Thursday 24 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to make some comments with regards to Teuira Ka’s letter to the editor because it’s sickening and he talks as if he is a born and bred Maukean. Teuira, leave Mauke alone for us Maukeans to talk about. Do you have no better things to do but criticise the efforts of […]
Tuesday 22 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was astounded to read in Cook Islands News on Monday that Minister Rasmussen in addition to intervening in tax matters is planning on giving a policy to banks which will ‘protect people who are struggling to pay their mortgages’. Who does he think he is? The sole shareholder of Westpac and ANZ? […]
Monday 21 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I have no wish to debate Cook Islands Party (CIP) matters for the RAPPA puna anywhere else but in a meeting of the puna. Again all CIP supporters in the RAPPA electorate are cordially invited to come to the meeting this Tuesday evening in front of Mama Uritaua’s home. That’s where we will […]
Monday 21 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Having just returned from a holiday in the Cook Islands, I should like to compliment the doctor and nurses who attended to me at the Rarotonga Hospital. The service I received was excellent from both Dr Voi Solomone and the treatment nurses. I can’t speak too highly of the care from the staff […]
Monday 21 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor What’s wrong with using the Maori language of Rarotonga? While it’s good to see young Cook Islanders getting fit through paddling, can someone please explain the relevance of the term aito to this water sport? Aito in the Maori language of Rarotonga is either an eagle or a nuisance. In Mangaia aitoa means […]
Monday 21 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, If Mr Graham has to go back and check his previous articles, then he may realise that I was only raising issues that he has openly deemed to have quoted in the Cook Islands News. I am not going to entertain Mr Graham by reminding him what he said in his previous articles, […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor We are Ismael and Merce, the Spanish salsa teachers. We were in your country for a few weeks and we want to give to the people of Rarotonga our best . We have visited other islands of the pacific, like Fiji, Tonga and Tahiti, and in all places the people were so friendly […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Could the airport CEO or airport Board please explain why a former board member and a very minor land owner at that, is being brought over from NZ at Airport expense i.e. is being paid return air tickets for herself and a chaperone to travel from Auckland to Raro and back to open […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Whatever happened to the political reform that the PM was promoting in January of this year? After the PM’s world came crashing down on him with the Toagate scandal and the resignation of the majority of Democrats, the PM needed to take away the public’s attention from his competence. For six years the […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I had an absolute great time at the island recently and loved your wonderful country. However on the shuttle to the airport from Vara’s I experienced a very sad and awful event. I have inquired about the follow up with Cathy Sue (at Esther Honey), but just wanted to inform you about this […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor In response to your smoke signal of June 18, I agree that Aitutaki mobile services are currently not fine (but I don’t recall us claiming that they were). We have had sub-standard mobile services on Aitutaki for some considerable time, and this was made worse by the damage caused by Cyclone Pat in […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Te akama iteia tu,te keia nei rai tatou i te iti tangata,te tangi,ka peke kite papaa kare o tatou enua akaou,te ta akama nei kotou ite ipukarea e te itingata So ashamed, we are still robbing/stealing our own people. So embarrassed, the papaa will be in possession of our lands again. We are […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, What is Temu Okotai trying to prove? Temu Okotai has been interfering with several CIP constituencies on Rarotonga in recent months. What he is doing? Some of the CIP executives are following in the footsteps of what is happening in the Demo camps. For RAPA Cook Islands Party constituency, do not meddle and […]
Saturday 19 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor This week’s revelation that a supposedly successful business called Tav Ltd owes tax and is in the process of being sold up by the Inland Revenue Department (CI News June16 and 18) is interesting for two reasons. The first is that the position is not told from the tax department’s viewpoint. The second […]
Friday 18 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I like reading your news as I live in New Zealand. What’s happening at home is very sad. Why don’t the people elect a government that can do a better job for the Cooks? Somebody mention before, why did the Prime Minister ask the QR the right for a snap election? He’s the […]
Friday 18 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I want to point to an opportunity, right now, for each of us personally to take actions that will begin political reform in the Cook Islands. I recently heard Rarotonga defined as “a scandal surrounded by water”. While this made me laugh, it was ultimately sobering: the fit is just a little “too”good. […]
Thursday 17 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It was lovely to hear when I woke up this morning on Australian national radio in Melbourne that the Cook Islands are cleaning up their marine life and much more marine life has returned to the local waters. As we have travelled to Cook Island for our honeymoon in 2006, I thought it […]
Thursday 17 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Telecom seems to receive almost weekly criticism of its ‘services’ to the public. I’ve got one more to add: why is it that whenever I try to access a news site such as the UK Sunday Times, I get a bounced back message from IE saying “unable to access the webpage”, or words […]
Thursday 17 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Good people of the Cook Islands, who I believe will soon have an election. Who put the standing people into power? You did and please don’t forget! Who can vote them out? Only you can! Try to get everyone out to vote and be sure everyone votes, so I for one who reads […]
Wednesday 16 June 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. Mr Ka makes comments that are not in line with what I have been quoted as saying. I am a little confused as to what Mr Ka in Melbourne is suggesting that I am a bad candidate for the Demo in Mauke? Many people in Mauke have spoken with me and said that […]
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