Tuesday 12 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My wife and I have just returned from holidaying in Rarotonga and I would like to thank the lady on a scooter who found my wallet on the road outside the airport about two hours before we were due to leave. She went into the airport and found my wife and returned it […]
Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have read Toi Tu Rahui’s letter in Cook Islands news dated Tuesday 29 March 2011 and I would like to have part of his genealogy corrected. Rahui said that Okimano (which should have been Akimano) and Rangi Makea’s father is Makea Komako. This Makea’s real name is Makea Te Konako (Our 4th […]
Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Government’s plea to have aid donors just hand their money over and the Cook Islands will take care of the rest, was a real blunder for the Prime Minister (CINews April 9). Quoting “the strength of government’s financial management systems” was very bad timing. There are already finance systems in place and the […]
Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The Perth Mint has announced that it has released the first in a set of five Cook Islands coins that honours the Battle of Midway. The coins are collector’s items and cannot be used as legal tender. The newly-released coin is part of a Famous Naval Battles coin set – the front of the coin […]
Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read last week’s story about the American visitors being rescued after they attempted the cross island trek. In the article the visitors stated that the hike was referred to in guidebooks as a relatively easy hike. As the two couples found out, it is by no standards an easy hike. As a […]
Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s exciting to see funding has come through for Waste Management. I’m just hoping that all aspects of waste are being addressed. From farm animal and human sewerage, reducing landfill, recycling organic matter, all the way to what to do with industrial waste e.g. whiteware, poor quality imports that very quickly end up […]
Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki te Etita, E te ‘Not 100% Kaakaa’ – Eaa kua mataora koe ia Nane Oaariki raua ko Tumu Mauke. Tu mai ki te atea akariia mai koe. Eaa koe e manako e te ngaro ara koe ki muri i te pu mt. Te na konei oki teia imene “uri taku aro ki te itinga […]
Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I totally agree with the Ipukarea Society’s views on protecting fishing stocks in our EEZ. Tuna stocks have plummeted in other oceans across the globe with some species on the brink of collapse. There are plenty of current documentaries highlighting the plight of the world’s oceans being overfished. Spanish fleets are now fishing […]
Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to thank Jules Maher from Telecom for his letter in response to my one previously. He is quite right in saying that you can still get a cheaper fare today if you book in advance. Today the fares have gone down a great deal. But really it went down because of […]
Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Cook Islands traditional motifs belong to Cook Islands people. Neither Cook Islands News nor Turtles own Cook Islands traditional designs, Cook Islands Maori people do. However, we thank you for drawing attention to the worst imitations of Cook Islands traditonal motifs on fabric available in the Cook Islands today. Apart from the ngaru […]
Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m appalled after reading your article ‘Rugby gear pulled from sale’ on April 5 for a number of misguided statements and quotes that have been made. 1. “the graphics on the clothing are plagiarized from designs Turtles did for the official rugby jerseys for the national team” I’d like to see proof that […]
Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is my response to Yvonne and Olivia Heather of Vonnia’s. Please note that Turtles has had a contract with the Cook Islands Rugby Union for three years and it was just following a process when we rang Ben Koteka yesterday. The only problem is the use of the CI Rugby logo which […]
Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to the article in CINews on Tuesday 5 April headed ‘Rugby gear pulled from sale’ which has had direct impact on our business, with absolutely no request to respond to this article from CINews before it went to print. I am disappointed that John Woods has sought legal […]
Monday 4 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have thought long and hard about writing this letter to the editor and how the message would be received. I went out with my friends for a few drinks at various bars, namely Hideaway where I know the staff well enough and enjoy the great atmosphere, and Trader Jacks where I can […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Marine Park Trust in my opinion is a fraud and should not be allowed to proceed without proper public consultation. Rumours are that the perpetrators of this scam are politicians and a couple of Heads of Ministries (HOMs) with one prominent business person. One particular HOM is a person that I believe […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is so sad to read the bitter and negative comments made in your column by ‘Eye Witness’ on Wednesday March 30. My heart aches in knowing that ‘Eye Witness’ extended her resentment to my dedicated and highly committed players who rightly deserve recognition. Thank you Matariki (Wilson) for your fair comment – […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to comment on a letter to the editor published last week from ‘Blue eyed leader’. Since the letter appeared in the paper attacking Lloyd Miles, I have found that in order for Blue Eyes to save himself and his family further embarrassment, they are now trying to spread a rumour that […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Avatiu Netball Executive missed my point here. I am not referring to the calibre of the Avatiu team, who plays in their team and how old their players are. I merely reiterated what the news reporter stated in her news article which I found one sided. All the other clubs can afford to […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Punanga Tauturu Inc totally supports the letter by Hoana Matapo regarding the voyeuristic type of reporting with regards to the case of indecent assault. PTI has previously highlighted this type of reporting with the Editor of CINews not only to protect the victim but to also reduce further victimisation of women and girls […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you for the letter headed “Racism alive and well’, however I would like to point out that the proper reference to “the AIDS case” is “person living with HIV”. There is a difference between HIV and AIDS and rightfully the “case” you’re referring to is person living with HIV case. Lavenia Rokoika […]
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