Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor So after several months the PSC terminates the employment of a senior Public Servant without giving the public specific reasons and says he can say no more because it is being referred to the Police for further investigations and it would be unfair to the accused! Excuse me. The public was under the […]
Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Now that Minister Bishop has finished announcing to the nation what a bad MP I am, then moving motions to the Privilege Committee of Parliament which included having my seat declared vacant, it is time I need to ask questions about him: (1) Does the MP for Arutanga, Reureu and Nikaupara have a […]
Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Ive just seen on One News a Coroner issuing death certificates for the nine Christchurch earthquake victims who couldnt be identified by forensics. This act is giving some closure to families of the nine lost people, closure that is very much needed to help families and friends recover and move on. Of course, […]
Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We have been trying to keep a lid on surf in the Cook Islands for past 15 years and longer. Now its going to be exploited. The Cook Islands is and should remain a tourist destination for families (who spend money). Surfers are generally backpackers, who come on the cheap, and just want […]
Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing in utter disappointment in regards to the Titikaveka Reserve League Team that I (Ty Connal) proudly sponsor. Cook Islands Rugby League Committee have kicked the Titikaveka Reserve League Team out of the competition because we were trying to prove a point as we have nine SDA players in our team, […]
Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Those like Tongareva MP Wilkie Rasmussen who oppose any form of purse seine fishing in our waters should be commended. Similar to the outlawed drift net fishing, purse seine fishing is extremely destructive. Sweeping up every living sea creature in its path tuna, sharks, turtles, birds, other fish species this type of fishing […]
Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am responding to the letter Justice must be served published on Tuesday, May 10. Yvonne, her partner and young family have to live with the stigma for the rest of their lives. You are correct, the judge should have used his/her noodle and shown compassion and given her a grace period, but […]
Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In answer to Yolande Brownes letter of April 10, you said that you have seen words twinked out and wording changed or written over. We did not work in the land court registry for you to point fingers at the whole Te Pa Atua Kino family. For your information, Makea Te Pa Atua […]
Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would be very careful if I was Norman George relying on NZ Parliamentary rules. The system relies on members applying for leave from their party whips because of the pairing system. It also requires members who absent themselves from the House to seek leave from the speaker. In the past NZ MPs […]
Thursday 12 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your reporter Rosie Mains must be from another planet. At no time did I say that I refused to attend Parliament on the 17th of February because I was left out of Cabinet. When I did not bother to correct it the first time your newspaper published this fiction, I ignored it hoping […]
Wednesday 11 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am responding to the letter Justice must be served published on Tuesday, May 10. Well, whoever you are it seems like you dont have any children. Yes justice must be served but not in a cruel way, my dear. As mothers we must be strong, clever and have the strength to fight […]
Wednesday 11 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Id just like to make a few comments regarding the article Affordable Telecom plans to offer more published on Saturday, May 7. I think Mr Jules Maher touched on an important point about the size of the population of the Cook Islands being too small to support competition and to some degree this […]
Wednesday 11 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write to say that I, as the Member of Parliament for Tongareva (Penrhyn,) and the island oppose the Governments plans to explore the possibility of purse seine fishing in the Cook Islands. If this goes ahead it will be a most foolish exercise and will have the most devastating effect on our […]
Tuesday 10 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, May I write in regard to the Smoke Signal that yesterday suggested that action could have been taken earlier regarding the low level of local involvement in the port contract. In fact, some weeks ago before the contractor was present on the island, I met with members of the Cabinet on this very […]
Tuesday 10 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am responding to the letter Mothers incarceration a mockery published on Monday, May 9. I cannot come to any agreement by the kind of thinking of Yvonnes so-called closely knit family in regards to what she has done to her employer. My sympathy goes out to Mr Smith whose business had suffered […]
Tuesday 10 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to respond to the release of an article in your paper on Friday May 6 relating to my appointment as the Financial Secretary. First point I wish to outline is that the review of employment matters or processes is the job of the Office of the Public Service Commission, not the […]
Monday 9 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to recent letters and smoke signals. First, let me acknowledge that, blinded by the outrageous references to boiler in your rag, I did make an inaccurate reference to the RMS Maitai as SS… I have been cowering in my office, flailing myself with a damp cloth, awaiting a visit from Don […]
Monday 9 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We have to give Norman George some credit, its not his fault that the CIP took him in as member for Atiu, they all know what George is like and yet they still accepted him into their fold. George is just a great tactician and a good teller of stories just like any […]
Monday 9 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am responding to Ewan Smiths letter in your issue of Wednesday May 4. I would like to correct Mr Smith on a few understandings on what has been a most traumatic time for those involved concerning Yvonne Quarters court case. Please understand that the family of Yvonne in no way condone her […]
Monday 9 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Reuben Tylers searching questions in his letter in Saturdays CINews set alarm bells ringing which hopefully are peeling in MMRs ears! Toagate2 would be a blockbuster that would dwarf Toagate1. But instead of making our own favourite son rich, it would put millions into the foreign purse seiners. Imagine the scenario: In the […]
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