Letters to the Editor

Real reform deserves a knighthood

Saturday 16 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Should PM Marurai really be congratulated for putting political reform on the urgent list of things to do before the general elections? If he is genuinely committed to carrying out much needed political reform, then the guy deserves a knighthood. But if his putting political reform on the agenda merely as a strategy […]

Letters to the Editor

Faint praise

Saturday 16 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Ex-Public Servant’s letter (Friday January 15) is damning with faint praise. Just like his “good old friend” Don Silk, he has no idea what the point of his letter is. Let me spell it out for both of them: Richard Chapman has nothing to do with this generation of poorly performing public servants. […]

Letters to the Editor

No clues on dumpings

Saturday 16 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Public health and environmental officers are still in the dark as to the persons responsible for incidents reported to the agencies this week. On Tuesday morning raw chicken pieces and vegetables apparently came off a vehicle and ended up on the road at Harley Street corner. Then on Wednesday a couple of decaying dogs and […]

Letters to the Editor

Suspicions confirmed

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The political turmoil over the past few weeks, which now seems to have culminated in the formation of a government, albeit rather shaky, that consists of five MPs, will probably confirm the public’s growing suspicions that a great majority of the politicians of this country are nothing but disloyal, two-faced, self-centered, greedy individuals […]

Letters to the Editor

Is God too busy?

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Although the rambling religious letter from “The Messenger” (CINews January) is no doubt well-meaning, it’s probably a futile plea, because if there is a God (whether He be Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu or any other deity), His priorities would focus on monitoring the major tragic world events such as the killing fields of […]

Letters to the Editor

Morals must be back in education

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I want to thank and encourage that keen student who is going on to university to study. Yes 13 years of schooling before heading to university is a great amount of time in life that should have been made to make someone a better person. The amount of hours given to education in […]

Letters to the Editor

Not that Dick

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I hasten to come to the aid of Ms Mason re her letter in Saturday’s edition of CINews regarding the top position of Dick Chapman as the “most hated public servant ever”, as graded by my good old friend Don Silk. Surely, the top position should go to another Dick who worked for […]

Letters to the Editor

Porcelain Cleaner speaks for itself

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My friend Neil Mitchell of Aitutaki describes most things about the product he purchased in Aitutaki that damaged his shower, BUT not all things. He writes that it is labelled in Bahasa Indonesian and that the ‘use’ instructions are all in Bahasa Indonesian. He says that the product has pictures for directions of […]

Letters to the Editor

Good work, Maara

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I note with interest Mr George’s complaint about the Police lack of response on January 12. I totally agree with Maara Tetava and congratulate him on his response. The system I set up and had operating did not involve first line response matters being ‘duck shoved’ to the CIB, as it is a […]

Letters to the Editor

Punish the parents

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I totally agree with “a very angry and disgruntled Cook Islander” regarding our current theft problem. These mostly young and undisciplined thieves are quickly damaging our good reputation which has taken many years and a lot of expense to foster and develop. Fortunately this problem can be quickly and easily solved if the […]

Letters to the Editor

Go with the PM

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The consequential move by Dr Maoate to regain government and prime ministership of this country is not only pathetic but shameful. He was sacked because he mismanaged the finances of this country and PM Marurai rightly did the only appropriate thing by getting rid of him. So the question is why is he […]

Letters to the Editor

Norm alert

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would remind all the public of the Cook Islands that an empty vessel makes the most noise. Be very careful over the next few months and watch out for Big Norm as he is gleefully stirring the pot of Government instability. The end result could be a new Attorney General (Big Norm […]

Letters to the Editor

Time ripe

Thursday 14 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In an attempt to justify the formation of a Demo/CIP coalition ‘caretaker’ government, the president of the Demo Party Makuiti Tongia publicly stated that both parties would be “…putting aside our political differences…”. Can Tongia tell us what these differences are? In any healthy democracy, ideology is the fuel that drives political parties. […]

Letters to the Editor

Fuel 'borrowing' stopped in Aitutaki

Thursday 14 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to the letter from Stunned Aitutakian, which appeared in your January 12 issue, I would like to correct the misinformation provided by the self proclaimed, “not very well educated” writer. In the past, the Aitutaki Power Supply (APS) or EPS Aitutaki, as it was known then, adopted a practice of seeking […]

Letters to the Editor

Back off, let the PM lead

Thursday 14 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is a message to the 19 MPs comprising of Demos and CIPs who are on the rampage to run down the prime minister Jim Marurai and his duly sworn cabinet ministers. Back off all of you, what ever you are planning against the PM. Here’s a word of wisdom for you lot. […]

Letters to the Editor

Police admit failure, act on complaint

Wednesday 13 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to record a major systems failure involving the Police. Yesterday morning (January 12), while on my routine morning walk to the Wigmore waterfall at 6:20am, I came across three young suspects trying to extract some metallic object from the Sheraton Hotel building site. There was loud metallic hammering, they were […]

Letters to the Editor

We've got the people

Wednesday 13 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I note that the Minister of Finance advises that there may be no one available to hold the Financial Secretary reins. I realise he wasn’t around during the economic reform, but there are still a group of high calibre people on the island working and investing and willing to help whichever government if […]

Letters to the Editor

Paradise no more

Wednesday 13 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Stealing from tourists and from the public at large is becoming a major embarrassment. The Cook Islands should be known as Thieves Paradise. Shame on you Cook Islanders who are doing this to our paradise! Stop tip-toeing around thieves and the police should be doing some positive intervention to stop this nonsense. As […]

Letters to the Editor

Out with the old

Wednesday 13 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The rash decision by the Cook Islands Party to team up with the Democratic Party so a caretaker government can be formed with Sir Terepai Maoate as its prime minister, seems to have completely ignored the obvious failings of the former finance minister. Sadly, cobbling a caretaker government with the Demos until the […]

Letters to the Editor

Who profited from the APS fuel?

Tuesday 12 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a not very educated Aitutakian, I was stunned to read your headline on page 7 of the Cook Islands News of November 26, 2009, ‘Borrowing of power fuel discouraged’. Is this not the same as using in an unauthorised manner, taxpayer’s money to help commercial enterprises? It gets even worse, when power […]

Letters to the Editor

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