Tuesday 5 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Democratic Party Government’s position on import substitution is nothing but a joke. CITC is flooding the market with NZ eggs when local production is more than capable of meeting the demand. Attempts by this writer to get government to include in the Fair Trading Act of 2008 a Protection of Local Industry […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We read on the front page of your paper that the cost of old age pensions etc to the Government is predicted to rise. One reason of course being that more advanced medication helps to keep people alive longer. I was not surprised to read that Government is advised not to reduce the […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To be anti-rooster is the same as being anti-Raro culture and lifestyle. There is a simple solution. The complainers should take their tourist dollars and spend it in downtown LA or any other city in the world where the traffic and other engine noises are more annoying than a rooster any night of […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As an undecided voter in the upcoming elections I would like to ask both of the main political parties for some information which might help me and many others to decide on where to cast our votes. Could someone who is entitled to speak on behalf of your respective parties (maybe the president, […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Following the Ngatangiia candidate selection I think it is time for some public reflection. It seems to me that the fastest growing international sport is Criticising Politicians. They are described as venal and corrupt by those people who are unaware of their real motivations. They are regarded as lower than Used Car Salesmen. […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Even after all these years when government’s annual budgets have climbed to almost $200 million and advances in building construction technologies have improved in leaps and bounds, we see that Rarotonga’s supply of clean fresh water remains woefully inadequate. Why has this government failed to address Rarotonga’s continued water shortages? Why is it […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to yesterday’s front page where Mann Short stated that Ngatangiia has always been a Demo village. This is tutae toa puakatoro. Mann Short has a very short memory because Sir Apenera Short (Mann’s father) was one of the longest CIP and an MP that stood for Ngatangiia before he became QR. […]
Saturday 2 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Last spring I sent a letter to the editor advising the Cook Islands my wife and I were returning for a third holiday to the Cook Islands because there were more positives than negatives. I must regret that our third visit will probably be our last because there were far more negatives than […]
Friday 1 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The emphatic election victory this week of an inexperienced politician over one of the most experienced politicians this country has ever known, is clear testament that the voters of this country have had a gutsful of the political old guard and are now yearning for change. Indeed, the time has perhaps come for […]
Friday 1 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just had another holiday in my island paradise, but this time it was spoilt, as we were burgled during the day. Our holiday money, and a few other things were taken. How sad it is that you cannot even go to the beach in front of your accommodation without locking up. […]
Friday 1 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, After 20-odd years of living in the area (Tupapa), this is the first time that I have noticed the water shortages, though we did have it once due to the fact that the water works turned the main tap off for an unknown reason. I am pointing the finger at our so-called politicians […]
Friday 1 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We have had one of the most experienced Financial Secretaries terminated from his job. He was sacked on the exact same day Parliament was dissolved by the Queen’s Representative because of Finance Minister Wilkie Rasmussen’s actions. Does this send a good message to the Demo camp if they are going to win the […]
Thursday 30 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My name is Michael Cahill, and I am the Director of Foreign Affairs for the Al Atas Group and I report directly to the Chairman of the Group Sheikh Dr Muhammad Adnan Al Atas. I am responding in an open Letter to the Editor to recent articles and comments made in the Cook […]
Thursday 30 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, From what I’ve been hearing through the coconut wireless, Kevin Carr still has no idea why he was dumped as Acting Financial Secretary. The termination came without warning and without valid reasons why. Very unfortunate for Mr Carr and this country. Surely both Mr Carr and the wider public of this country deserve […]
Thursday 30 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am a 27-year-old, and have lived here all my life except for the seven years I spent in New Zealand at Auckland University and then working for an international company to further my education and obtain my Chartered Accountant certificate. The other night I was approached by a candidate of my village, […]
Wednesday 29 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Where are our youth today? It looks as though they are all migrating overseas and foreign workers are coming in to replace them. Why is this? It’s because of the low income they receive at the end of the week. The lowest paid New Zealand job wage is five times higher than (the […]
Tuesday 28 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, For the last two years I have been a part of the Cook Islands Police as part of a continuing development programme between the Cook Islands Police, New Zealand Police and New Zealand Aid. My time has unfortunately come to an end and I would like to say thanks and make some comments […]
Tuesday 28 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In reply to some of the implicit concerns raised about our schools in the Cook Islands, I would like to state my experience. My son came to Tereora College in 2008, after completing his Level 1 NCEA Certificate with Merit in New Zealand. At Tereora he completed his Level 2 Certificate with Merit, […]
Monday 27 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s a Sunday morning in the valley and the peaceful tranquility of our quiet neighbourhood is broken by the ranting and ravings of the ‘cult’ next door. Prior to this ‘cult’ moving into our neighbourhood we used to enjoy the peace and quiet. They have taken to annoying us even during the week […]
Monday 27 September 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your news item ‘Referendum is on’ published September 10, 2010, must have pierced the hearts of many Cook Islanders. They would have asked themselves too, why the Government stooped to the lobbyists whose ravings-on about referendum are opined not only to be erroneous, but also unmeritorious. A referendum of the kind announced is […]
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