Letters to the Editor

Internet charges 'plain outrageous'

Tuesday 15 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In skimming your website I happened across a letter that stated, “What really concerned me about the TCI bill was the fact that almost $400 of this $500 bill related to the usage of the internet by myself and four, school aged children during the past two months.” A following letter stated that […]

Letters to the Editor

Hitches at Mire Atu explained

Tuesday 15 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In reply to the letters to the editor on the matter of technical issues at the Mire Atu composters competition, I met with my team who were here for the event to discuss the issues raised, mainly what caused the technical problems leading to these complaints. 1. Feedback – overall this was during […]

Letters to the Editor

Red wine without the alcohol

Monday 14 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Responding to Saturday’s smoke signal Alcholesterol, CITC Pharmacy manager Shannon Saunders writes: “The Ministry of Health article in Thursday’s paper [page 11] recommended ‘Drink alcohol in small amounts’. I am sure what they meant by this was for people to drink responsibly and consider reducing their alcohol consumption if they have health problems. With regards […]

Letters to the Editor

A tax increase is a bigger threat to the country than Telecom

Monday 14 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Telecom critic going under ‘Gumboot maniac’ (CI News March 8) is aptly ‘non de plumed’. There is something manic in his approach where he tries to show he’s a good analyst with information few other people have, because he fails to acknowledge other relevant issues. He writes that Telecom is the most loathed […]

Letters to the Editor

Grow up

Monday 14 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to the leadership and members of the Democratic Party for their decision to support the confidence motion in the new Prime Minister and his government. This is an evidence that our new crop of parliamentarians are showing maturity but I’m sad to see that one of our longest serving members of parliament, […]

Letters to the Editor

Bid for Steve Barrett

Monday 14 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We are dumbfounded, down in the dumps, reeling from shock, to hear that Steve Barrett didn’t win the Island Secretary position for Mauke. Logic told us that as he had been called to represent Mauke at recent meetings planning for the future he must be in. Please tell us this isn’t political. We […]

Letters to the Editor

Our sovereignty was usurped

Monday 14 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have reports of Mr Bruce Ruatapu Mita’s meetings in 2008 and last Thursday night. I also have cuttings of published condemnations and now of Pa Marie’s deprecation of him in your front page story last Friday. I opined that the apparition fibres of all te ‘aka’apa, ‘akakino and scoffing at Mr Mita […]

Letters to the Editor

What if I blew up?

Saturday 12 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you to Thomas Peyroux for explaining a lot about the sound on the night of the composers competition. I was a backup singer on the night and I was getting little electric shocks every time I touched the mic. When I told the soundman I was getting shocks he did nothing. I […]

Letters to the Editor

Is this an attempt to gag?

Saturday 12 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read this article about information being requested by the Clerk of the House. I sincerely hope this is not the first step in an attempt to gag the local news providers. I know from reading your paper over many years (both online and when I am in Raro) that you are not […]

Letters to the Editor

Not the rightful titleholder

Saturday 12 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your front page story yesterday about Marie Rima Desiree George Ani Rima Peyroux known to others as Marie Pa Ariki urging the “ui ariki not to repeat mistakes” amused me. The Pa Ariki title belongs to the Kopu Ariki of the title, that is, to us the descendants of Pa Tepou Taputapuatea Tepuretu […]

Letters to the Editor

Shame on rip-offs

Saturday 12 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am very disgusted to learn that some of our own people will gladly rip off our elderly folks for their own selfish gain. An elderly woman of Ngatangiia was charged $400 for the cutting of her lawns (2), one for $250 and the other for $150. Previously, she had it cut by […]

Letters to the Editor

Don't play vulgar music!

Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On Monday morning while driving to work as usual with the radio on, a Maori song that was playing at about 7.40am caught my attention. I was so outraged at such a low class composition on wife beating. What was this person thinking while composing the song, is it a reflection of himself? […]

Letters to the Editor

Undersea cable could never pay its way

Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am a 22-year-old Cook Islander living in New Zealand. I was living in Rarotonga from 2001 to 2007 and I have seen firsthand how ridiculous the data and speed plans are from dial up to the ‘New Age’ Broadband, and I can tell you after living here in NZ and enjoying 20MB […]

Letters to the Editor

Help repatriate Cook Islanders

Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Since the calamity of the earthquake in Christchurch coupled by the loss of lives in a disaster so devastating for the people of Christchurch and the entire nation, it is good to hear the Cook Islands Community in Christchurch coming together to provide spiritual and emotional support amongst each other during these difficult […]

Letters to the Editor

Very murky waters

Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The new Speaker of the House is operating in very murky waters. The other unelected parliamentarian in the Pacific who has problems with the media is in Fiji. Under our Constitution the Government can appoint an additional number of parliamentarians who have the right to speak but not to vote in the house. […]

Letters to the Editor


Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is ridiculous… perhaps Sir Geoffrey genuinely feels he has cause for complaint but it’s time journalism stopped apologising for doing its job and I can’t think of anyone better than John Woods to ever so politely suggest there might be other priorities facing parliament such as chronic under attendance and unbridled executive […]

Letters to the Editor

Sound training not finished

Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Regarding the sound quality at the national auditorium, I came down to tutor trainees in 2005 who later became the best auditorium technical crew up until mid 2010. In late 2010 I was asked to return to tutor a fresh crew after the `best’ were dismissed for unbelievable personal issues. I could not […]

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for shopping spree

Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As the winner of the $500 shopping spree for the Valentine’s Day draw at the T-Shirt Factory, I would personally like to thank everyone involved. It was great fun, and it took me three trips to complete shopping for this very generous prize. Thank you for treating me so wonderfully. It was the […]

Letters to the Editor

PSC should write a public service manual

Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It has become standard practice for incoming Governments to launch attacks on their inherited (and supposedly bloated) public service as a means of quickly shifting expenditure to their own programmes. However, in the Cook Islands it is not supported by the facts. This past financial year the public service under-spent. In some ministries […]

Letters to the Editor

Poor sound at auditorium

Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I speak in regards to the Composers Competition held last week at the National Auditorium. I have been a regular to this event for the last four years and somehow the quality of the sound this year was terrible. I feel for the composers and singers, for their restless nights to prepare for […]

Letters to the Editor

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