Friday 29 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Things are bad enough at the moment, with the lockdown and no tourists. But with the bridge rebuild and the entrance to the market closed, things are even harder for everyone at the market.
Thursday 28 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor; I was as surprised as my client, Tapi Taio, to read on the front page of that newspaper that a brand new vessel is being constructed for him at present.
Tuesday 26 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Once in a while you have to put your trust in your MPs to do the right thing –this is why we voted for them.
Saturday 23 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Anticipating an economic recovery strategy that will borrow from New Zealand's post-Covid push to green-light spade-ready infrastructure projects, I observe that Mark Brown is back on the chemical water treatment campaign trail.
Monday 18 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The worst is still to come!
Friday 15 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I find it somewhat disturbing the Edgewater resort is open to the public and has the repatriated locals in quarantine.
Friday 15 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana Editor, I have no choice but to express my deep concern in regard to the charges Vodafone are making to the people of the Cook Islands.
Tuesday 12 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Thomas Wynne (“It’s time to change our tourism”, May 2) asserts that the new order after Covid should be “with us in the driver’s seat, not the foreign interests that used our country as a cash register,” then left.
Tuesday 12 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, This isn’t the first time Cook Islands has locked down against a virus.
Thursday 7 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Probably by the year’s end a vaccination for Covid-19 will be available, most likely resulting from a collaboration between Oxford University and Astra-Zeneca. Potentially such a vaccine will end the Covid-19 crisis worldwide, if people agree to be vaccinated.
Thursday 7 May 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, With my limited experience in sports administration, I find it absurd to read of Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) imposing restrictions (and reinforcing the prime minister's “ban”) on the resumption of certain sports (“It’s play time for 18 sports”, May 2).
Wednesday 6 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
In 2020, one thing is glaringly clear – no developed or developing country in the world whether wealthy or poor, will come out the other side of this Covid-19 global smackdown unscathed.
Wednesday 6 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
I’ve never quite understood in these golden years of tourism why the government hasn’t looked to diversify the economy.
Tuesday 5 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia orana from Qualicum Beach, Canada.
Saturday 2 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Cook Islands News has identified a challenge (“Cook Islands waste worsens in Covid-19 slowdown,”April 18) that faces many small island states on the path to developed status.
Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, I fail to understand why the police find it necessary to stop all traffic moving past their building during their daily flag raising ceremony.
Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, This Covid -19 phenomenon exposes the failures of the Government with regard to economics. There is no export in agriculture, in black pearls, in fish, in arts and crafts and so on.
Thursday 23 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
I have read your article entitled “Business pleads for austerity” which was in Monday’s paper.
Thursday 23 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, Reading the news on BBC about oil prices and how they are negative and oil producers are paying buyers to take their oil. Does that mean fuel suppliers here will pay us to fill up? Just a thought! Malcolm Laxton-Blinkhorn
Tuesday 21 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor, The Covid-19 pandemic has brought sweeping changes to the way we live today, worldwide.