Tuesday 8 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The interest generated by the introduction of our new Broadband Plans and lower prices has exceeded my expectations. Despite the letters to CINews, in the first four days since launching our new plans, we have processed over 100 service orders from customers taking advantage of the changes we have introduced. This confirms just […]
Tuesday 8 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I worry about the way Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) is promoting their new plans as being cheaper because the reality maybe the exact opposite. This essentially stems from the way their plans have been put together. I refer specifically to the data-capacity and excess charges in their lower priced plans. By the way, […]
Tuesday 8 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, There is little doubt that Telecom Cook Islands is mounting what can only be viewed as a rear-guard action to continue to enjoy its monopoly position in the Cook Islands. As the Cook Islands’ most loathed business, they will find few supporters amongst local business and residential customers. That is of their own […]
Saturday 5 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Yesterday (Friday) I received a phone call from TM: “We are trimming trees in Upper Tupapa and found a young native bird sitting on a branch. Could you come and get it so we can cut the tree?” I assumed the bird was a Kakaia chick (White Tern), and they have been fed […]
Saturday 5 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As far as I am concerned, I am not the least bit interested to learn how TCI formulates and justifies its charges. At the end of the day the telecommunications industry in the Cook Islands comprises of one player, that being TCI, which makes it a monopoly. This is my interest and what […]
Saturday 5 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is with a thankful heart and a rejoicing spirit that I would like to express my sincere grateful appreciation to the following people (or persons) who, as a result of an accident on Saturday February 19, 2011, comforted and prayed over me in my time of desperation as I struggled for life. […]
Friday 4 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your headline and article in Tuesday’s press by Florence Syme-Buchanan about fishing licences for NCIFC contained many seriously misleading errors which can easily have been researched properly by the writer. A most serious accusation is that NCIFC ‘on-sold’ licences for ‘big profits’ more than what MMR were charging. This was a very specific […]
Thursday 3 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Through your newspaper I think the public has every right to learn more about the royalties that were obtained by local middle men for foreign fishing fleets which were licensed to fish in our country’s waters. The first has to do with those involved in this rort whereby a sizeable chunk of the […]
Thursday 3 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We are really pleased to see the kerbside collection of recyclables happening again. Now the community can separate their recyclables from their general waste and know that they will remain separated. We are hopeful that efforts are being made to send those recyclables to New Zealand. We believe that recyclables should be sent […]
Wednesday 2 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a thank you to the people of Aitutaki from an American flyfisherman. Kia Orana and meitaki for sharing your island. Like many of you, I am a fisherman. I like to catch and eat fish. You can use the spear, the hand line and the net. I use the fly rod. […]
Wednesday 2 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Congratulations to Telecom for their spin on Broadband. Great news for the small user – who will get “hooked” and then have to pay excess charges. But what about the larger user – who continue to be penalised. What is this claim by Telecom “more you buy, the lower the unit cost”? Let’s […]
Wednesday 2 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The other day I received my household’s Telecom bill for the past two months of telecommunications usage. What really concerned me about the TCI bill was the fact that almost $400 of this $500 bill related to the usage of the internet by myself and four, school aged children during the past two […]
Monday 28 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write to contribute to the debate about the dress of the parliamentarians because as minor as it is, it points to bigger concerns as the voters hope for a fresh start. There is value in the attitudes of both George Maggie Angene and Tangata Vavia but there is also an opportunity in […]
Monday 28 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
“Doreen Boggs’ opinion is her own – she does not speak for all Cook Islanders!” a smoke signaller writes to TXT188 in response to her letter to the editor last week. “Sir Geoff has made some mistakes – he’s human just like all of us. I reckon that he will be an awesome Speaker [of […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Gossip is rife that Cabinet recently issued a directive for all future travels of public servants be more transparent and accountable. About time and good on Cabinet for taking a hard stand on those frequent global travellers in the public service who seem to live abroad more than on the island. Word has […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We write regarding the letter to the editor citing freedom of speech as justification for what we would consider to be unsuitable local songs for public airplay. Is freedom unconditional? You have the freedom to drive in Rarotonga, but at the right speed, on the left of the road, without alcohol etc. Does […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Boo hoo for the speaker and his staff who have to wear silly horsehair wigs and black witches’ capes at Parliament. Here’s a novel idea – do away with them! We’re an independent country with our own culture and traditions. Who says we have to slavishly follow mother England’s traditions to the end […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to respond to a rather sensational piece titled ‘Old gowns and patched wigs’ by Florence Syme-Buchanan in yesterday’s paper. My first reaction was, Ahoy! What did I get myself into? Where is the primary issue which you, Florence, raised with me on Wednesday? I am not disputing the facts you […]
Thursday 24 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just completed my passage across the Pacific. The best place we visited has been Suwarrow in the Cook Islands. Besides being absolutely gorgeous locations, the park hosts, James and Apii, made the stay that much better. They were fantastic and taught us a lot about the island and its ecosystem. These […]
Thursday 24 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to the letter headed ‘Looking back’ written by Teariki Simiona in a recent edition. The downsizing of the public service did happen but it happened in July to November/December 1996, not in 1999. By late June 1996 there were 2904 public servants on the pay roll. By 1st January 1997 the […]
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