Letters to the Editor

Tania Lucas: How dare they force haircut on boy?

Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I tautoko your stand for your son 100 per cent. Kura is to provide an education.

Letters to the Editor

Ian Calhaem: Chemicals in water

Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In response to Papa Williams (Letters), what is often overlooked is that even with the “best practice” management of chemical processes, the streams are ultra-sensitive to changes in pH and temperature.

Letters to the Editor

RAT Mavé: What's good for the goose

Thursday 6 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, It is amazing how things get done when it affects government members personally. Police, teachers, nurses asking for a wage rise, are told it will happen over the next three years, but MPs get a 45 per cent wage raise immediately.

Letters to the Editor

Angie Samuela: The two Es: Education and enforcement

Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, It’s good to hear Cook Islands government will introduce legislation attempting to curb drink-driving tragedies.

Letters to the Editor

Nigel Toa: Our 'bush mechanic'

Wednesday 5 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I had the pleasure of meeting this young man, Nathan Matata (“I don’t want to be known as some bush mechanic,” Feb 3).

Letters to the Editor

George Ngaei: Fixing road trauma crisis a worthy legacy

Tuesday 4 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Relating to the most recent tragic deaths on Rarotonga’s roads, I am reminded of the Bob Dylan’s soul searching lyrics from “Blowing in the Wind”: “Yes, an’ how many ears must ONE man have, before he can hear people cry? Yes, an’ how many deaths will it take until he knows that too many people have died?”

Letters to the Editor

Andrew Robb : Waitangi Day

Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Tena koe, Many years ago, I marched in support of Maori rights (in response to Derek Fox, “What would Treaty fathers think?” Jan 29).

Letters to the Editor

Tuua Ngatokoa: Binge-drinking culture

Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Condolences to the grieving family, but please consider that a proposal to lower blood alcohol content, helmets for all, and driver education is just not enough.

Letters to the Editor

William Framhein: Demos boss admits social post

Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, The purpose of this letter is to offer the public an explanation in respect of a posting on the Democratic Party Facebook page on Thursday 30 January 2020.

Letters to the Editor

Maringakura Campbell: Coronavirus response

Monday 3 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, This is not a time to panic but a time to improve your self-care. It's a challenge for all mankind.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Henry Puna's road safety laws

Saturday 1 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Some are heralding as leadership the Prime Minister’s suddenly discovered burst of enthusiasm for mandatory wearing of helmets for all bike users, banning phones and earphones while driving and reducing the alcohol limit.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Helping when others turned their backs

Saturday 1 February 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, There have been some negative comments made recently about George Maggie, however I wanted to write to your newspaper about the other side of Mr Maggie that people don’t know about.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Be careful, or lose it all

Friday 31 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Thomas Wynne’s opinion piece (“Sons for the return home”, Jan 25) highlights issues facing many Cookies both here and in New Zealand.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Pukapuka homecoming

Friday 31 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

We spent three weeks on Rarotonga in 2002 and had a lovely time with Johnny Frisbie and her grandchildren, Sophia and Tevanna . We understand she now lives in Honolulu.

Letters to the Editor

FJ van der Vyver: Far-off rugby season

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Greetings from Blue Bulls and Rugby World Cup champions country.

Letters to the Editor

Elizabeth Taumoepeau: Coastwatchers – lest we forget

Thursday 30 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, This is a very important story and very interesting for all us island people, especially for my son-in-law William Cuthers Kainana Anguna. We are looking forward to watching it.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: On another road fatality

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I don't know whether to feel angry or sad.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Repay study loan through service

Wednesday 29 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Just to reassure your correspondent (Letters, Jan 28), the proposal before the Budget Committee for a Cook Islands Tertiary Education Student Scholarship scheme states that should students who receive a scholarship stay in country once graduated, they can repay their loan by service back to the country.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Student loans scheme

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Students would have to be 150% sure of their chosen career path for this debt to be worth it (I don’t know many who have been).

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Condolences after two die in crash

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Sincere condolences to the families of those involved.

Letters to the Editor

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