Tuesday 19 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, What’s happening to our slice of paradise when people feel the need to not only steal from our visitors but from each other? Just this weekend, I heard some strange noises coming from our little piggery across from our home. I thought to myself this is weird as the pigs are screaming like […]
Tuesday 19 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
E te tama Etita, Dear Editor, Tama Aito? Eaa te kino i to tatou uaorai reo? These words “Tama aito” (meant “Young warrior”)? What’s wrong with our own language? Te inangaro nei au, na roto i taau nuti pepa, i te ui atu i tetai uianga ki te au aronga marama o te Minitiri o […]
Tuesday 19 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Robin Bullen writes a good letter but he can be selective as he is being on this occasion so please indulge this letter’s length as I try to restore some balance and the reality. The establishment of our egg farming was with the full support and encouragement of the CIP and Democratic Party […]
Monday 18 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to the Ivor Nicholas letter re the taxi driver unable to find the tourists accommodation …. what is so new? Recently an ambulance driver had trouble finding our place at 2 o’clock one morning. Tradesmen and electricity and telecom have trouble finding places for service calls. Goodness knows what problems police […]
Monday 18 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s great to read the Cook Islands News weekly online, so proud of our Cook Islands Team that went to Delhi, to have my son-in-law represent the Cook Islands in boxing, Mathew Titoa, a true Samoan at heart, he was very proud to represent the Cook Islands, we farewelled him back to Raro […]
Monday 18 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia Orana! I love what the CICC are doing for the youth, by hosting a youth convention. Mr Henry is doing a great job. I believe that the church hold the answers of hope, but the answers will never come out if the church stay inside their four walls. Great stuff for moving […]
Monday 18 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To the criminal who broke into my house last night: You saw my car. You saw the lights on. You KNEW I was home. And you decided to break into my house anyway. Your arrogance and fearlessness could be put to better use. You found nothing of value in the lounge so you […]
Monday 18 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your Saturday edition says it all. Seventy candidates to stand in the forthcoming general election – only seven chose to respond to your ‘on the issues’ poll. Of these seven note only two are current members, five will be standing as independents and neither of the major party leaders took the time to […]
Saturday 16 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, John Scott (letters, October 5) claims that Government’s policy on import substitution is nothing but a joke. But there is a strong case that John’s claims concerning Scotts Farm eggs are the real joke. Ponder this: Imported birds produce his eggs; imported building materials house his birds; imported cages incarcerate his birds; imported […]
Saturday 16 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We need decent Cook Islanders to run our own country! The current political drama in the Cook Islands is now escalating to its lowest point in history. And the current minority led government should be ashamed of themselves with their ignorant attitude towards the welfare of our people. This Democratic government has done […]
Friday 15 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read with interest the Carr vs Rasmussen spat. Both parties seem to have a point, in that Mr Carr was never a long term solution for the job as he had really stepped in to help the Cook Islands out when one of their own failed them badly. Rasmussen is right with […]
Friday 15 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki te Etita, Kia orana, ko te putuputu anga teia o Te Kura O Te Au e tata atu nei i to matou marekakore i te au mea tei tupu. No runga ia Teina Bishop, te Mema Paramani o te Arenikau, Aitutaki tana i rave. Kua kite mata ia aia e te tangata i teia […]
Friday 15 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Where do we get these turkeys from? The CIP has been opposition for years, so you would think that after all that time warming the Opposition benches they would have an alternative, coherent and rational economic policy. Instead they offer little more than a child’s Christmas wish list which amounts to the worst […]
Thursday 14 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to respond to the’ Disgraceful Raro taxi service’ comments made in Cook Islands News on October 7. Like everyone else who read the comments by Steve Whitta, it concerned me greatly that one of our fellow drivers had done this, and more importantly, who he was. After several investigative phone calls, […]
Thursday 14 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The general election is almost a month away and this Demo government is demonstrating that whatever promises it is making in the run up to the general election, nothing will change in its ineffective decision making which has got the country into the current mess. The last two weeks has the beach abuzz […]
Thursday 14 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
This is the vicious cycle that must be broken. The MP’s function is to pass legislation and budget, nothing else. So before you go to see your MP you should first ask yourself: What legislation do we want to amend? Or. How can our MP help us to allocate more money into a particular area […]
Thursday 14 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Te Kura O Te Au (Cook Islands News, October 13) says my recent ad featuring an old car “belittles” past governments and implies they were responsible for the “mess” in which the country finds itself. In fact, Tim Tepaki’s comment in your newspaper is exactly the message I wished to convey. Self Government […]
Thursday 14 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Candidate, We are inviting all of you to share your views on key political issues with the public. Each week, from now until the election, Cook Islands News is inviting all election candidates – from both major parties, other parties and independents – to state their personal stance on the issues. The questions and […]
Wednesday 13 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Tim Arnold’s upgrade campaign messages are bold and simple and strike at the very roots of our country’s current state of affairs. If I was living in Tupapa I would have no hesitation in voting for him in the coming elections. Congratulations Tim, I am hoping that the voters in Tupapa can see […]
Wednesday 13 October 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Bishop Pere says in Saturday’s Newspaper that “the one and only Bible baptism” involves water and is always in “Jesus’ name”, by which the Holy Spirit is received, an unlearned language is supernaturally spoken, and salvation is achieved. In Bible times, dishes were washed (baptizo) in water. Cloth was dipped (baptizo) in dye. […]
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