Letters to the Editor

Planned tax a can of worms

Tuesday 12 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The CIPs 15 per cent tax on interest is a can of worms waiting to spill out. This Mark Brown tax has all the hallmarks of a doomed fiscal policy gone terribly wrong. It wasnt in the CIP manifesto and wasnt even discussed at the Economic Summit. Mark Brown admits that this new […]

Letters to the Editor

Rarotonga becoming a no-go zone?

Monday 11 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Its just sad to read about all the burglaries and breakins that are happening on Rarotonga especially at tourist accommodations. Actually, Im bringing two disabled adults who have saved for this trip for a visit during Constitution Week in a couple of weeks. I would hate our visit to be spoilt by such […]

Letters to the Editor

Burglary news shocking

Monday 11 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am so shocked to read about the amount of burglaries happening in Rarotonga, especially to tourists. I grew up in Rarotonga for the first 14 years of my life before moving to New Zealand and I have never read so many stories about burglaries in one go. Our people must be struggling […]

Letters to the Editor

Whats going on with the games?

Monday 11 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor I write in regards to the South Pacific (SPG) and Pacific Games (PG) sagas of eligibility. It is sad to see (as it was for the Pacific Games in Rarotonga in 2009) that some of our athletes were unable to represent their country due to the new charter that was decided upon in […]

Letters to the Editor

Aitutaki Hospital burns toxic waste

Saturday 9 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I must say that when it comes to our health, we tend to rely on our health system to help us but what puzzles me is the fact that, they seem to have no knowledge of toxic waste being burnt in a residential area. I am referring to the Aitutaki Hospital who openly […]

Letters to the Editor

Outward migration a grave threat

Saturday 9 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Unquestionably the biggest threat this small nation faces is the continued loss of its people through outward migration. If the trend continues at the current pace, the countrys local indigenous population will probably all but have vanished to Australia and New Zealand within a generation span, and probably replaced by peoples of NZ, […]

Letters to the Editor

Stop buying phosphate soaps

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Manea Foods and a few other grocery and drygoods importers recently received a polite note from Mata Hetland of the Muri Environment Care Team wondering why Rarotonga stores still sell wash powders that contain phosphates. Matas concern is, of course, that phosphates can create all kinds of problems with our lagoons. Behind Matas […]

Letters to the Editor

Its hopelessly impractical

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The last minute measure of the proposed withholding tax on interest has not been thought through fully. Most borrowers from the banks make monthly payments of fixed amounts. The bank applies part of the payment to interest and part to principal repayment. The interest rate doesnt change but the interest amount changes every […]

Letters to the Editor

Tax proposal will implode

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The proposed new tax of 15% by MFEM on the peoples hard earned savings is not the right way to go. It is penalising people who have built some hard earned savings over the many years and discouraging them and others from saving. Surely MFEM is not that desperate to advise the Minister […]

Letters to the Editor

A bad idea

Thursday 7 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Like many pensioners here I rely on the interest on my savings with the bank to supplement my $92.30 a week government pension and now the government is proposing to take 15% of that interest. That means a pretty big paycut for my family. This month my electricity bill will rise by about […]

Letters to the Editor

Quick fix tax will not be good

Thursday 7 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write to express my view on the proposed 15% tax on peoples savings as reported in your paper dated July 6. I wish to make a humble plea to the CIP Government to do the right thing and the very thing they are proposing as a plan to improve Government revenue by […]

Letters to the Editor

Brussels office cut from budget

Wednesday 6 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to respond to the article Beefed up foreign presence planned that appeared in the July 5 issue of Cook Islands News. After detailed consultations with the Minister responsible for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI), the Deputy Prime Minister, this Ministry submitted a number of specific initiatives for possible […]

Letters to the Editor

Animal clinic denies stealing dog

Wednesday 6 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A local dog owner is furious that her dog was taken without her knowledge by the Esther Honey animal clinic to be de-sexed. Virginia Wiig claims vets from the clinic stole her dog Lady and spayed the pregnant dog without her consent. In a number of email exchanges with the editor and the Esther Honey […]

Letters to the Editor

Take action to avert catastrophe

Tuesday 5 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last weeks speech from the throne made specific reference to this government working tirelessly to establish the Cook Islands as the cleanest and greenest place in the world. A very ambitious commitment for any government to make but certainly a worthy cause. To prove to the people of this country that the clean […]

Letters to the Editor

Trader Jacks is the best

Tuesday 5 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to reply to the letter dated June 29 and headed Food poisoning claim answered (if you allow this comment to be printed). I strongly oppose this letter that was posted in your newspaper. How can Michael and Natashia Lucas accuse a premises of food poisoning, where is their proof? Where are […]

Letters to the Editor

Leader was great to know

Tuesday 5 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just reading Cook Islands News online and its a shock to read about Keri Hermans passing away. Belated condolences to his family and friends. I worked with Keri at Tereora College from 1991 – 1994. He certainly was a leader and an intelligent person. Great knowing you. Aere Ra. Mathew Tauia Auckland, New […]

Letters to the Editor

Sad to say

Monday 4 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Its so sad to read letters from non-blood related Yolande Browne so sad, the real Patuakino was murdered killed by papaa and changed their papaa name and used Patuakino. Read Years Of The Poo-Bah as its in this book there is some of the truth. Now you people bring Tangiia and Karika as […]

Letters to the Editor

Ceremony a sad indictment

Monday 4 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is an ironic yet sad indictment on the current government that they chose to spend an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money on a lavish and redundant ceremony on the day they also decide to release the CIP government budget to the people of the Cook Islands. Its is also very sad to […]

Letters to the Editor

Plea to MPs

Monday 4 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Of late, there has been a noticeable rise in burglaries, thieving, dishonesty and outright disrespect for the laws of our land and in particular targeting the tourism industry and our visitors. It also seems obvious to me that there are certain elements in our society who are preying on the hard work of […]

Letters to the Editor

Photo blunder

Saturday 2 July 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a regular reader of the Cook Island News in Cook Islands and NZ (copies are sent to Auckland University, where I study), I feel bound to comment on one of your leading article in the CINews dated July 1. This article comments on the South Pacific Games being no longer a World […]

Letters to the Editor

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