Letters to the Editor

Appalled at flak

Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m rather appalled at the flak that Sholan Ivaiti is undeservingly receiving from mischievous characters that appear to be having hallucination episodes. Sholan in all respect was probably the youngest local HOM to take the most demanding job in the Public Sector. One only has to vet his academic achievements and realise the […]

Letters to the Editor

I'd beg for mercy

Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It really baffles me how someone who was obviously one of the more influential players in the Toagate scandal, which has subsequently cost this country tens of millions of dollars, can publicly state that he may now have the answers to getting the Toagate mess cleaned up but that this country would have […]

Letters to the Editor

It's cultural vandalism

Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The people of Ngatangiia are totally against the controversial proposal by the Muri Environment Care Group to remove the fish traps. This sentiment was obvious at a community meeting held in Avana Nui meeting house on Wednesday February 9 called by Kainuku Ariki to gauge the reaction of the community to the proposal […]

Letters to the Editor

Healthy workforce, healthy nation

Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana e Tama Etita, Te inangaro nei au ite pau atu ite tuatua a Tamaiva Mataiapo ete katoatoa e manako nei e kia akaitiia mai te numero ote aronga angaanga ate kavamani! Teia taku uiaanga. Me taruna ua te angaanga e okotai rai tangata angaanga ite rave, i toou manako anga naai e rave? […]

Letters to the Editor

Patrol boat proves itself

Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write to congratulate the crew and captain of Patrol Vessel Te Kukupa and all the brave local boat owners who participated in the successful rescue of Johnny George and Augustine Heather earlier this week. I add to that, Air Rarotonga who can always be counted on for reliable search and rescue missions. […]

Letters to the Editor

Stop this nonsense

Friday 11 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The rationale used by Sholan to justify his getting re-employed as a HOM reeks of arrogance and is insulting to say the least. Why should this Government be obligated to employ a so-called highly educated and qualified Cook Islander when the actions of this very individual in the Toagate scandal have cost this […]

Letters to the Editor

Cut public servants

Thursday 10 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, During the reign of the Demo Government I wrote to the editor many times just to remind them about the concern regarding the number of government employees which was far too many by about 500. They never did anything about it. Why? Because some of them were politically employed. It is a major […]

Letters to the Editor

Beyond comparison

Thursday 10 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How dare Sholan Ivaiti compare his situation to that of the Hon. George Maggie, Member of Parliament for Tupapa-Marearanga. There are big, big differences between the two individuals and the situations that each have faced during their lifetimes. Firstly, George was not employed as the highest paid HOM when he made his mistakes. […]

Letters to the Editor

History repeating

Thursday 10 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The news that former finsec Sholan Ivaiti is privately negotiating for a HoM position comes as no surprise. It also proves that nothing has been learned by the failed finsec. He got the finsec job as a result of a private deal with his uncle, the since ousted Minister of Finance Terapai Maoate. […]

Letters to the Editor

Why so long?

Thursday 10 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I found myself reading through the story of the recent fishing boat emergency several times expecting to see an explanation why it took so long for Te Kukupa to get going. If I was hanging on to a jerry can 5km off the coast in a hostile sea in the middle of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Keep on composing, creative people

Wednesday 9 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, There’s a simple way to avoid so-called “immoral” music so one’s saintly ears aren’t corrupted – it is to turn the radio off (February 8). The creative scene of the Cook Islands is very small so for someone to publicly describe one person’s artistic offerings as “shallow rubbish” is both hurtful and mean. […]

Letters to the Editor

Weetbix 750gm recalled

Tuesday 8 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am replying to the letter from ‘Weetbix Kid’ on Thursday, February 3. I would like to thank Weetbix Kid for bringing the issue of stale Weetbix to our attention. CITC always take customer complaints very seriously and have registers for this very purpose. Every complaint or customer issue is logged and reviewed […]

Letters to the Editor

'Saints' song shallow rubbish

Tuesday 8 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We were so embarrassed recently when listening to Radio NZ playing music of the Pacific. While some show off unique vocals, rich harmonies, strings and percussion skills, express love of homelands, and in the case of West Papua, cry for freedom, the Cook Islands offering was an abomination of a song which originally […]

Letters to the Editor

Sholan for HOM post?

Tuesday 8 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Gossip has it that government is giving serious consideration to recruiting the former Financial Secretary to the HOM position at Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP). If this rumour turns out to be true, I personally believe the public of this country would be both outraged and disgusted. Since coming into power late […]

Letters to the Editor

Protect public purse

Tuesday 8 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write concerning the suspension of Justice HOM Mark Short. For the public at large it will be very interesting to learn in due course the full reason why such harsh actions was taken by the Public Service Commissioner. I do not believe any HOM should be suspended if he/she has overspent his […]

Letters to the Editor

Tropical cyclone Zaka's birthplace

Monday 7 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

If you thought the storm system that came without warning and battered Rarotonga and Aitutaki on Wednesday night and Thursday morning might eventually turn into a cyclone, you were correct. The system continued on a westerly track for the next couple of days and yesterday morning moved up a notch to be named Cyclone Zaka, […]

Letters to the Editor

$3 million support a much needed 'hand up' for pearl industry

Monday 7 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Both ‘Watchful’ and Brian Coker made assertions and comments about the pearl industry and the Pearl Authority that merit a response. Simply put, “Watchful” does not believe that our pearl industry has any potential and monies spent in the past or to be spent in the future by government to revive the industry […]

Letters to the Editor

Ag ministers know their stuff

Monday 7 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write in response to the letter to the editor by ‘Grower’ in CINews on January 28. Mr Grower certainly has not visited the outer islands to realise that the islands he mentioned have ideal growing conditions for the vegetables listed all year round. Only difference is that the success rate will be […]

Letters to the Editor

'It wasn't a divine message'

Friday 4 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is a response to Tutai Pere (February 2). Firstly, Christians do not have a hope that is of a general nature across the board. We have hope in our assurance of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ, who saved us from our sins and hell. This is our hope. There is no […]

Letters to the Editor

'Avaiki' branding a fiasco

Friday 4 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Whilst there were many good points in the letter by ‘Watchful’ (CI News February 1) regarding the pearl industry and the CI Pearl Authority (CIPA), statements that millions of dollars have been poured into the pearl sector are rather misleading. Sure, millions of dollars have been poured into CIPA, BCI etc. supposedly to […]

Letters to the Editor

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