Wednesday 31 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Associate Professor Mark Thomas' letter in CINews highlighted one thing - that unequivocally, New Zealand has very serious issues with their own water supply, never mind our water supply here in Rarotonga and the Pa Enua!
Tuesday 30 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Please stop changing things that are already done for our people by our people. Do not bring overseas recommendations to our country. Your organisation came here to do volunteer work not to change our laws.
Tuesday 30 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Aue tau e, I trust our local doctors who have years of experiences fighting the disease and sickness in Cook Islands and New Zealand.
Monday 29 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia orana editor, Someone asked me the other day my thoughts on the proposed chlorinating of our water. My answer was that I couldn’t comment as I didn’t know much about chlorine accept that swimming pools have to be chlorinated.
Monday 29 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, It was good to see there has been a mandate of operations set out by Cook Islands News in its efforts to present a fair and transparent reporting of the people it is supposed to represent (“Journalism Charter is a living pledge of accountability”, July 20).
Monday 29 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Hope for next term for our children and teachers.
Saturday 27 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ok guys let’s add some context.
Friday 26 July 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The police wage rise for new recruits will take them to $15,000 – that is about five police officers’ annual wages being paid to Te-Hani to do nothing.
Friday 26 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
In my previous letters I have explained why government needs to take a co-ordinated approach to the impending import of meth
Thursday 25 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, With all the furore recently over the chlorination issue, there may be a possible solution to the problem by avoiding the addition of any chemicals to the water supply, through using water filters.
Thursday 25 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The change of name from Kuki Airani to something of Maori meaning is of value – the finding of that name is something else again.
Wednesday 24 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I am an infectious diseases physician working at Auckland City Hospital and the University of Auckland, who this month had the good fortune to stay in Rarotonga for one week and attend the 21st Annual Cook Islands Health Conference.
Tuesday 23 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Te Mato Vai is another sham public consultation showing government’s complete disregard and disdain for the concerns of landowners and other stakeholders.
Tuesday 23 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The ongoing public discussion in regards to water chlorination is of concern.
Saturday 20 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I am surprised and shocked to find that Cook Islands News has decided on a policy of not allowing non de plume names for letters to the editor.
Friday 19 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor Last week I attended the Health Conference in Rarotonga. My mother is from Areora village in Atiu and I am an Auckland anaesthetist.
Thursday 18 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The education department has a real battle on its hands if it is to fight and win the battle against meth.
Thursday 18 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The merit of “anolyte” is its ability to kill germs, bacterium, protozoa, and viruses, unlike chlorine which fails to eliminate all the major nasty bugs, and just ends up smelling and tasting of the chemical chlorine.
Thursday 18 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, By now Mark Brown, the deputy prime minister, must be thinking he can walk on water.
Wednesday 17 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Are we welcome here? Depends who you are dealing with.