Letters to the Editor

Message to our MPs

Tuesday 23 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Every week I stay in touch reading the Cook Islands News (of course, as a former employee) to see what is happening back there at home Rarotonga and our beautiful neighbouring islands. I really do not know exactly what to think of the many political dramas happening there. Whether it’s a good thing […]

Letters to the Editor

Roading is all about funding

Tuesday 23 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My sincere best wishes to the people of Aitutaki. Donations have been made, and hopefully all will reach them. I noticed a letter regarding road works. I am amused at the writer’s ignorance, thinking the entire problem was the ‘works crew’. One thing is clear, we do have the capable people right there […]

Letters to the Editor

Play league or what!

Tuesday 23 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor I’m replying to Carlson’s statement of Saturday. In reply to your question, it sounds like you’re only worried about the well being of those 15 or 20 Shark league boys. What about the rest of their family, specially the old and the very young ones? I think they’re the ones that are really […]

Letters to the Editor

Maoate and Marsters in new comedy act

Monday 22 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Now we read the Maoate and Marsters Comedy Act. What a joke for these two hasbeens to challenge funding for cyclone relief and demanding that everything must be done ‘according to the rules’. Is this the same Maoate who ‘followed the rules’ re the Toagate fiasco and preferential treatment on hardship loans to […]

Letters to the Editor

Give fishing company a fair go

Saturday 20 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to give my support to the Northern Cook Islands Fishing Company, because as stated in their letter to you dated February 12, ‘Commitment is there’. There has certainly been a lot of media attention over the past few months regarding the operation and commitment expressed by NCIFC that would benefit […]

Letters to the Editor

T&M puts food on tables

Saturday 20 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I fully support the views of ‘Improved roading fan’ that the time has come for government to privatise the future provision of essential public infrastructure services such as road works. No question about it, private companies such as T&M Heather can do a far better job and in much faster time than the […]

Letters to the Editor

Appeal funds warning

Saturday 20 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Whilst the salamo ‘Lest We Forget’ was intended for fallen brothers and sisters during previous wars, I use that loosely to highten past faux pas from reoccurring again. During cyclone Martin in November 1997, from memory Manihiki victims were told that the donations due to them by donors from all over came to […]

Letters to the Editor

Carlson justifies Sharks trip to Raro

Saturday 20 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading through the Cook Islands News this morning (yesterday) really made me angry with the decision by the president of the rugby league. Can you please tell us what is more important to the Director of Emergency Management who is also the President of Cook Islands Rugby League, to get Aitutaki up again […]

Letters to the Editor

Say no to Asian fishing

Friday 19 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are very much against fishing licences given away to the Koreans or any Asian fishing boats – the reason being, they take everything out of our waters. There are far too many of them slowly fishing our Pacific waters and before long, there won’t be any more fish left if we continue […]

Letters to the Editor

Give all road work to private sector

Friday 19 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The extensive heavy-duty road trenching work being carried out by T&M Heather in Ngatangiia over the past week has demonstrated two promising factors. The first is that this work can be undertaken in a very efficient and effective manner by Cook Islanders. The second point is the fact that the private sector companies […]

Letters to the Editor

Why can't all the banks freeze loans?

Thursday 18 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Three cheers for ANZ Bank for their kind donation, but I would wonder why all three banks here in the Cooks have not stepped up to the plate and frozen home mortgages in Aitutaki. There is so much talk of fear that some of the stricken may give up and leave, and there […]

Letters to the Editor

Te Puka land belongs to the Lord

Thursday 18 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am appalled at the attitude of the Cook Island Christian Church executives in trying to claim compensation from government for the land where the Telecom Sports Arena is built. It’s not CICC land – the original landowners are the Ngati Makea. This land was gifted by their ancestors to the church for […]

Letters to the Editor

Daniel, you are not a bad person

Wednesday 17 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The story about Daniel Taura! During my visit to the Island, I spoke to Daniel outside Cafe Ariki in early January. He asked me how could he get a job. I said you need a CV. Much to my surprise he didn’t know what that was. Well, we carried on talking about his […]

Letters to the Editor

Political soiling no good

Wednesday 17 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In this time of suffering for fathers, mothers and children in Aitutaki, Makiuti Tongia had nothing else to do but political vengeance. E aha roa teia tu? Tera akaou te au tuatua taviriviri e te akapikipiki a teia “political animal”. And I recall while people were preparing for a recent cyclone warning in […]

Letters to the Editor

Please follow up

Monday 15 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have received an urgent message from family living on Aitutaki. They have no water, 70% are homeless, 20% of the roads are down and no building supplies. They have heard nothing of any aid coming. In NZ the government has given $200,000 in aid. Can I ask you to check if that […]

Letters to the Editor

Investigate the Public Service Commissioner

Monday 15 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir, It’s amazing to read that the Public Service Commissioner appeared before a Ministry of the Crown to make submission on behalf of a private fishing company. Given the position he holds in government, doesn’t he feel an obligation to stay out of these private sector involvements. If other fishing companies require similar support […]

Letters to the Editor

Censorship suggestions

Monday 15 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I note with interest significant paid advertising in the weekend paper advising details of banned movies, etc. I suggest the new Minister and HOM for Internal Affairs have the censor get his act together and actually pursue these pirates who we all know have been smuggling/illegally downloading these movies for at least 10 […]

Letters to the Editor

Concern at school subject restrictions

Monday 15 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Allow me to raise some of my concerns through your column. Before the start of the school year, I was very happy as a parent that my daughter had passed her level one NZEA exams that she set last year. I encouraged her to do well again in the level 2 programme this […]

Letters to the Editor

Commitment still there

Friday 12 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I want to clarify to 1Drop2Many (1D2M) and your reporter Helen Greig, on a couple of issues that have gone print. I requested the meeting with the minister and asked Navy Epati to sit in because of his past experience in marine regulations. There was a lengthy debate between Josh Mitchell from marine […]

Letters to the Editor

Rotten egg

Wednesday 10 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am concerned for the country’s future in regards to the proposed manganese mining. Has anyone done any research on the environmental and health effects? From what I have researched so far, if you let the mining in you will not be sitting on a golden egg but a rotten one. Rob Thurnham

Letters to the Editor

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