Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I refer to Norman Georges letter to the editor in your paper dated, 3 June 2011, asking government to introduce a Police Complaints Authority which is probably a good idea. However, I would like to assure members of the community and visitors that they do not need to wait for one to be […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Katas cartoon in your paper of 3 June 2011, referred to my best detective being charged for smoking pot. I categorically refute this and would like to assure members of our community including our visitors that my best detectives are still serving with me, and working tirelessly and to the best of their […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki te Editor Kare rava au e rekareka ana i teia aronga kite surfing rubbish e te akatu are ki Maina Iti. Ko Maina Iti ko Maina atupaka rai ia its part of big Maina. Noai ma teia motu no matou ma atu enua- Elia family 7 acres yes I am a land owner- Avei […]
Friday 10 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Wow, work is getting underway at the wharf but when I asked someone what was it for he said it was for the cruise ships, so the cruise ships can berth and turn around. I thought to myself, what a waste of money building a pathway for cruise ships to turn around. Havent […]
Friday 10 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Because the results of the Cook Islands vs. Fiji game had not been announced on the radio for the whole of Wednesday unlike the wins against PNG and Samoa, I called the CISNOC office on Thursday morning eager to find out how they did. But, to my surprise, the response from the person […]
Thursday 9 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I would like offer my support to Yvonne Quarter and her family. I do not condone breaking the law at any time. It is evident that Yvonne and her family have already paid a very heavy price for her actions – public humiliation and condemnation, financial and emotional stress, happy yet? No, lets […]
Wednesday 8 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, When he first came into power the Minister for Infrastructure, Teariki Heather, made certain that the condition of the roads around Rarotonga were brought up to a reasonable standard. Although the work carried out by road works was far from satisfactory, motorists were generally happy with the road maintenance as they did not […]
Wednesday 8 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The answer from the Environment Service to my letter about the mud and possible sewage running down the road on hospital hill is unbelievable, Buried waste a public heath risk, published June 2. Is Vavia Tangatataia trying to say those two big mud flows didnt happen? I wasnt talking about some old dry […]
Tuesday 7 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, How boring it is to see nothing at all interesting on CITV. All through the day we see Australia network and after 11 pm we see Australia network again -wow. Whats the point of Computer Man paying for the same old advertisement with the same old special on a phone which is selling […]
Tuesday 7 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor The hermit crab article in Saturdays paper Ecosystems deserve some consideration was a thought provoking story. Even I, who knows the issues, dont want to hear that I need to think more broadly when I crave ariri, paua or eke! People just wont stop eating their traditional food especially when it is so […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I cant understand why in Fiji there is still state censorship of the media and restriction on free speech four and half years after the 2006 coup? That might be the post coup regimes way of shaping a better Fiji but it is not a very convincing way, is it? I think it […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, With all the media coverage of the Mauke water project success, I take my hat off for to the project manager, Ngateina Rani. Congratulations for the excellent accomplishment of this water project and the effort you have made. You have made us really proud and shows that you able to prove your academic […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Referring to the letter We like to enjoy our waves as they are published on May 21 and others on the subject of surf tours. I was not showing a one-way attitude I was just talking about the types of accommodations that tourists like to live in. I did not put down the […]
Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am very concerned a month after an elderly mans death CI News has confronted the police with information that he could have been murdered, with Thursdays story Death may be probed. There have been reports of Operation Eagle day in day out but nothing at all about a murder. A few years […]
Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, While we all congratulate the Police with their results in Operation Eagle, there are other areas of great concern to me. On Thursday it was reported that the Police Commissioner was considering reopening the cause of death of a man in Matavera last week, Death may be probed. When a body displays a […]
Wednesday 1 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Not all retailers are delighted at being turned over by Telecom, a smoke signaller writes in response to yesterdays smokie on E-Cards. Switching from 20 percent to 7 percent margin is only part of the problem. Providing till-roll, internet and increased shopkeeper time (now most of the transactions are at the $5 level) means that […]
Wednesday 1 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, What a deal for wanting to do a good thing! The aim of the recent two week surf mission was to introduce the Australian people to the beauty of the Cook Islands through a Track Magazine article, to be produced within the next three months. Businesses in the Cook Islands were keen to […]
Wednesday 1 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Until recently, the main drivers internationally for e-government have been efficiency gains and effective delivery of policy outcomes. The focus has now shifted to other objectives such as improving services, increasing accountability and facilitating engagement with the public. I was encouraged by the statements made by Finance Minister Mark Brown in Saturdays paper […]
Monday 30 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Over the last few years we have been doing early morning fitness walks up hospital hill. In the past when we got about three-quarters of the way up we often used to walk through the delightful smell of raw sewage wafting down from the hospitals septic tanks. Now a large area of hillside […]
Monday 30 May 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just returned from a week in Aitutaki – my fifth visit there. I spent two days on the beautiful lagoon. I visited Honeymoon Island and was extremely disturbed to see construction taking place on this island amongst the nesting ground of the Red-Tailed Tern. To hear that the kite-surfing championships, in […]
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