Saturday 4 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to your letter published on Thursday September 2 titled ‘Questions over Titikaveka contract’ by Papa Chief, I believe, Papa Chief, you already know the answers to your “question”. First of all, you are right, it is not surprising that the Titikaveka Beautification Contract has once again been awarded to a private […]
Saturday 4 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to Grassroots Voter, civil and political rights are interconnected. These groups of rights protect individuals from unwarranted action by government, private organisations and individuals to ensure one’s ability to participate in the civil and political life of that country, without discrimination or repression. We are able to live in this country […]
Friday 3 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Grassroots Voter needs to read the paper properly. If he/she read Monday’s paper he/she would have seen that GPC is not suggesting the PM be elected by everyone. Clearly from Monday’s article the only thing GPC is calling for is for a reduction in the number of seats and a binding referendum to […]
Friday 3 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a demo party supporter in Ngatangiia I resent that my democratic right to choose my representative is being usurped my emotionally coercive petitions, bully tactics, threats and counter threats. Cut the crap and by secret ballot let all the demo supporters of Ngatangiia decide between Terepai and Mann not lawyers, judges or […]
Friday 3 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to make some comments on these individuals and groups pressing for some form of so-called process of Parliamentary reform: The election, nationally of the Prime Minister, other Parliament Members, PM to select his Cabinet from anywhere, and to reduce the number of member representatives. These are not reform proposals, but destructive […]
Thursday 2 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Smart politicians should look at life after reform Dear Editor, I find it incredible that Norman George continues to take up valuable space in your newspaper by persisting with insulting our intelligence in the way that he has. Regarding political reform, there can be little doubt that on Rarotonga at least, most people are in […]
Thursday 2 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The PM’s invitation to GPC and Mou Piri for a round table discussion on political reform is nothing more than just a window dressing exercise to give the impression that Government is serious about reforms. We are still run by a minority Democratic Party government so how does the PM expect the reform […]
Thursday 2 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Reducing the number of MPs – it should be the people’s vote I think it’s great that Norman George, as a politician, is engaging the media to get his views across on political reform. I find it interesting that as a politician he is neither open, nor receptive to political reform and believes that it […]
Thursday 2 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Looking at that old photo you published on August 30 of the G.P.C. Group for Political Change (or is it G.S.R? “Group for Seat Reductions!”). They were protesting with the placard, “Norman George, Law Maker or Law Breaker” in 2003. What I find most amusing now is that the protest was not about […]
Thursday 2 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is disappointing, but not surprising, that the Titikaveka Beautification Contract has once again been awarded to a private contractor rather than a community group. A proposal was submitted by the sports and community group from Titikaveka for the beautification contract on the understanding that community groups get first preference for beautification contracts. […]
Wednesday 1 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just returned from an eight-day holiday in Rarotonga and had the pleasure of doing three days of diving with Pacific Divers. I was on the dive trip which received allegations that the dive boat skipper was harassing whales. These allegations are absolutely unfounded. I make the following comments in support of […]
Wednesday 1 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Tere Carr’s comment about GPC’s efforts and comparing it to Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela fighting for civil rights is no comparison. Firstly, GPC is fighting for political change, not civil rights. Secondly, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela had the support of the people, GPC doesn’t have people support. Thirdly, the GPC reform […]
Wednesday 1 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read your article on the departure tax and a great appreciation goes out to the people voicing their opinions on the $55 departure tax charged to every departing adult. I myself visited the islands and was quite disgusted with your terminal after the huge amount of money spent on it and correct […]
Wednesday 1 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Tama Tuavera’s claim that road works currently being carried out around the island especially in Matavera is not linked to politics is a joke given that the elections is only three months away. Does he think that we, the voters are nave and stupid? It is so obvious that the road works has […]
Tuesday 31 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Recently, Uncle Bob alluded to the airport security people in Rarotonga as having no commonsense. Sir Geoff was right on the money when he mentioned that commonsense had gone missing in NZ as well. It was not that long ago, the equally non commonsense airport security people in Aus, subjected Sir Michael Somare […]
Tuesday 31 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki Te Editor, Inangaro au i te ui atu kia Teuira Ka, e Piri Nicholls e, koai raua e akariro nei e, na raua e akaapa atu i ta Akatokamanava ikianga ia Hugh Graham ei candidate no te Demo i Mauke? Eaa ta korua i rave ana no teia Enua? Te karanga nei te autara […]
Tuesday 31 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We were chuffed to see in the newspaper that Japan is offering aid for solar systems to be set up in the Cook Islands. Reading Garth Henderson’s comment that Japan is a world leader in this area confirms our own experience that we thought might be worth sharing with those looking into alternative […]
Monday 30 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, “Johnny come too late” did not complete their mathematical exercise in their letter because combined, Mann Short, Iaveta Short and Stephen Peyroux have 20 per cent of the voters who cast their vote – despite the intimidation by the Maoate committee who pressured many voters not to attend the voting. How many voted […]
Monday 30 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’d like to acknowledge Mr Ka’s letter (‘Support for Rule’s call’, Aug 19), in which he mentions support of a much needed reciprocal child support agreement between the Cook Islands and New Zealand. Indeed, there are many aspects of our community where positive contributions can be made to help our people, and our […]
Monday 30 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I agree with Norman George’s comments that you can’t deny the right of young people to leave for an overseas experience, and who will be stupid enough to get in the way of our youth. Okay, that said, let’s try and look at some of the reasons for leaving. First of all they […]
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