
Editorial: Valuing the teachers who inspire us

Saturday 9 November 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

At the inter-school maths quiz a couple of weeks ago, most of the teachers from my sons’ school were there, whooping and hollering on the sidelines while the kids in the competition furrowed their brows, trying to concentrate.


Letters: The built legacy that we leave our children

Saturday 9 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana editor, There used to be a lovely convention here in Rarotonga, that no building or structure was allowed to be built higher than a coconut tree.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 9

Saturday 9 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Opinion: Sexual violence is the real concern

Friday 8 November 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Opinion

Opponents on both side of the same-sex law reform debate agree on one thing: the real concern is abuse and violence.


Letters: Not about tourism

Friday 8 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I just don't know what tourism has to do with the same-sex debate.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Only Cook Islanders should be deciding same-sex as crime

Friday 8 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Australia, New Zealand, America, England, made laws supporting the community of gender identity and homosexuality.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: Finding common ground on the golf course

Friday 8 November 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

I got the golf clubs out at the weekend. When I opened the dusty green leather bag, I found some old score cards from courses in New Zealand and the UK, a pair of very dated wrap-around sunglasses, and a blue baseball cap that I think belonged to a friend I used to play goat-track golf with, back in the madcap days before kids and mortgages.


Kata Nov 8

Friday 8 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Pet poison deaths are horrific'

Thursday 7 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana editor, We’ve just buried our cat Tammy after a two-day search. We’ve buried four pets in the past week from poisoning by slug pellets. Kobe, Moss the Boss, Pandora and today Tammy. We buried Roxy and Shelley earlier on in the year.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Mareka kore to Enuamanu

Thursday 7 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Leta kite Etita, Kia Orana e te Etita I te Aroa Ranuinui o te Atua.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Cook Islands should be free

Thursday 7 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Rarotonga belongs to the people, not Mark Brown. Who is this guy, where did he come from? In my days Rarotonga was a place to be free, not for sale.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 7

Thursday 7 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Te-Hani in by-election in Atiu

Wednesday 6 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, The recent publication and TV media statements made by June Baudinet requires a humble response. First and foremost, her statement regarding the recent hosting of the CICC General Assembly got her slammed on social media.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Criminalising same-sex couples is against Constitution

Wednesday 6 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, To try and legislate against men and women is hubris.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 6

Wednesday 6 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Editorial: Time for MPs to justify their pay rises

Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Editorials

There has been an enormous reaction to the select committee’s recommendation that Parliament should reinstate homosexual acts in the Crimes Bill.


Letters: Raro 7s a Rush

Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana iteia popongi Manea, It's good to see that Sevens is still played back home, awesome, akamaroiroi, especially with guys like Eric Rush being involved. High five to this awesome guy Rushy,

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Ministry We'll seek safer pest controls

Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, The Ministry of Agriculture maintains a small stock of slug and snail pellets for border management and emergency purposes.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Same-sex law reform

Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, I find your article, entitled "Backdown on same-sex law reform", published on Saturday 2 November 2019, mischievous.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 5

Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Published in Kata


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