Letters to the Editor

Real genealogy changed

Tuesday 26 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To you Rahui, the truth has been hidden for so long that not many people knew the truth about this Makea family genealogy until my sister Stella and I did an extensive research guided by our God and ancestors from August 2007 to June 2008. We found documents in the courts twinked out, […]

Letters to the Editor

Never had ariki

Tuesday 26 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Mr John Uri, by his letter on 23 April, appeared to have, with respect, misunderstood mine on 14 March. I only alluded to the long-time suppressed academic question of the constitutional legitimacy of our government, judiciary, parliament, and laws today since our native Cook Islanders sovereignty was usurped by the Colony of New […]

Letters to the Editor

Our country denied its constitutional legitimacy

Saturday 23 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I note with interest the inspired input from previous writers to your editorial column regarding the role of the Ui Ariki (Marie Pa Ariki, 16/3) and questions over the origin and legality of the countrys constitution (Joseph Ka, 14/3). The diversity of views over the Ui Ariki and whether they have a role […]

Letters to the Editor

Its a clear conflict of interest

Thursday 21 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In reference to Paul Allsworths audit report on the conflict of interest faced by Minister Teariki Heather, I find it improperly inconclusive. The Audit report found 1. MOIP hired T&M as the main contractors for various roading and beautification projects well before Heather was appointed to public office. 2. T&M is MOIPs preferred […]

Letters to the Editor

Rorting of the public goes on

Thursday 21 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The shareholder of the Cook Islands biggest monopoly is at it again. Yep, Telecom Cook Islands 60% shareholder, Telecom New Zealand, have just been fined $12 million, the highest ever imposed under New Zealands Commerce Act, for anti-competitive behaviour. Justice Hansen said in a decision released on Tuesday that Telecoms conduct was injurious […]

Letters to the Editor

Good on you, Sam

Thursday 21 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the smoke signaller who criticised Sam Crocombe for his speech at the economic summit and to yesterdays letter on the subject. I want to ask: are you really this shallow? What has a proud Cook Islander like Sam Crocombes political career got to do with the way […]

Letters to the Editor

Wharf sheds to be cleared

Wednesday 20 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I listened to the parliament debate on Monday afternoon and am very disappointed if the message relayed to the house by one MP is to be implemented. The MP stated that after speaking to the owner of the national shipping company in Rarotonga, Taio Shipping, he learned the company has been warned/advised that […]

Letters to the Editor

Best test to use native tongue

Wednesday 20 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with professional interest the correspondence concerning Sam Crocombes intervention in Maori at the recent Economic Summit. May I reiterate that it was with professional interest. I concede that Mr Crocombe is a very close personal friend but the matters I would like to present go far deeper than any personalities or […]

Letters to the Editor

Sorry, sold out!

Wednesday 20 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, First stop, Kai Moana Seafood. I was surprised to see a window that was empty of fish. The sign read: Frozen New Zealand Fish Fillets. Next stop, Ocean Fresh. The sign read: Sorry, we have sold out! Next stop, Fish For Sail on the back road. The sign read: CLOSED. Next stop, The […]

Letters to the Editor

Manihiki lands for betterment of all?

Tuesday 19 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is quite interesting reading of the Manihiki airport incidents and how people can come up with their personal interest in the airport lands ownership. They talk about how traditional customs are still valued, but are they sure of that? There are people in the extended families who still have the rights to […]

Letters to the Editor

Criticism of te reo gutless, insulting

Saturday 16 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is in response to your smoke signaller’s comments (Friday April 15) about me. I want to spell out very clearly to this gutless prick, that I am a Cook Islander with a culture and a language and that is my identity and I am proud of it, and which entitles me with […]

Letters to the Editor

MOU puts us at risk

Saturday 16 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is quite disappointing that Minister Teina Bishop has placed his signature on the MOU with the Chinese for purse seine fishing, exploratory or otherwise. I wonder whether he understands the risk he has placed on this country’s fishing resource. Maybe the PM will come on board and relook at this deal. I […]

Letters to the Editor

Some Aitutaki home owners upset

Friday 15 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Firstly we would like to say that we are very grateful to the Cook Islands and New Zealand Governments for their invaluable support and assistance to Aitutaki during and after the cyclone Pat. We are also grateful to Peter Scantlebury from the NZaid that has worked tirelessly over the past 12 months in […]

Letters to the Editor

Alistair Campbell exhibition outstanding

Friday 15 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last night my family and I had the privilege of attending the opening of the Alistair Te Ariki Campbell Exhibition at the Pataka Museum in Porirua. The exhibition celebrates the life of one of NZ’s greatest poets and one of Tongareva, Penrhyn Island’s greatest sons. To sit at the opening of that exhibition […]

Letters to the Editor

The economic reality of agriculture

Thursday 14 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, At Tuesday’s Economic Summit meeting, when the topic was agriculture, we ran out of time (lunch pending) so I was not able to speak. Therefore I would like to use this medium to say what I wanted to say: The economic reality of the agriculture industry here is that it is very hard […]

Letters to the Editor

Dance for ourselves

Thursday 14 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Economic Summit is all about money and making a living, each of us and as a nation. But in the arts this is best achieved somewhat indirectly. Although it might be okay to label the arts “Creative Industries” for administrative reasons, this label does not indicate a working formula for the production […]

Letters to the Editor

Sewerage scheme already planned, costed

Thursday 14 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I listened with interest to Des Eggleton’s very reasoned arguments for the centralisation and disposal of sewage waste at Wednesday’s Summit. In the lead up to the last general election, I endeavoured to interest those candidates who approached me to address this very question and urged them to seek out a report prepared […]

Letters to the Editor

Facts first, for fishery

Thursday 14 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have followed with interest the debate regarding the issue of proposed purse seining in Cook Islands waters. Having been involved in fisheries management for a number of years I am concerned that “good stories” seems to be getting in the way of a number of relevant facts. It is absolutely correct for […]

Letters to the Editor

Tataia te nuti ki roto i te reo Maori

Wednesday 13 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana ete Etita, Te tatau nei au ite pepa Kuki Airani, teia te tata anga i runga ite kapi mua “Cook Islands News” Kia eeu au ite kapi pou rava i roto ite pepa ate Kuki Airani, kare takiri e potonga i roto ite pepa ate Kuki Airani e kua tata ia ki roto […]

Letters to the Editor

Don't be fooled by this person

Tuesday 12 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest the latest chapter of the Bruce Mita trouble making dissertations. I can say with my hand on my heart that during my time as Police Commissioner there was never any pressure on me from any politician from either side of the house to make an arrest of any person […]

Letters to the Editor

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