Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. I voted for the Demo candidate in Ruaau. Reading the front page news onTuesday I can only surmise that if Norman George is talking to anyone he would be talking with successful Demo MPs. In your paper I would like to take this opportunity to ask my member for Ruaau that if he […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in response to all those that cast the ‘stones’ on those who wish to abstain from voting in the Cook Islands General Election process. This is quite ridiculous when many complainers frequently compare us to the likes of Burma or countries where people are persecuted, murdered and stoned etc for trying […]
Wednesday 24 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I hate to spoil your rumour network, but while I dislike dignifying it with this response, I do so to state my position. The culprit in all of this is the several days old M.P. for Tupapa, George Maggie. I called him last Friday, November 19 having arrived back from Atiu on Thursday […]
Tuesday 23 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia orana. I wish to congratulate all the successful candidates of the General Election and commiserate with the unsuccessful ones. Of course, I’m delighted to see the Cook Islands Party back in power and wish you all the best in serving our people. Ngereteina Puna MANUKAU
Tuesday 23 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The leader of the CIP and incoming Prime Minister, Henry Puna, is correct to credit much of his party’s landslide victory during last week’s general elections to political infighting within the Demo Party. I think that Puna’s assumption on his party’s emphatic victory is partially correct. However, as a voter I believe that […]
Tuesday 23 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have deliberately left responding to Class of ‘86 Lawyer’s letter published November 10 ‘Telecom critics one-eyed’ until now, now that the elections have passed. So I respond as follows. Firstly to Class of 86 Lawyer, front up with your name, you racist coward; attacking me personally behind a pseudonym is gutless and […]
Monday 22 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Congratulations CIP we have won the world cup, pushing the forwards to score the winning try, and are waiting for the ref to blow the final whistle for the Pukapuka seat. Now the people of the Cook Islands can wait and see what changes can be made to the constitution. Can I make […]
Monday 22 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you, for responding to my thoughts on, ‘To Vote or Not to Vote that is the Question’. Firstly let me apologise for being anonymous. That was an oversight on my part; my name is Norman Mitchell Ngawaka: Tamatoa. That dealt with, I am sick of it too. The question is what are […]
Saturday 20 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As an electoral officer in the Nikao electorate I felt a great sense of injustice in the mentality of people such as ‘Sick of it’ (18/11 issue). These are people who choose not to exercise their individual rights; Yes, your right! But a right that many in the world were either persecuted, prosecuted, […]
Friday 19 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This latest election also served as a referendum on Sunday flights to Aitutaki. The Te Kura O Te Au party was formed by people who are opposed to Sunday flights to Aitutaki, and that was one of their major campaign issues. Looking at the total number of votes the candidates of that party […]
Friday 19 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Firstly I would like to congratulate the CIP successful candidates especially the new blood. Yes, you have various challenges ahead of you but that is the name of the game. I would also like to extend my acknowledgement to the Demos, even though you had lost the battle. To our tumutoa George Maggie […]
Friday 19 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I can’t believe that anyone would actually consider such a stupid idea as a tidal swimming pool. These pools only work in places with a much larger difference between high and low tide. Here it can be less than a metre and that would not be enough to flush the water (pool will […]
Thursday 18 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To vote on not to vote, that is the question. Thank God we live in a democracy. That means some of us can choose to vote, or choose not to vote, because that is our right. Yes, that’s right – the right not to vote if we so choose. This right was won […]
Thursday 18 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to an article in the general news section about a visit by the CIP leader to Mitiaro. It highlighted an administration problem on the island between the island secretary, the island council and the people of Mitiaro. Now we have a similar problem in Mauke. Our biggest problem is with a […]
Thursday 18 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing with concern regarding yesterday’s article ‘Superbug threats in NZ’. A Superbug is created when due to antibiotic resistance, antibiotics are no longer able to kill that bacteria, rendering it untreatable. It highlights the risk of infectious diseases and how we should be looking at ‘holistic approaches to combat’ bacterial and […]
Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Normally I do not reply to individuals or non politicians or Parliamentarians that air their grievances through the media. All Members of Parliament are well aware that they can call me in the Audit Office to explain or clarify a certain issue or problem that they may have that involves public resources, be […]
Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana e te Tama Etita, Kua marekakore tikai matou I te akarongo’anga I te au tuatua akakino a Terepai Maoate e Amoa Amoa I runga I te ratio ia Mann Short. E tuatua taukore ta raua I akakite kia vare a Ngatangiia e kua rave a Mann I te moni a te Ngatangiia/Matavera Sports […]
Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia orana te iti tangata. It’s been a long while since I have made “printable” comments in your esteemed news paper, so I have decided to tone down my use of the more “colourful language” in the hope that I might be able to have my comments printed for the enjoyment of the […]
Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As Tamatoa title holder – being authorised as such by the family at large – I speak up in defence of our principles, our values, our way of life, our culture, that which is important to us. We, the people, have been desecrated by the powers that be (or would like to be) […]
Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have noted for a while that no political candidates have ever mentioned anything about what they will do for our elderly folks should they be elected. Firstly, I would like to say that we need an old people’s home or two here in the Cook Islands funded by the government on a […]
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