
Opinion: Taking Mum back to Raro in 2002

Thursday 24 October 2019 | Published in Opinion

My first visit to Raro will be her last.


Letters: Fatal gastro outbreak

Wednesday 23 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana editor, I wrote (Letters, Aug 10) that many people in area from Betela meeting house, through Kavera, Aroa and Rutaki to Vaimaanga, became sick after drinking water conveyed in a new pipeline in 1964.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Time to wise up or wash away

Wednesday 23 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, It seems to me that quite a few people in Rarotonga have become complacent about cyclone preparedness.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: Coping offline in an online age

Wednesday 23 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Some of us like to think we’re indispensable in our jobs, in our roles in the community. But when we can’t make it into work … well, we discover that life goes on.


Kata October 23

Wednesday 23 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Naturopath's cancer cure claims

Tuesday 22 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Barbara O’Neill has been investigated by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission and is permanently prohibited from providing any health services, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Building more hotels

Tuesday 22 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana editor The economist may have “overlooked” asking local’s their opinions however, what they’re saying is not damning our market but more of a warning.

Letters to the Editor

Kata October 22

Tuesday 22 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Dealing with deadly starfish

Monday 21 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, We read a very interesting report in the Cook Island News about Dr Teina Rongo’s tour of Mitiaro’s reefs and what is going on with eradicating Crown of Thorns starfish there (October 9, 2019).

Letters to the Editor

Norman George: Crossing the red line: Be careful!

Monday 21 October 2019 | Published in Opinion

All democratic systems are guided by the rule of law. When this is broken a cascade of chaos follows. High drama and public showboating are displayed openly by the actors responsible, some of them basking in the glow of their newfound glory!


Kata October 21

Monday 21 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Opinion: Shining the light

Saturday 19 October 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Opinion

Our Cook Islands communities on either side of the ocean have never been closer. The recognition of leaders like Glenda Tuaine Newport, Niki Rattle, Mama Tuki and her daughter Elizabeth Wright-Koteka.


Letters: Inquest into boy's drowning

Saturday 19 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Police spokesperson Trevor Pitt (“Police discuss inquest into missing boy”, Oct 14) mentioned there were “legal complications” in investigating the death of a missing person, as they could not be formally declared dead for 7 years.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: A sad ode to a 'bad' government

Saturday 19 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

"Me akara toku mata kite au mea e tupu nei, te akaroa e, kua puta roa ki roto I toku ngakau, te mama – ere!"

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Avaroa cable landing

Friday 18 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana editor, With regard to the front page article (“Fears of being ‘bullied and railroaded’,” October 16), in truth, the working committee of the Stanley Heather Family have committed unequivocally for several months, to uphold to the highest standard, their responsibilities as ambassadors for their family and people to reach the best possible outcome for our nation’s economic future.

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: It's never too late for leadership

Friday 18 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Kia orana, tatou katoatoa I roto I te aroa maata o to tatou Atua ko Iesu Mesia. This letter is addressed to the people of Atiu to please reconsider and rethink who will be the best choice of leader for the people of Atiu.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: They were forgotten – but never again

Friday 18 October 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Honouring the sacrifice of these six Cook Islands men rights a century-old wrong.


Kata October 18

Friday 18 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Kata October 17

Thursday 17 October 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Cable digging is on public land

Thursday 17 October 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Your article (“Fears of being ‘bullied and railroaded’,” October 16) will leave readers concerned.

Letters to the Editor

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