Saturday 8 February 2020 | Published in Kata
Friday 7 February 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Editorials
On Waitangi Day, February 6, I find my thoughts are automatically occupied by my tupuna rangatira.
Friday 7 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
You stand up for your son! Our 6-year-old boy has the Cook Island traditional long hair to his knees.
Friday 7 February 2020 | Published in Kata
Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I tautoko your stand for your son 100 per cent. Kura is to provide an education.
Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
In response to Papa Williams (Letters), what is often overlooked is that even with the “best practice” management of chemical processes, the streams are ultra-sensitive to changes in pH and temperature.
Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, It is amazing how things get done when it affects government members personally. Police, teachers, nurses asking for a wage rise, are told it will happen over the next three years, but MPs get a 45 per cent wage raise immediately.
Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, It’s good to hear Cook Islands government will introduce legislation attempting to curb drink-driving tragedies.
Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I had the pleasure of meeting this young man, Nathan Matata (“I don’t want to be known as some bush mechanic,” Feb 3).
Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Editorials
OPINION: It was a year ago that Jay Cagica lost his best friend Thomas Riley in a bike crash. Thomas was the first or 10 deaths in just 1 months. Today, Cagica remembers his friend and pleads for everyone to wear helmets.
Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Editorials
During a kaikai in Mitiaro at the weekend of the latest tragedy, the MC announced a special pure akapumaana (prayer of comfort) would be held for the families who had just lost two young boys involved in a fatal accident on Rarotonga.
Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Editorials
OPINION: Some tough businessmen have helped make Cook Islands the nation it is today.
Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Relating to the most recent tragic deaths on Rarotonga’s roads, I am reminded of the Bob Dylan’s soul searching lyrics from “Blowing in the Wind”: “Yes, an’ how many ears must ONE man have, before he can hear people cry? Yes, an’ how many deaths will it take until he knows that too many people have died?”
Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Editorials
OPINION: Men make laws, to instantly solve issues, one they can put a lid on, wash their hands and walk away.
Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Tena koe, Many years ago, I marched in support of Maori rights (in response to Derek Fox, “What would Treaty fathers think?” Jan 29).
Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Condolences to the grieving family, but please consider that a proposal to lower blood alcohol content, helmets for all, and driver education is just not enough.
Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The purpose of this letter is to offer the public an explanation in respect of a posting on the Democratic Party Facebook page on Thursday 30 January 2020.
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