Letters to the Editor

Pitt taken to task over 'minor' smash

Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The prime minister’s minor road accident of some four years ago has once again reared its head.

Letters to the Editor

Submarine cable questioned

Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To Elizabeth Wright-Koteka, first let me say no one questions your dedication or passion regarding the proposed submarine cable.

Letters to the Editor

Visitor impressed with health clinic

Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have read with interest the comments of visitors having to invoke the services of your hospital.

Letters to the Editor

Police letter about PM's accident smacks of politics

Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The surprise disclosure by Police Commissioner Maara Tetava in Saturday’s CINews regarding the motor vehicle accident involving the prime minister, Henry Puna in October 2014, nearly four years ago, has to be politically motivated.

Letters to the Editor

Plan beyond grasp of 'Beernomics' - Tepaki

Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I respond to James Beer’s letter of May 24, headed “Prosperity plan has serious flaws,” by saying I don’t make mistakes, and the only flaws I see are of his making, if I may explain?

Letters to the Editor

More questions than answers on cable

Monday 28 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The simplistic and somewhat opinionated response from Elizabeth Wright-Koteka in regards to the Manatua cable project (CINews, May 25) does nothing to justify why this project should go ahead.

Letters to the Editor

PM traffic incident old news

Monday 28 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana Editor, The releases by the Demos on police inactivity with regard to the traffic incident involving PM Henry Puna is old news.

Letters to the Editor

Grey Power members not bludgers

Monday 28 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The New Zealand government provides a substantial injection of cash directly into our government’s budget – approximately $20million every two years.

Letters to the Editor

Kaka Ama has the right stuff, supporter claims

Monday 28 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was most refreshing to listen to CIP candidate for Ngatangiia, Kaka Ama, deliver a speech during his political rally held on Monday night that was rousing, visionary and realistic.

Letters to the Editor

The full facts on Manatua cable project

Friday 25 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On Tuesday, May 22, you published an article with the headline ‘stop Manatua cable project’. This article mainly quoted a press release that you did not publish, and James Beer’s opinion on the matter.

Letters to the Editor

Some questions for finance minister and the PM

Friday 25 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Tim Tepaki has said his “Paradise Prosperity Plan” proposal will generate more than $120 million in operating profit.

Letters to the Editor

Everyone must pay tax

Friday 25 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor So Grey Power’s latest excuse is because they worked in New Zealand in the sixties and they paid taxes, they are entitled to a tax free pension here in the Cook Islands because the New Zealand government supported us financially. Te akapeea mai nei kotou ma?

Letters to the Editor

Mangaia political reform plan fades into history

Thursday 24 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Electoral reform discussions are topical again - but always seem to subside once elections are over.

Letters to the Editor

Te puapinga o te Vaka Konitara

Thursday 24 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kua akatupu ia te Vaka Konitara i raro ake i te ture enua o Rarotonga. Ite mataiti 2007 kua takore ia atu tei reira e te Kavamani Democratic Party. Ko Ngamau Munokoa te Minita o te tuanga Internal Affairs i tei reira tuatau. Ko teia tana i tuatua ei turu ite takore anga ite Vaka Konitara, `e mea tau rai kia takore ia atu te Vaka konitara note mea kare oki e matutu ana tana angaanga note tama oire. Kare katoa oki e rava ana te tuanga moni ta te Kavamani e tuku nei kite Vaka Konitara note rave i tana angaanga.’

Letters to the Editor

Tax threshold increase could help cost of living

Thursday 24 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This present government has made a number of decisions over the last two terms of parliament have affected many Cook Islanders.

Letters to the Editor

Prosperity plan has serious flaws

Thursday 24 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor. So Tepaki says his plan involving the CIP government and the Chinese government is going to yield an operating profit (before tax and interest) of $120 million a year.

Letters to the Editor

Next expert please

Wednesday 23 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are all used to the ‘experts’ who visit us for a few days, give us their expert advice on what we should be doing, and then depart forever.

Letters to the Editor

No free ride for this Grey Power taxpayer

Wednesday 23 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In 1964 I started work in New Zealand, doing two jobs and paying tax accordingly.

Letters to the Editor

Answers sought on Te Mato Vai issues

Tuesday 22 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The last time I directed a question through this column to the minister of finance (CINews February 12, 2018), it related to migrant workers and their superannuation rights.

Letters to the Editor

Review report highlights 'then and now' issues

Tuesday 22 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your page one story in CINews, May 17, reviews some of the recommendations of the 1998 report of the Commission of Review into electoral matters.

Letters to the Editor

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