Friday 4 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor It is clear now that my Democratic Party does not care much for loyalty and dedication. Its decision to elect Wilkie Rasmussen as Deputy Leader over Aunty Mau bears this out. A simple comparison of the history of the two names over the recent past will show what I mean. Aunty Mau has […]
Thursday 3 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Is the Cook Island’s Government not embarrassed yet? What is it going to take before they wake up and realise that our Country is a joke and its all due to the people running it? I was once a proud Cook Islander, now I’m embarrassed to say I even once belonged. We elect […]
Thursday 3 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Did you know that in the world Cook Islanders can make it through the recession with no worries? Did you know that unlike building labourers overseas, Cook Island labourers can build a house from footing foundation to finishing no sweat? Did you know that non-working Cook Islanders can work together, take computer courses […]
Wednesday 2 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor It is comforting to know that the latest entry in the ‘finish the Vaimaanga before 2050 sweepstakes’ does not intend to hang his hat on the expired building permits and expired EIA but will begin anew. Just a note to the gentlemen involved, the last EIA was in essence a ‘blank cheque’ that […]
Wednesday 2 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to the letter “Kevin Carr explains Toa Template” which was published in Monday’s CI News. In general I agree with the views expressed by Mr Carr but there is one passage in his letter that requires a response in order that the observation made by Mr Carr is seen in its […]
Tuesday 1 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Nobody is buying the latest scene of the two leading performers in the Jim and Fred con game act. In scene 1; 2006, the PM didn’t have a majority in parliament to call a snap election but that didn’t stop the two conmen from calling a snap election at the time. In scene […]
Tuesday 1 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you for the Cook Islands News. I like reading what’s happening to Government it’s sad. I hope they will elect a strong leader to run the county. And another thing I want to ask is why the fare to Aitutaki on Air Raro is so steep? It’s just only 45 minute to […]
Tuesday 1 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I hope you will accept my ‘outsider’ comments on tourism to the Cook Islands, based simply on our strong desire to visit but finding considerable practical reasons to be unable to fulfill our dream. My wife and I live in Britain, and will be in Melbourne in December and January. We had planned […]
Tuesday 1 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Here’s a good one for your readers. The mighty Jimmy says he was advised against a snap election because he did not have the numbers. But wait just a minute, same PM, same QR back in 2006, they did not have the numbers then, but still called an election. What’s the difference now, […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
A New Zealand Herald article says: “Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand will between them invest about $130 million in the United States market during the next four years, with a target to increase annual visitor numbers from 200,000 to 300,000 over five years,” writes Stephen Lyon. He asks: “If it will take $130 […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read the CI News online every Friday and I’m very grateful to have updates on the political scandal going on! I am disgusted at your government’s treatment of the local people who gracefully casts their votes for you liars to represent our paradise. I suggest that you all get the hell out […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is comforting as a returning visitor to Raro, that you can roll out of bed, grab your bathing suit (snorkel optional) and hit the FANTASTIC beaches in Muri. Meeting a Stonefish is rare, and a puffer may be less rare (but sort of harmless), and there are no sharks (that I’ve seen). […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Cook Islands’ financial situation is fragile, with budget cuts necessary and a reduction in reserves coupled with a rise in debt that is degrading our economy. So far this year tourism has been on the decline with Tata Crocombe being in charge since August last year. The tourism board wants more money, […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was present at the sports awards held last Tuesday night at the Aroa Nui Hall in Aror-angi. I would like to acknowledge the great service the young Arorangi rugby boys showed on the night when it was time to eat. The food was great and the boys were willing to go the […]
Monday 31 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The headlines in your paper last Friday raise a few issues that concern the people and country as a whole and are worth commenting on. First the injunction by the Democratic Party executive to stop “the other faction” from meeting shows that they are the ones that don’t have the numbers in the […]
Saturday 29 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Jim Marurai is again playing his usual game of blaming others for his own short comings. First, he blames the QR for advising him not to call a snap election. For goodness sake! You the Prime Minister are supposed to advise the QR of what you want him to do, not the other […]
Saturday 29 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, While champagne flows in the TOA camp, in-fighting amongst the political parties is relentless, our country is governed by a minority group and meanwhile the voice of the people is being ignored and we wonder why our middle working class continue to leave our shores. Again we hear Sir Terepai on radio apportioning […]
Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Some comments on Porter’s explanations as reported in the CI News on May 22: 1. When it established its depot in the 1960s Mobil had a monopoly on the fuel business, thus government felt justified in introducing price control, hence the Fuel Price Template which allowed Mobil to sell its fuel on a […]
Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Going back to 2006, without some sort of agreement with Government to say “we will continue to buy your fuel”, ANZ and Westpac would not lend Toa (or anyone) money to purchase the fuel farm from Mobil. Where it all went wrong, was halfway through Government changed their mind and gave the fuel […]
Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is unconscionable that a national is happy to accept millions of dollars from his country and its people knowing full well the financial state it is in and the manner in which it came about. If Mr Porter had an ounce of compassion and smidgen of humanity he would show this country […]
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