
Letters: The state of politics in the Cook Islands

Thursday 10 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Having lived and married a local, and settled in the Cook Islands for almost 10 years now, I have gained an appreciation of the state of our nation and the inherent challenges we face going forward through a large network of friends, family, local community leaders, public servants, politicians, youth, Christians, foreign workers, social media, local news media, and whistle-blowers and of course my first-hand experience and the experience of others at the hands of some despicable employers here in the Cooks.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: Ssh, do you want to know a secret?

Thursday 10 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Journalists aren’t well-known for keeping secrets. We tend to demand disclosure and transparency of our leaders.


Kata October 10

Thursday 10 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: The big picture beyond seabed mining

Wednesday 9 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, They sold our fish at the cheapest deal that the fishing boats have ever made and now they think they got a good deal for the seabed mining? Bunch of peanuts.

Letters to the Editor

Kata October 9

Wednesday 9 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Jonathan Milne: These hills will not remain remote

Tuesday 8 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Opinion

EDITORIAL: This weekend, my friend David and I absconded. We shirked all home and childcare responsibility and climbed up the valley behind Avatiu to Te Rua Manga.


Kata October 8

Tuesday 8 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Norman George: Dealing with mentally challenged clients

Monday 7 October 2019 | Published in Opinion

In the 30 years that I have been practicing law in the criminal bar, I have come across a variety of individuals. The snappy chatty know-alls usually are the “con artists,” the drug dependent pickle brained “where am I type?”


Letters: 'How dare you Mark Brown'

Monday 7 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor In his brief address to a Blue Charter ministerial dialogue in New York, Mark Brown sums up in one word that the climate story headlines are due to “money”. He then goes on to say “more talk without action was no longer acceptable”.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Our families must decide inheritance

Saturday 5 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I too understand Ellena Tavioni’s stance (“Protect land to pass down by bloodline,” Oct 4).

Letters to the Editor

Kata October 5

Saturday 5 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Biting back- The future looks good because we've made it that way through hard work

Saturday 5 October 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Opinion

This is a crisp, concise column. And there’s a reason for that. Because here in the Cooks, we all have plenty of work to get on with.


Kata October 4

Friday 4 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Editorial- Athletics: Stars in the making

Thursday 3 October 2019 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Editorials

Former national sprinter Patricia Taea found herself in an unfamiliar territory yesterday – off the track – at the annual primary schools athletics competition.


Letters: Support for sacked environmentalist not surprising

Thursday 3 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was no great surprise reading in last Saturday's Cook Islands News issue, that seven of the eight Street Poll participants unequivocally supported our very own home-grown environmental champion Jacqui Evans.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Absentee foundation keeps seeking donations

Wednesday 2 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Esther Honey Foundation ceased operating in the Cook Islands at the end of 2017 after being given a very generous grace period of two years by Government to find an alternative location.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: Find insurance fix before it's too late

Wednesday 2 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Government-owned insurance companies of different descriptions are common around the world.


Kata October 2

Wednesday 2 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Editorial: Cooks paint it black

Tuesday 1 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Some couples we know arrived from New Zealand at the weekend. Another family, close friends of our, flew in last night to stay with us. More families arrive in the next few days.


Kata October 1

Tuesday 1 October 2019 | Published in Kata


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