Letters to the Editor

Chip seal a disaster and waste of money

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor; I write to respond to recent articles about the deplorable state of our chip-sealed roads.

Letters to the Editor

Why was parliament cut short?

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Why was parliament cut short from its two-week sitting? It is in parliament where some of the country’s issues are raised and discussed, issues of such importance that they may have impact economically, socially, politically, or even religiously at times.

Letters to the Editor

Now is not the time to be silent

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

My Uncle Nooroa Teavae Tanner and five others formed a group in Auckland called the Polynesian Panthers in the late 1970s, responding to amongst other things Dawn Raids on Pacific Island families by the New Zealand Government.

Letters to the Editor

PM Puna supporting Maggie for Maraerenga

Friday 23 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Two weeks ago on radio we heard the Don of Maraerenga probe the Minister of Finance Mark Brown on the subject of the Cook Islands Party candidate for Tupapa Maraerenga and whether he and the Prime Minister Henry Puna are involved in the selection process of the candidate for the constituency.

Letters to the Editor

You didn't go far enough

Friday 23 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Re ‘If you don’t like it then go back home’ in CINews Feb 21 – right on brother, but you didn’t go far enough.

Letters to the Editor

Lack of youth facilities not the problem

Friday 23 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Here are my thoughts regarding a recent CINews story about a lack of facilities for Cook Islands youth.

Letters to the Editor

The rights (and wrongs) of Cook Islanders

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Regarding Mr Lyon from the Chamber of Commerce advocating more rights for contract workers. Is this chamber policy or Mr Lyon?

Letters to the Editor

If you don't like it then go back home

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It’s just my opinion, freedom of thought and expression, says ‘The Unionist’. Man, you must have plenty of time on your hands to write these long articles to the paper. I trust your boss is aware of your stance on various issues.

Letters to the Editor

Lose the booze and free the weed

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

While our politicians are not known for seeing the handwriting on the wall – except maybe when they refuse to call Parliament to sit when they suspect a vote of no-confidence – nevertheless, we seemingly powerless citizens should point out the obvious. We’ve had another booze-fuelled stabbing here on Rarotonga, while many of the states in the USA have legalised ‘the weed’ and seen alcohol consumption (and attendant violence) go down while tax revenues go up. Oh no, our leaders, both political and religious, will say, we can’t have drugs! We’ve been on the booze for so long as a society, so used to the traffic stops, the politicians getting away with drink-driving while the common folks go to court, so desensitised to the booze-fuelled domestic violence and sexual assault, that we don’t even think of alcohol as a drug. Well it is, and so much worse than the weed that has as many legitimate uses as does the coconut tree that we brag about. No, New Zealand will beat the Cook Islands to making this miracle plant legal, and capturing the tax revenue and the decrease in alcohol violence. We’ll be followers instead of leaders, but that’s just the way it is. Legalise It (Name and address supplied)

Letters to the Editor

Alarm bells ringing for Koutu Nui

Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I note that the Koutu Nui are concerned about the increasing numbers of foreign workers coming into the country who aspire to permanent residency.

Letters to the Editor

Not ready for developed nation status

Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Friday night’s CITV news segment, featuring Murienua Demo MP and Shadow Finance spokesman James Beer’s comments on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) position that the Cook Islands is ready for ‘developed nation status’, is a major concern for all of us.

Letters to the Editor

Why can't I leave my abusive employer?

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It used to be said of women who were in abusive relationships: “Well, it’s their own fault and they should leave.” The same people would say, “If I was in such a relationship, I would just get out”. Yes, many have said these very words and they have been strong personalities in their own right, as well as being financially and emotionally secure.

Letters to the Editor

The Weet-Bix school of accounting

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Our Minister of Finance has once again displayed the certificate of accounting he got from a Weet-Bix packet.

Letters to the Editor

Time for a name change

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

For someone that hides behind the name Observer, you may need to change it to Obnoxious, because that’s closer to the truth when I read your letter in Friday’s paper.

Letters to the Editor

Let's celebrate the new diversity

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As the Cook Islands continues to develop, with tourism growth projected to be at around seven per cent for this coming year, and with the consistent departure of Cook Islanders from our shores, there continues to be a growth in demand for immigrant labour, which will lead to more foreigners migrating.

Letters to the Editor

Something stinks

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It was great to see a representative of the health department on TV on Wednesday night advising us all that we have to comply with the sewage regulations and provide them with a plan.

Letters to the Editor

Political appointees – assets or liabilities?

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

One of the things that has concerned myself and many like-minded people in the private and public sector is the practice of politicians influencing or directing the appointment of political appointees into mainly high-level public sector roles and some SOEs.

Letters to the Editor

Mental health debate 'tokenism and lip service'

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Please excuse my cynical response regarding a February 5 CINews article entitled ‘Psychologist needed for Arorangi Prison’.

Letters to the Editor

Staff cuts needed at BTIB

Thursday 15 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Koutu Nui has every reason to be alarmed about the growing number of ex-pats serving (mostly) the tourism sector.

Letters to the Editor

An apology from CINews

Thursday 15 February 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

You had published in the February 12, 2018 issue of the Cook Islands News a letter written by Tupuna Rakanui, Clerk of the House of Ariki.

Letters to the Editor

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