
Moana Moeka'a: Huge relief to see strength of opinion against helmets

Saturday 30 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: I turned up to Constitution Park on Friday at 11.29am. There was only the police sergeant waiting in a white truck.


Paul Lynch: Take personal responsibility

Friday 29 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, I have a response to a question to me (Letters, May 28).

Letters to the Editor

Duncan Lewis: Small stallholders need help

Friday 29 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Things are bad enough at the moment, with the lockdown and no tourists. But with the bridge rebuild and the entrance to the market closed, things are even harder for everyone at the market.

Letters to the Editor

Dr Collin Tukuitonga: NZ-Pacific bubble is the priority

Thursday 28 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Opinion

OPINION: Much has been made of the desirability of a ‘trans-Tasman’ bubble with quarantine-free air travel as a priority. There are compelling reasons for this idea and it is politically difficult to ignore.


Tim Arnold: Taio's brand new vessel

Thursday 28 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor; I was as surprised as my client, Tapi Taio, to read on the front page of that newspaper that a brand new vessel is being constructed for him at present.

Letters to the Editor

Jaewynn McKay: Time to buckle down and helmet up

Wednesday 27 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Like me, you might not like the new helmet law, but our MPs have done what we elected them to do. They have made the decision they believe is in the best interests in the country. So from June 26, wear a helmet – or don’t ride a motorbike.


James Webb: Mitigating big economic shock

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

The Cook Islands Government should be commended for its proactive approach of putting large-scale support measures in place.


Fine Tu'itupou-Arnold: Get safeguards in place first

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: From a humanitarian point of view, continued government support for people’s lives and livelihoods is very important in times like this. Right now, none of us know whether this second phase of assistance will be enough, because of the unpredictability of the situation we are in.


Mata Puia-Huch: Economic package is a smart response

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: I was thrilled to see the SMART Economy initiative announced as part of phase 2 of the Covid-19 economic response plan.


Danny Mataroa: Economic Package put workers on farms

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: I think it’s a good package but for a lot of growers, because they are small farmers, it has been difficult for them to go through the registration phase.


Dr Debi Futter-Puati: More training spots open due to economic stimulus package

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: We are very happy we can make a few of our University of the South Pacific courses available for free as part of the Fees Free initiative.


Tina Browne: Opposition supports economic package

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: While we will fulfil our undertaking in Parliament and support the economic response package, phase 2, there are some issues we would like to raise such as the mention of grant funding for agriculture and equipment. What will be the source of that grant funding and where will the agriculture equipment come from?”


Damien Beddoes: Don't abuse superannuation fund

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: The reduction to 1% is part of the economic stimulus, and the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund contributions are a small part of a significant package the Cook Islands Government is providing.


Norman George: Some organic lightbulbs to chew on

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Food for thought, or screaming in the wind? The arguments for weaponising the economy.


Jean Mason: All brains, young or old, are vulnerable

Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Once in a while you have to put your trust in your MPs to do the right thing –this is why we voted for them.

Letters to the Editor

Ruta Tangiiau Mavé: Bee-siness opportunity

Monday 25 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Imagine eating honey made from our beautiful and sweet tropical flowers, hibiscus, tipani and tiare maori.


Thomas Tarurongo Wynne: Meitaki for your courage and strength

Saturday 23 May 2020 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials

OPINION: Don’t even think of thanking the quarantined mamas and papas for their sacrifice.


Andy Kirkwood: Water treatment: Don't be hasty

Saturday 23 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Anticipating an economic recovery strategy that will borrow from New Zealand's post-Covid push to green-light spade-ready infrastructure projects, I observe that Mark Brown is back on the chemical water treatment campaign trail.

Letters to the Editor

Norman George: Tactful advice to our leaders

Tuesday 19 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Editorials

More sage advice to entertain and inspire our kopu tangata quarantined at the Edgewater Resort.


Chris Denny: Govt money is running out

Monday 18 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, The worst is still to come!

Letters to the Editor

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