Letters to the Editor

Relax and enjoy

Saturday 31 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I, like Doug May, live in Australia with my husband and two children. I, like Doug May, was fortunate to be one of the passengers on the inaugural flight NZ49 from Sydney to Rarotonga on Sunday July 4. I, like No Sunday Flights Supporter, agree that we don’t need people like Doug May […]

Letters to the Editor

Block the budget

Saturday 31 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was somewhat surprised to hear the opposition leader say on TV on Thursday night that the ‘talking point is not so much how long parliament has been in recess’ but that the focus should be on supply for the country. I guess if one earns $80,000 and drives around in a government […]

Letters to the Editor

Deliberate gross misappropriation

Friday 30 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I strongly oppose the comments by Matauri Ruta in his article to the editor dated July 21 in comparing Christ’s crucifixion with the Maoate’s beneficial gain for $60,000 from the stimulus package. As a BTIB member, Mr Ruta’s comments were quite evident, as a recipient of $30,000, of course, he has to be […]

Letters to the Editor

Tribe says enough is enough

Friday 30 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As titleholders of the Uritaua Tribe in Avatiu Rarotonga, we wish to place on record, our concerns regarding several comments made by Albert Nicholas in a media statement in the CI News recently “ Nicholas alleges dirty tactics”. He made reference to three issues: questioning the Pu Tapere (John Henry) and what has […]

Letters to the Editor

I have a fantastic life

Thursday 29 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Te akaroa iakoe e te po (unknown identity) i te kiteanga au e, ko taau pauanga openga teia ki taku au kiritianga autara ki te etita. I am saddened for you (unknown identity), knowing that this will be your final response to my letter to the editor. Te akaroa nei au iakoe no […]

Letters to the Editor

Henry sets record straight

Thursday 29 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The letter by Geoffrey Henry earlier this week needs to be commented on. The contents of the letter and the various incidents that took place were over exaggerated and contain many untruths. He said them to make me a bad character and he is the good one. Now here are some events that […]

Letters to the Editor

No tourists, no money

Wednesday 28 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What a good start to boosting the economy, tell tourist to go somewhere else. When are these people going to learn? Do the maths no tourist, no money for the country, simple as that. Max (Name and address supplied)

Letters to the Editor

In support of Uncle Tai

Wednesday 28 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am a regular reader of the Cook Islands News and certainly do enjoy the news. I write this letter in support of my uncle Tai Tura who is standing in the coming elections in Mauke. Uncle Tura has lived and dedicated his time to know the needs of Akatokamanava. I am only […]

Letters to the Editor

The inconvenient truth

Wednesday 28 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Are flights always or ever convenient? We leave Detroit, Michigan at 7am to Chicago, wait one to five hours to LAX to wait up to eight hours to catch Air New Zealand to Rarotonga arriving at 6.30am. Some 36 hours after getting up in snowy Michigan. For several years we as Global Volunteers […]

Letters to the Editor

Sad to see Wong publicly crucified

Wednesday 28 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is good to see Chris Wong’s name cleared with the conclusion of investigations and the announcement that no criminal charges will be laid against him. I have always known that this would be the outcome of the long saga he and his family have had to go through and I have seen […]

Letters to the Editor

Time for change

Tuesday 27 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Politicians are voted into government by the people, to help the people, to be a voice for the people of the land, but NOT voted in so they can line their pockets with the people’s funds. Conflict of interests, yes they should be ashamed of themselves. They should be forced to pay those […]

Letters to the Editor

Ignorant and irresponsible

Tuesday 27 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To the person that wrote ‘Thoughtless tourists not wanted’, I’m appalled by this careless attack on a visitor to our shores. Doug May was merely giving feedback from his experience and did not deserve such a rebuke. This isn’t a great way to welcome our Australian friends to our country, whether you’re an […]

Letters to the Editor

Battle of the Henrys

Tuesday 27 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write in connection with a letter published by you recently written by Tupui Henry headed ‘The Good Ol’ Days’. In that letter he claimed that he challenged me in Cabinet in 1983 because I “stripped” him of his “normal” portfolios “of Internal Affairs, Justice Lands and survey and the Cook Islands Broadcasting […]

Letters to the Editor

Van collides with three-year-old

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Police report that there have been three motor vehicle crashes this week. On Wednesday afternoon in Arorangi, a three-year-old child was hit by a van. The driver of the van alleges she was traveling at 35kph when the child darted onto the road. She said she applied the brakes but didn’t have enough time to […]

Letters to the Editor

Muri eyed for sewerage test

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A meeting will be held next week with the community in Avana-Muri, which has been identified by the Cook Islands Marine Resources Institutional Strengthening (CIMRIS) report as the best site on the island to test run the upgrades of a new sewerage system. The aim of the system is to help improve lagoon water quality. […]

Letters to the Editor

Another audit report bites the dust

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Another audit report bites the dust! Fantastic result regarding the Wong ‘investigation’. Pity our police couldn’t come with those conclusions themselves, even I could’ve come up with that without burdening the NZ taxpayer with another fantasy allegation by the Audit Office. So, much more important now is that Audit immediately takes over the […]

Letters to the Editor

Why not crucify them?

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Mataauri Ruta begs us not to crucify father and son over the loans granted to two companies owned by the two MPs who created the scheme. May I ask why not? In September 2007 the fishing vessel Moana sank at sea after operating for five years without a General Safety Certificate. The principal […]

Letters to the Editor

Wong replies

Friday 23 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This letter is to ‘Gutless’ Concerned Taxpayer. If you are really concerned about where the Chris Wong saga case is going, why don’t you grow some balls and put your name to your letter to the editor? Are you so dumb as to not realise that I cannot appear in court without first […]

Letters to the Editor

Let's look for a solution

Thursday 22 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Someone once said that “if you are able to state a problem it can be solved” and that’s just what the Minister of Finance did. For weeks he had been telling anyone who cares to listen about his difficult tasks of avoiding or minimising his budget deficit. Along came two “strayed” fishing boats […]

Letters to the Editor

What have I done to deserve this?

Thursday 22 July 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On the basis of allegations made by a convicted criminal, Junior Areai, I had the misfortune, in April 2008, to be charged in the Cook Islands longest running criminal trial. That man, Junior Areai was given immunity by the Crown so that he would give evidence against me – and lie even further. […]

Letters to the Editor

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