
Kata Jan 10

Friday 10 January 2020 | Published in Kata


Debi Futter-Puati: Sex education to protect the young

Thursday 9 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Dear editor, In days gone past it was very difficult for most people to access pornography – you had to be brave enough to buy a magazine from someone face to face, or find an uncle with a Playboy to sneak a peek. Not so these days.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: Jan 9

Thursday 9 January 2020 | Published in Kata


Editorial: Cheaper data would boost economy

Wednesday 8 January 2020 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Editorials

OPINION: I was meeting someone at Rarotonga airport, when I encountered a frustrated American tourist having a bit of a nightmare. Her bank had got the time zones confused (or some such) and hadn’t yet transferred her money orders, so she had no spending cash.


Kata: Climate Change

Wednesday 8 January 2020 | Published in Kata


Pastor Tevai Matapo: Resolving to make a difference in your life

Tuesday 7 January 2020 | Published in Opinion

OPINION: It is that time of the year when people make New Year resolutions. Many of us always have every good intention at the outset, but by the middle of the year, many of those resolutions are no longer in focus.


Papa Williams: Developed challenges

Tuesday 7 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Dear editor, This New Year of 2020 heralds in a historic and unprecedented occasion for our Cook Islands paradise – an occasion that without doubt will result in difficult and distressing decisions for business owners, families and individuals.

Letters to the Editor

Wilkie Rasmussen: 'Butt out of Penrhyn disputes'

Tuesday 7 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Dear editor, I was not surprised by Mark Brown's response to my criticism of his government and of Penrhyn MP Robert Tapaitau’s appalling handling of shipping to the northern islands.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: Puna on Conversation Meet

Tuesday 7 January 2020 | Published in Kata


Ruth Mave: Creating change starts with you

Monday 6 January 2020 | Published in Opinion

OPINION: It’s the end of the world as we know it: the year 2019 has run its course.


Kata Jan 5

Monday 6 January 2020 | Published in Kata


The water debate continues

Sunday 5 January 2020 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Opinion

Several weeks ago, the Cook Islands water authority, To Tatou Vai, announced it was conducting a six-month trial of Poly-Aluminium Chloride (PACl) as a flocculation agent. Flocculation is a process of settling out particulate matter, for example dirt, from the water. Given that PACl is a chemical that produces a potentially toxic sludge as a byproduct of the flocculation process, this trial needed to be properly assessed for environmental impacts before it was approved.


Street Poll – “What changes would you like to see in the Cook Islands in 2020?”

Saturday 4 January 2020 | Published in On the Street

Jaedon Bates: I would like to see the government doing their job properly, and I would definitely look forward to good change being done in our country.

On the Street

The meaning of graduation

Saturday 4 January 2020 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Opinion

Ko au ko koe ko tatou “It is me, it is you, it is all of us…” This statement attempts to sum up what the Cook Islands’ graduation as a country means, as the clock ticked past January 1 this week and we stood as a developed nation.


Kata Jan 4

Saturday 4 January 2020 | Published in Kata


Counting our blessings

Friday 3 January 2020 | Published in Opinion

The year 2019 has passed. A new decade is before us. Let us therefore look back with gratitude for all the blessings which have been ours, and look ahead to the New Year with expectant hope.


Kata Jan 3

Friday 3 January 2020 | Published in Kata


You can't live without water

Tuesday 31 December 2019 | Published in Opinion

For some Christmas is all about life – in particular the birth of Jesus. They say that bread is the staff of life, it might be; but while you can probably live without bread, you can’t live without water. No living organism whether plant or animal can live without water. When the World Health Organisation was looking for reasons why people in developed countries in Europe live longer than those in less developed nations, there were several factors - but the one that stood out and was possibly most easily fixed – was contaminated water.


Kata Dec 31

Tuesday 31 December 2019 | Published in Kata


Ruth Mave: Living on island time

Monday 30 December 2019 | Published in Opinion

After you’ve spent time chasing the goals and dreams of the high speed, concrete jungles of the world, coming to live in the Cook Islands is a decision most of us make to get some real island time, where the rhythm of life is slower, simpler and cleaner. It’s where eyes and hearts wake to nature and views and tourists pay money to visit and absorb all this for a short time. We are the lucky ones – we live here. So, as we head into a new decade, let’s take a moment to wallow in our good fortune. We have changed and evolved yes, but some things, thankfully, remain the same. Before you rush headlong back into work and routine, remember island time is alive and well.


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