
Editorial: 'The empty ideology of terror offers nothing'

Saturday 30 November 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

As children, we all knew the song: London Bridge is falling down.


Letters: 'My client is not a violent beast'

Friday 29 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, There is a common denominator in two spiky letters to the editor from Ellena Tavioni and Rangi Ngariki about my client and I showing our thumbs up after our trial victory – they are completely ignorant of what the facts are, but displayed outrage fueled entirely by emotion.

Letters to the Editor

JAEWYNN McKAY: To tinder or not to tinder

Thursday 28 November 2019 | Published in Opinion

My husband finds it amusing to tell folk that I’m a “joiner” – apparently by this he means I see a queue and join it.


Letters: Water treatment

Thursday 28 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Chemical water treatment includes issues of supply, storage, dosing, monitoring, and the disposal of waste. It also should ensure that the waterworks do not impact on our environment and biodiversity.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Thumbs down for rape case justice

Thursday 28 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Aue! I am so disgusted about the photo of Norman George, smiling thumbs up after winning the date rape case with his client.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: 'Areas of concern'

Wednesday 27 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Chemical water treatment includes issues of supply, storage, dosing, monitoring, and the disposal of waste. It also should ensure that the waterworks do not impact on our environment and biodiversity.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Unassuming star made big impression on island

Wednesday 27 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I just read this article (Unassuming star made big impression on island published in 2016) because I was watching a documentary on David Bowie and remembered our time in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 27

Wednesday 27 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Ruth Tangiaau Mave: Pay our teachers well, before they leave

Tuesday 26 November 2019 | Published in Opinion

Mrs Mutu, one of my primary school teachers, told me underpants were invented to stop the last drop dribbling down your leg after you’ve been to the loo.


Letters: Land decisions are for landowners

Tuesday 26 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, There are 10 lines or families who are the registered owners of the Nukupure S3C land comprising Muri’s football field, netball courts, community centre and the adjoining health clinic.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Criminal justice is no laughing matter

Tuesday 26 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana editor, I and a group of concerned Cook Islanders talked about your disturbing front page news last Saturday.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 26

Tuesday 26 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Norman George: Our Ministry of Incorrect Services

Monday 25 November 2019 | Published in Opinion

The Prison Superintendent has been made redundant with just one month’s notice. Now he’s lifting the lid on alleged failings in prison administration.


Letters: Stream concerns 'need investigation'

Monday 25 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, One response from the Project Management Unit to being advised of the possible contamination of the Turangi stream was the public statement that "no disinfection chemicals have been used at the intakes". This year, government has issued a number of statements regarding chemical-use that lack credibility.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 25

Monday 25 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Thomas Wynne: A grand plan to extend our borders

Saturday 23 November 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Opinion

As the Manatua Cable goes live next year, our ability to connect Cook Islanders around the world, our ability to connect changes like never before.


Letters: Overseas landowners don't recognise leaders

Saturday 23 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor Your front page article (“Motu owners may ask fee for lagoon cruises access”, November 21) has prompted me to respond.

Letters to the Editor

Kata Nov 23

Saturday 23 November 2019 | Published in Kata


Letters: Fears of waterways contamination

Friday 22 November 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, I write in support of the letter from Anna Rasmussen of Te Vai Ora Maori (“Water is Clear,” November 20).

Letters to the Editor

Editorial: To Tatou Vai turns water into wine

Friday 22 November 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

Though they are similar sizes and populations, the islands of Waiheke and Rarotonga are very different. Rarotonga has its famous azure lagoons, its warm and cohesive community and its centuries-old cultural heritage.


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