison lacks funding to feed all 47 inmates. Some have fallen ill drinking the water. Others suffered intimidation. READ MORE:* Norman George: Please pause, look at our young people* Prison work gangs ‘pay for jail food’* Second inmate complains of heavying It’s easy to write off prisoners as mad or bad and lock them away without thought, but this only plunges them further into the cesspit; it will not rehabilitate them to rejoin society as decent citizens. As Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Pearl Buck once said, “the test of a civilisation is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” There are some good people working in police and corrective services; they need the support of an engaged community to help those who might fall into crime, and those who have already. Not an archaic approach of lock ‘em up and throw away the key.
Saturday 29 June 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
It is absurd that the people we elected as our representatives in the House of Parliament have now, thanks to our selections and what they have presented to us as their leadership qualities, have voted themselves huge pay and allowances increases.
Saturday 29 June 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Opinion
As Maori we are caretakers not owners.
Saturday 29 June 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
The first we knew was when the shrub on the old landfill site was ripped out. Like an oversized plough, an excavator dug deep trenches the length of the Ara Metua property.
Friday 28 June 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion
Here’s the maths. About 100 people are found guilty of drink-driving on Rarotonga every month, and forbidden to drive. That’s more than 1000 bans year – in a population of about 10,000 men, women and children.
Friday 28 June 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Reading the revelation of Punanga Nui market's proposed market hut and tent rent review at first left me bemused and gobsmacked at the sheer stupidity of those who would moot such an outrageously irrational and unsustainable increase.
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