Monday 19 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The debate on chemical-free disinfection, free water and transparent consultation continues unabated.
Saturday 17 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, With due respect to the Kaumaiti Nui and all members of the House of Arikis, Dr Aumea, William Wigmore, government ministers Mark Brown and Rose Brown and in fact all that went up Turangi water intake.
Friday 16 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
I must correct some of the statements made by Rodney Fletcher in his letter to the editor. When comparing different products, it is very important to have all the facts.
Thursday 15 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I introduce myself: my name is Simone Panizzi, I live and work in Italy (in Livorno). I write as a sports journalist for a newspaper in my city and I have a passion for international football.
Thursday 15 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I am a food technologist from India who had the opportunity to serve the Cook Islands from 1982 to 1987.
Wednesday 14 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I refer to an article in Cook Island News, Wednesday August 7, 2019 headed “Causing more harm than good” a most appropriate headline for other reasons than those aired in the article.
Wednesday 14 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Kia Orana, my name is Mataa Taramai. I am 56 years old, fit and live in Wellington, New Zealand.
Tuesday 13 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, kia orana, My email is in response to the article titled “An island mourns” (August 10).
Tuesday 13 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The Safety Data Sheet for Anolyte, from Radical Waters Ltd, South Africa, says it is an oxidising disinfectant and a weak acid. It says: “No hazards expected under normal conditions of use.”
Tuesday 13 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, In my interview (“Anolyte champion in last-ditch bid”, July 27) I concentrated on options for water sanitation.
Monday 12 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Your paper's story on trans-shipment plans at Tongareva/Penrhyn Island (“Chinese company is told, go fish,” August 10) failed to mention why such a plan was opposed.
Monday 12 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, In my interview (“Anolyte champion in last-ditch bid”, July 27) I concentrated on options for water sanitation.
Monday 12 August 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I wish to write and thank the Cook Islands Tourism Marketing Corporation for intervening on our behalf, when I received a deeply shocking and unprofessional email from the owner of private rental accommodation following our stay in Matavera.
Saturday 10 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
When the last section of our public water supply pipeline was commissioned in the early 1960s, many people became sick after drinking water from the new reticulated system, and this contributed to three deaths.
Friday 9 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I note with amusement the reference in a sports story (“Cooks rugby chief resigns”, August 7) to me being “requested” to get onboard with the Cook Islands Rugby Union following the resignation of the president Sean Smith.
Thursday 8 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I write in support of Papa Williams’ letter in yesterday’s edition of Cook Islands News.
Wednesday 7 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, My heart goes out to our hardworking agricultural farmers who are trying to institute a neweconomic income stream method of growing foods that has taken the world by storm.
Saturday 3 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Thank you for the article on the opening of the Mauke’s Community Library (“Mauke’s magical book house opens”, August 2).
Saturday 3 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
There are many current population health challenges, and one of these is the challenge of ensuring suitable health care for our elderly.
Thursday 1 August 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, In my previous letters I have made suggestions about how government might take a co-ordinated approach to the problem of meth. In this letter I wanted to address the role our community must play if we are to fight this evil.