Thursday 8 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Many voters believe all senior government bureaucratic positions should be hired on the basis of their competency, experience and professionalism, selected by a competent board and not at the whim of political favour. How many examples do we need to prove hiring for political or family reasons is disastrous to our countries economy. […]
Thursday 8 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m not siding with anyone on the latest government shenanigans, as it seems in my 11 years of being back in the Cooks there hasn’t been a time when power play didn’t rear its ugly head in one form or another. Party politics leaves me believing that if you really want to make […]
Wednesday 7 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia orana, te iti tangata and all others that read this, Having recently returned from lovely Rarotonga, back in the cooler climate of where I am now, I gotta say yes, still an awesome place to be, shame about the sacked MP who just won’t get the hint. Think about it, is there […]
Wednesday 7 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia Orana, There’s an old saying “The more things change, the more they stay the same” and never more so than right now it seems. The latest news to come out of Rarotonga regarding the recent departures from Cook Islands Tourism must be extremely disappointing for the industry as a whole. The same […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m letting the Cook Islands know that T&M Heather have breakfast and lunch provided for their employees – how great is that? Tourism Cook Islands on a whole can learn from this company. Tourism operators throughout the world always provide staff with complimentary meals but for some reason tourism Cook Islands as a […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Congratulations to ‘Papa Mike’ for his letter on Monday March 29. We would like to add our comments to his. As repeat visitors to these beautiful islands, we agree with his views. We have been coming to the Cook Islands over the last ten years and have seen changes that are inevitable. But, […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Telecom is a rip-off. To watch and listen to the posturing by the CEO on TV the other night makes me sick. Telecom makes millions of dollars a year profit from the customers in the Cook Islands. How do we know this? Study the various budget books put out by government over the […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I totally agree with Papa Mike in regard to the people of the Cook Islands being our/your best asset…I love the people. My family. Who, no matter what is happening in the world, won’t stop smiling. The little people, who work hard for next to nothing, still smile. Who, after working for a […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, One of the reasons families continue to leave the Cook Islands and have given up on our beautiful island is because they can’t stomach what a complete and total joke the Marurai government is. A recent example is, Finance Minister Wilkie Rasmussen stating in the Cook Islands News, “it’s likely government will no […]
Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, George “Maggie” Angene was amongst the first volunteers who came to Aitutaki in the wake of the Cyclone Pat disaster. George Maggie offered his assistance free of charge to Aitutaki families who needed some help with rebuilding their damaged homes. Maggie’s experience with limestone buildings came in very useful in Aitutaki. The first […]
Saturday 3 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A couple of months after the end of the Pacific Mini Games I posed the question, through your paper, asking when the public would be able to obtain details on the exact amount of money spent on these games, how and where the money was spent and who got what. In response, government […]
Saturday 3 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Obviously ‘2 netballers’ saw none of the games at last year’s World Youth Netball Championships, to appreciate the standard and quality of player competing at the international level. Despite wanting to give international competition to local players, CINA and the national selectors and coaches know that there are harsher and starker realities. ‘2 […]
Thursday 1 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This country is in so much trouble in so many ways and one person is holding the country to ransom for his own selfish reasons: A prime minister with no integrity, leadership and guts. Through out Maruari’s term as prime Minister of this country, he has maintained his hold on the prime minister’s […]
Thursday 1 April 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I cannot believe how pathetically the Executive for the Democratic Party is behaving. How can they endorse and support Terepai Maoate who is an old man who disregarded Sunday flights, ignored his promise to review the Sunday flights, drove our economy into the mess by committing us to Chinese loans, gave BTIB the […]
Wednesday 31 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was very concerned to read about this islander who will never return due to departure taxes being doubled in price. Why should people be paying $50 when there is nothing at all to do on our beautiful island? Before it was guests arguing about the departure tax, and now it’s our very […]
Wednesday 31 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Last Friday evening I went to watch the netball trials for the Pacific Series held by CINA. Out of the seven players selected and announced in Tuesday’s newspaper, only two players I think deserved to get in the team but the rest I have reservations about. My question to the selectors – what […]
Tuesday 30 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Tourism is in a shambles! The question I ask is, why can’t the Minister of Tourism Robert Wigmore see that Tata Crocombe and those board members with hotel/motel ownership, similar to Tata, have huge conflicts of interest. The tourism community and public Joe Bloggs can easily see it, but somehow it’s inv- isible […]
Tuesday 30 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, What’s up with this $55 Cook Islands departure tax? I am writing to strongly voice my concern and disappointment about the increase in the Cook Islands departure tax. I have just recently returned from the Cook Islands after a fantastic week and the half holiday on Rarotonga with 30 of my extended family […]
Tuesday 30 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Right now women who work for government receive six weeks of pay for maternity leave when they have their baby. The same can’t be said for women who work in the private sector. They have absolutely no maternity protection under the law. Women in the private sector are being treated like second class […]
Monday 29 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In reply to ‘Hopes and Dreams’ in Saturday’s Cook islands News, I would like to agree 100% with all your statements. I know many others who feel the same way. You should say who you are. Third world mentality, my God don’t we as a nation have more pride and passion! It’s got […]
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