Thursday 11 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia orana Editor, I was stunned to see live on Facebook yesterday, the MP for Avatiu/Rappa being sworn in as an MP.
Thursday 11 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia orana Editor, Regarding the Sunday Religious Advisory Council combined service …
Thursday 11 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana Editor, With Anzac Day soon coming around for another year, let us hope that organisers finally realise who the actual Very Important People are.
Monday 8 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I believe it’s appropriate to raise the issue of two words that some people find a little difficult to distinguish between.
Tuesday 2 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted about Mark Brown's insulting remark on Nandi Glassie on TV last Friday night's news. It is so low for a minister of the Crown to attack innocent members of the public - particularly pensioners.
Tuesday 2 April 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Now that Demo’s Nandi Glassie has filed a petition in the High Court challenging Te-Hani Brown’s win in the TAN Atiu by-election of March 18, it is amusing to see deputy prime minister Mark Brown’s reaction to it.
Monday 25 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, With the Electoral Office’s release last week of the official and final Atiu count confirming Independent Te-Hani Brown with 80 votes, and Demo’s Nandi Glassie securing 50 votes, we now await a period of seven days to see whether or not the Democratic Party will file a petition alleging voting irregularity during the election.
Saturday 23 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor The recent court case refers where the defendant was fined $800 for having a bong.
Thursday 14 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana Editor, On behalf of the Koutu Nui - we agree with the views expressed by Ellena Tavioni in her letter to the CI News.
Tuesday 12 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A recent documentary I watched made reference to the “Lapita Tribe of people” from the island of Papua New Guinea, a hardy race of people who travelled the vast oceans thousands of years ago.
Monday 11 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please allow me to raise some concerns of mine with regards to the issue of a name change for our country.
Friday 8 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Last year a decision by the Privy Court in London disrespected our Cook Islands Traditional Land Customs and allowed a non-blood adopted child land rights in his adopted father’s family land.
Wednesday 6 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, That letter in the Monday paper was a good attempt to put down the efforts in Atiu of the Brown family.
Monday 4 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Former Demo MP Te-Hani Brown’s lesson to learn from her brief sojourn into politics is quite simple: “Get into politics for the right reasons, not the wrong reasons!”
Monday 4 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In your newspaper dated February 25, minister Mark Brown publicly admitted how easy it is for the Cook Islands Party-led coalition government and Te-Hani Brown to waste public money on by-elections when he said if the Demos really care about the cost to the country, they should leave the seat unopposed.
Monday 4 March 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Amazing to see that the Police are on to the wedding scammers. Good job!
Tuesday 26 February 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I am back for a while and wanted to reply to your article on the front page yesterday about trade practices.
Tuesday 26 February 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The deputy prime minister sure is doing a lot of talking for someone who doesn’t even have a dog in the fight isn’t he?
Tuesday 26 February 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I find it appalling that deputy prime minister Mark Brown still continues to treat the public as simpletons, with his on-going and constant mixture of disseminating news of all sorts of varieties; truth, half-truths, real news, fake news, misinformation, disinformation, half-lies, manipulated BS and so on.